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Media is too big
Wtf. Kid Rock just said that he saw Paul Pelosi,his son, and many celebrities at the Bohemian Grove by the Moloch statue and Joe Rogan just acted like this was normal.
Are people waking up yet? This kind of rhetoric is literally becoming normal in the public and it's wild to see how far we've come.
"The first evening and you gather around the owl by this lake. It was a long time ago. This is some real secret ass shit man. There is just a trove of celebrities. Everywhere you turn...I had some fun there. It was weird. I met Paul Pelosi and his son. Chris Matthews. Having conversations. Had to play my guitar, I feel so used. It's like an unspoken requirement. You need to take your guitar over there if you want to be in good graces."
This clip is wild.
The conspiracy theorists were right about EVERYTHING. X
H/T https://t.me/gatewaypunditofficial/44098
Why does Kid Rock feel comfortable disclosing the fact he went to the Bohemian Grove?
I'm curious what everyone's thoughts are.
Is this a soft disclosure?
Does he feel safe to speak this now?
I have so many questions.
Morning Patriots. What's habbening.
Morning News Update

Arrest them all

Kari Lake knows how rigged it is

He is all of us

They are making the AI woke af

She's probably enjoying all that extra cash

Italy knows biden sucks

Gemini is ghey

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Daily morale boost thread for frens. ๐Ÿธ
Post your best keks, memes, positive news stories for people to read in the comments below.  ๐Ÿ‘‡ ๐Ÿ‘‡๐Ÿ‘‡
Forwarded from Jordan Sather

Lord Jacob Rothschild has died
Morning Patriots. What's habbening.
Morning News Update

Ronna McShill stepping down in March

Imagine my shock. Nulvany actually died of natural causes. Its always a psyop.

These farmers got heart

Xi and AI

Good riddance psychopath

That's because people are waking up



Zelensky is high while talking to the media. We're giving a drug addiction billions lol. It's a Perfect wake up call for normies.

Guy sets himself on fire in front of the Israeli embassy in protest

Al Sharpton is a racist

Some positive election news

Conspiracy theorists are right

No investigation needed. It was the CIA and Ukraine


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Daily morale boost thread for frens. ๐Ÿธ
Post your best keks, memes, positive news stories for people to read in the comments below.  ๐Ÿ‘‡ ๐Ÿ‘‡๐Ÿ‘‡
Media is too big
It's time to start asking ourselves what kind of skeletons Bob Costas has hiding in his closet because this is some extremely unhinged derangement syndrome he is currently exhibiting.
"He (Trump) is by far the most disgraceful figure in modern Presidential history. He is a bubbling cauldron of loathsome traits...You have to be in the throes of some kind of toxic delusion to believe that Donald Trump has ever been emotionally, psychologically, intellectually fit to be President of the United States. There is no cult of Joe Biden."
So which part did he hate about what Trump did? When he was the only President in modern history that didn't get us into another pointless military industrial complex war? Or was it when he declared war on human trafficking and Epstein Island shut down under his watch?
Or was it when he exposed the entire corrupt uniparty system to the world?
What kind of corruption is Bob hiding?
Forwarded from KanekoaTheGreat
Media is too big
๐ŸšจThe New York Times disclosed yesterday that the CIA built "12 Secret Spy Bases" in Ukraine, waging a shadow war against Russia for the past decade.

After a U.S.-supported violent coup toppled Ukraine's democratically elected government, CIA Director John Brennan visited Kyiv in April 2014.

Shortly after, the new Ukrainian government launched an "anti-terror operation" against its Russian-speaking citizens in Eastern Ukraine.

For eight years leading up to Russia's invasion in 2022, Ukraine's government, with help from the CIA, relentlessly bombed Eastern Ukraine.

Millions of innocent civilians were caught in the crossfire of a geopolitical chess match between Russia and the United States.

This is part of the story often ignored by the Western press.


Forwarded from ๐Ÿ’› Love Light โœจ๐Ÿ’ซโœจ
Good morning Pepe and frens.
My baby girl, Honey, has a lump on her inner thigh. I took her to the vet last week and she couldnโ€™t get a good enough needle aspiration sample to see what it is. Honey goes back on Wednesday for a biopsy. This sweet girl is my life. Please frens pray for my baby girl ๐Ÿ™ itโ€™s not time for her to leave me, sheโ€™s only 7.
Media is too big
The woman that attempted to oust Trump from office through the RussiaGate collusion hoax, Fiona Hill, ironically says that Trump's claim that America takes out their political opponents is degrading the United States.
She literally tried to take Donald Trump out alongside Hillary Clinton and frame him for treason but she has the gall to pretend like America doesn't commit heinous crimes.
Not only this, but Hillary Clinton's friends who commit suicide list is the size of the population of Nebraska and everyone knows it.
Everything the mainstream media says is a lie.
That's all they can stand on.
The truth will set America free.
Forwarded from Travis
Could you imagine Russia secretly working with Mรฉxico to โ€œretake โ€ Texas. Once itโ€™s done they put bio labs on the border of Oklahoma, and some military bases on the border with Louisiana. Then start attacking those folks in Texas that remained loyal to the U.S. We wouldnโ€™t take one second of that shit, and we canโ€™t expect Russia to either.
On July 17th, 2013 the Epstein flight logs show a flight from Epstein Island into Teterboro, New Jersey, which is only 40 minutes away from none other than club Le Baron in New York City. They stayed for two days and then flew out on the 19th where they went stopped at MIT and went back to Epstein Island.
Now check the Q drop where he mentions that the "date is very important." Club Le Baron was running a "U.S. Royalty" live event on July 19th. This cannot be a coincidence. Epstein was literally right in this exact vicinity when Club Le Baron hosted a US Royalty event where Chandler posted security camera footage gloating about how untouchable she really was. This is just further proof that Q knew all about what went down that night.
How did Q know that the date was very important?
Three Sevens, one of the best diggers I know, found this gem of information. This validates Q even further in my opinion.
Who do you think was in attendance that night? Because I have some theories...

This is an addendum to our previous thread:
Media is too big
Listen very closely.
The Lady Rothschild introduced Jeffrey Epstein to Alan Dershowitz, Bill Clinton and Prince Andrew yet the FBI is hiding her name from the public.
Why would the Rothschilds be connecting Epstein to all of these influential people as if they were his handler?
One of the heads of the snake is none other than the Rothschild banking family.
Jacob Rothschild was an integral part of that beast.
Epstein was blackmailing your politicians, your celebrities, and your media. X
Media is too big
The world feels just a little safer today now that one of the Rothschild overlords has left the earth. Their legacy is that of heinous crimes, robbery, and elitism beyond anything the populace can imagine.
In the span of a few months, we have now seen a Rothschild and the infamous Henry Kissinger exit stage left.
Notice how Jacob acts when someone he considers a sheep confronts him with the truth. Stunned near speechless. A prescient comment in hindsight.
"We just want to let you know that the New World Order has no legitimacy. And that we as a people are not afraid. And we are waking up to the robber barons and the big bankers who are looting this economy with the Federal Reserve."
Babylon is falling
Take your bets. Who will be the next cultist to go down?
Forwarded from Greg Manicotti
Pepe. I love you so much. You seem to be a real cat. In times when all is unsure. I have a friend who's husband is in ICU with sepsis and a perforated bowel. With the current healthcare climate. This man needs prayers. You helped me out before. And it worked. We need some prayers. Love you Pepe.
Morning Patriots. What's habbening.