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THEY ARE planning to STEAL the 2024 Presidential election from Trump AGAIN, while blaming him through PROJECTION. 🚨🚨🚨

Rolling Stone just came out with an article called “Biden is building a ‘superstructure’ to stop Trump from stealing the election”

To be CLEAR…

The narrative being set up is that if Trump is able to overcome the steal, it is HE that has stolen the election.

NOT Biden.

That’s despite the fact that Biden ADMITTEDLY said back in 2020 “We created the most comprehensive voter fraud system.” on video AND that Time Magazine came out with an article “The Secret History of the Shadow Campaign That Saved the 2020 election”

They told us then, and they are TELLING us now, through PROJECTION.

They are willing to go to ANY LENGTH to stop Trump from being President again.


This upcoming election is the FINAL BATTLE FOR AMERICA, in the face of absolute Communism and TYRRANY. If we should lose this, it’s OVER.

It MUST be #TooBigToRig
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It’s not every day you hear this, but it’s a MAJOR breath of fresh air to hear a member of The House break ranks with the Communist Globalist Uniparty and tell the TRUTH to the American people.

Rep. Tim Burchett doesn’t mince words here:

“We are seeing the beginning of the end for the United States of America

Get them out of here! They are ruining your country. They are selling your country out for the uniparty, for these national chambers of commerce that wreck every dadgum thing.

If you don't like the people in office, vote their asses out!

We've gotta take our country back!”

Tim is 💯 RIGHT the United States as we know it is staring straight down the barrel of a .45 only seconds away from pulling the trigger.

GOOD on him for bringing much needed attention to the nefarious infiltration that has been taking place in our Government.

There is NO “fixing” our current system, it is TOO FAR GONE.
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ICYMI🚨 A Carnival cruise ship (Freedom) funnel caught ON FIRE yesterday, which caused the cancellation of the cruise, and it’s barely been reported on.

Interesting to note, Carnival is a BIG proponent of DEI, must like Boeing.

Buttttttt, I’m sure that has NOTHING to do with it.

Reports in a letter from Carnival state it’s a possible “lightning strike” but there are rumors circulating it could even be a DEW attack. That’s speculation.

I’m almost positive this exact ship has been struck by lightning before in the same spot at least once in its lifetime, and it didn’t burst into flames.

I’m just saying this doesn’t seem “normal” at all.

Something just feels OFF about the whole thing.

It’s VERY interesting to me how modes of popular intercontinental transportation are being “disabled” in one way or another, what seems like every other day.

What do you think???
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This is the FREAKIEST thing I’ve seen in a while, but it’s definitely a sign of the times we are living in. 😳😳😳

They are trying to explain this away as a “disorder” that you receive after a brain injury (Procipo Metamorphopsia), but those with spiritual eyes KNOW BETTER.

Why does this “disorder” ONLY cause one’s face to be altered in a demonic way???

There exists a spirit world, which we cannot see, but is VERY REAL.

Could this phenomenon explain the incidents in which people freak out on planes, like crazy plane lady for example, or the countless other times people have claimed to see humans shape-shift into demonic looking entities???

I don’t know.

But it seems like a veil between the material and spiritual world is being lifted and calling this a “disorder” seems like a PSYOP to distract from that.

Have you seen the movie “They Live”???

Are demons starting to be REVEALED as manifesting on earth through other humans, and is this a way to NORMALIZE that???

Media is too big
BREAKING!🚨 Donald Trump gets his Bond in NY fraud case massively reduced from $454 Million to $175 Million due to an Appellate Court ruling.

Looks like Trump gets to KEEP Trump Tower, and the rest of his hard earned assets that bonafide Bolshevik Communists like NY AG Leticia James, and DA Alvin Bragg would have LOVED to strip from him.

When asked what his collateral will be, he turns around and says “cash”

LIKE A BOSS!!! 💰💰💰
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ICYMI🚨 Trump called on Israel to wrap up the war in Gaza because it is “losing a lot of the world” and petitions to “get on to peace” and a “normal life” for Israel and everyone else.

Source: Israel Hayom Interview
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BREAKING!🚨 The Los Angeles home of Sean Combs (P Diddy) has been RAIDED by Homeland Security as part of an ongoing investigation into sex trafficking allegations.

This comes after a recent EXPLOSIVE lawsuit was filed against the rapper/music executive alleging a litany of crimes from sexual assault against adults and minors, sex/drug trafficking, a shooting, illegal prostitution, and illegal distribution of guns.
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In case you were curious about the JUICY P Diddy lawsuit that describes the allegations against him in detail, this video explains EVERYTHING. 🚨🚨🚨

According to the Plantiff and “music prodigy” Rodney Jones, Diddy’s ENTIRE operation is a “RICO enterprise” and he even referred to his assistant Kristina as the “Ghislaine Maxwell” to Diddy’s “Jeffery Epstein”

That alone is ONE HELL of an accusation! 😳😳😳

My thoughts are that Diddy is likely going to be the FALL GUY FOR EVERYTHING, including the other music executives and CEOs of Universal Music Group/Motown mentioned in the lawsuit who likely helped fund and facilitate the whole thing.

I wouldn’t be surprised one bit if Diddy is the small guy on the totem pole, and that this bust leads to an entire network of similar, and connected operations.

They will have a HARD time “covering up” this one like they did with the Epstein client list, however.

The deep and dark secrets of the once untouchable music industry WILL COME TO LIGHT!
BREAKING!🚨 There are unconfirmed reports that Sean “P Diddy” Combs may have FLED THE COUNTRY in his private jet to Cape Verde, which has NO extradition laws to the US.

If this is TRUE, then the ONLY logical explanation is that he was tipped off in advance, likely by an inside source (Fed) that his homes were going to be raided by DHS. That also means that the Feds are likely trying to PROTECT him, and more than likely COVER UP any evidence that may exist at either of his homes.

There is NO way he would have known to flee unless he was told to prior. He had to be in the air, on the way out of the country BEFORE the raids actually took place at this rate.

I do find it interesting that it is Homeland Security, and not the FBI that is doing the raid.

Did the all powerful music industry instruct the Feds to give Diddy a “get out of jail free” card???

It will be interesting to see what follow up action will come from this clear evasion of the law, if ANY.
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This video was supposedly shot last night in Hollywood at a party attended by Diddy and other Celebrities. (Can’t prove the time)

From the looks of it, Diddy is AVOIDED like the plague by the other attendees, and appears quite visibly nervous and on edge.

He also looks in a daze, and lonely.

Did they know that Diddy was about to go DOWN?

Did Diddy know that his properties in LA and Miami would be raided today?

Are others also implicated in his crimes and trying to appear distant?

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BREAKING!🚨 The Francis Scott Key Bridge in Baltimore, which is a major bridge for the whole metro area has COLLAPSED COMPLETELY after being hit by a cargo ship. 😳😳😳

This is clearly a VERY SERIOUS situation, with multiple casualties, and missing persons after their vehicles have gone into the water below.

No word yet on how or why this happened, but it’s definitely suspect.


Please pray for these people. 🙏🏻
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BREAKING!🚨 Robert F. Kennedy Jr. announces Nicole Shanahan as his VP pick.

Nicole is the daughter of a Chinese mother, and she was also married to Sergey Brin co-founder of Google. Nicole is a major Democrat donor and WEF ambassador.

She has also funded Soros-backed DA George Gascon.

It seems that this VP pick is sure to HELP Trump ultimately as many of his Independent base are not happy with the announcement.
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NOT saying that the crew of the Dali intentionally did it, but it seems increasingly likely that a CYBER ATTACK of may have caused their ship to first lose power TWICE in short order, and then veer off course and strike the pilar.

As a Navy veteran who has piloted a Landing Dock Ship (LSD), I can tell you first hand that it is near impossible to course correct a massive vessel in a very short amount of time.

The exact angle that the ship struck the pilar just happened to be the weakest point. Was this purposeful SABOTAGE? I don’t know.

The way I see it, the symbolism of the bridge’s name (Francis Scott Key) being the writer of our National Anthem CANNOT be ignored. The collapse of this bridge is symbolic of the COLLAPSE OF AMERICA as a whole.

Here is something else…Port of Baltimore is the CENTRAL location for ALL cargo coming into the US on the East Coast. This bridge being taken out is REALLY BAD for our trade relations.

It will take YEARS to rebuild.

This feels PURPOSEFUL.
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I don’t know how else to say it…


Let me remind you what Klaus Schwab, leader of WEF said about Cyber Attacks.

“The COVID-19 crisis would be seen in this respect, as a small disturbance in comparison to a major cyber attack.”

This is the irregular warfare that they will utilize to DESTROY AMERICA. Little by little.

They TOLD you this was coming with the release of the Obama produced movie “Leave The World Behind” THEY ALWAYS TELL YOU WHAT IS COMING.

I don’t see it being one massive isolated incident, but a series of incidents that make a HUGE impact on the infrastructure of our country, and our daily lives. Ultimately leading to the COLLAPSE of America as we know.

Case in point…The Francis Scott Key Bridge incident. Because that bridge was taken out, there is now a HUGE DISTURBANCE in respect of how America does trade out of the Port of Baltimore, one of the LARGEST ports in the United States, not to mention the Military assets that are in that port.
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Biden has just come out and stated that the Federal Government will foot the WHOLE bill for the reconstruction of the Francis Scott Key Bridge. 🚨🚨🚨

Riddle me this, WHY is the Federal Government (We The People) paying for the bill when there is almost certainly insurance on both the bridge, and the ship?

Not to mention the shipping company that is responsible is worth BILLIONS. I’m sure they could handle the bill & they SHOULD. When something like this happens it is typically the responsibility of the city & the responsible party.

WHEN have you heard of the Federal Government stepping in with IMMEDIATE response, and resources?


East Palestine…NOPE.


Francis Scott Key Bridge…IMMEDIATELY.


Are they trying to COVER UP something?

Will this tragedy be used as another way to launder money, much like the war in Ukraine?

Since the Captain at the time of the incident is Ukrainian, will Ukraine donate a dime to help with the reconstruction efforts?
Hackers CAN gain access to ships! 🚨🚨🚨

“Hackers can bring ships and planes to a grinding halt. And it could become much more common”

For those who are saying it’s NOT possible for a ship to be hacked. They can ABSOLUTELY USE CYBER ATTACKS to hack into the navigation systems and power centers of ships AND planes.

This CNBC article is from 2022.


OH, I’m sure the fact that the Captain of the Dali being a citizen of Ukraine has NOTHING to do with the equation.

“It is also reported that the captain of the Dali container ship, sailing under the flag of Singapore, is a citizen of Ukraine. Only his name is called - Sergei.”

This sounds like science fiction but IT IS NOT. Our infrastructure is being attacked by CYBER TERRORISM likely facilitated by the WEF, and other hostile entities.

Sadly, I would say that this is just the beginning, you should expect more of this.

The Patriot Voice is now on TikTok!

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They used cyber terrorism to run a cargo ship into a beach filled with people in “Leave The World Behind”

They used cyber terrorism to run a cargo ship into one of the MOST important bridges in the United States in REAL life.

They ALWAYS preview what is coming, in one way or another.

Tucker Carlson recently said “The New World Order is dead. The world is resetting completely. The post war order is collapsing and NATO is going to collapse obviously.”


He is RIGHT that the NARRATIVES that they craft for us are absolutely dying because the Mainstream Media has lost ALL credibility with the people. Since the rise of independent journalism, and alternative media there has been a sharp decline in the favorability of “The News” for GOOD reason.

He is unfortunately WRONG because the New World Order AGENDA marches on unabated for a laundry list of reasons. We are closer to worldwide technocratic Communism now than we EVER have been in human history. America is literally MINUTES from destruction, which is EXACTLY what the Globalists want. America stands in the way of successfully creating a One World Government. Yes, some are waking up and starting to resist, but the vast MAJORITY still are unengaged.

Liberty DIES when good men do NOTHING.
Media is too big
This didn’t make big news, but a few days before the Francis Scott Key incident in Baltimore there was an incident in Turkey that happened involving another cargo ship (Yang Ming) crashing into three cranes knocking them over, and causing an estimated $50 MILLION in damages.

It looks like in the video that this ship is going pretty fast into the wharf. Last I checked, this kind of thing isn’t a very common occurrence.

Was this also an act of cyber terrorism???

This may just be an odd “coincidence” but given what I know now, I am not so sure…

We have to QUESTION everything.