ULTRA Pepe Lives Matter ๐Ÿธ
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Media is too big
Chloe Cole gives a powerful testimony against mutilating our children as a former transgender.
Incredible bravery.
Worth a listen.

"My store is a cautionary tale...How did we get to this point? How did we get to the point where nearly every pediatric institution in the country considers it best practice to remove the healthy breasts of children while administering drugs typically used to castrate high risk sex offenders. Raising these important questions is not bigoted...People across the entire political spectrum, who believe that this practice is morally wrong, have been told that they are facists are bigots for even questioning this atrocity...
There is no second chance at childhood. So we must do our best as adults to guide our children to pathways that lead to healthy bodies and minds instead of depression and disfigurement. No child deserves to suffer under the knife of a gender affirming surgeon. America's children, all children, deserve better."
Forwarded from Bryant Cantrell
Pepe, great news!!! We all need personal validation in our own lives. It's great to read of others and their family and friends awakening, but when it happens in "your" family it becomes even more real and validated.

My sister has a 27 year old daughter who is talented and smart and, like so many others, has been programmed to worship fashion, Disney, all things pop-star related, etc, etc. Well, the other day she walks downstairs and says, "Mom, do you know what the illuminati is? Did you know the pope is evil?"

My sister said, "Yes, honey. Welcome to the great awakening. How did you find out?"

Her daughter replied, "It's all over Tik Tok."

Oh my!!!! I cannot tell you how awesome it was when my mom related this recent happening to me. It's happening, folks!!! Q is genius !!!!!!!!!
Is Truth Social acting strange for anyone else or is it just me?
Media is too big
Viganรฒ called for an anti globalist alliance and international tribunals:

"In the face of this global coup d'รฉtat, it is necessary to form an international antiglobalist alliance which gathers all those who want to oppose the dictatorship who have no intention of becoming slaves to a faceless power, who are not willing to cancel their own identity, their own individuality, their own religious faith. If the attack is global, the defense must also be global.
I call upon rulers, politicians and religious leaders...inviting them to unite in an alliance that launches an antiglobalist manifesto, refuting point by point the errors and deviation of this dsytopian new world order and proposing concrete alternatives..
It will have to denounce the crimes of the elite, identify those responsible, denounce them to international tribunals, and limit their excessive power and harmful influence."

Mass public awakening= [Their] greatest fear.
We the People vs The hidden cabal

Have you witnessed anyone in your life beginning or continuing to questions things or wake up?
"For the coming days ahead.
Ask yourself an honest question, why would a billionaire who has it all, fame, fortune, a warm and loving family, friends, etc. want to endanger himself and his family by becoming POTUS?
Why would he want to target himself and those he cares about?
Does he need money?
Does he need fame?
What does he get out of this?
Does he want to make the US/world a better place for his family and for those good and decent people who have long been taken advantage of?
Perhaps he could not stomach the thought of mass murders occurring to satisfy Moloch?
Perhaps he could not stomach the thought of children being kidnapped, drugged, and raped while leaders/law enforcement of the world turn a blind eye.
Perhaps he was tired of seeing how certain races/countries were being constantly abused and kept in need/poor/and suffering all for a specific purpose.
Perhaps he could not in good conscious see the world burn."

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It sure seems like Space Force is one of 45's primary Trump cards.
I have a feeling we'll see a lot more come out about how Space Force changed/safeguarded our world.

Full interview:
Black pill/shill/doomer/fed boi/bot check
So let me get this straight:
CNN says Trump is no longer ambiguous about his acceptance of Qanon, Trump is openly playing a WWG1WGA song behind his speeches, he is reposting memes with clear Q references and he knows it, Kash retruthed that something was "gonna happen."
It's almost like anons were right this entire time.
Trump didn't just post some random video with a few Q references.
He retruthed a video FILLED to the brim with everything Q.
Including plainly suggesting that Trump is Q plus, military justice is coming, and that the storm is coming.
There has been a monumental shift. Trump is openly embracing Q.
The mainstream media must be panicking.