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BREAKING: Judge Arthur Engoron Tells James O’Keefe on hidden camera inside his Gym he gets “lots of hate mail” but he’s “strong”.

An insider where the Judge works out at Equinox in Great Neck, NY, also recorded Judge Engoron “creeping girls out.” Sources say Engoron does this “every visit” each morning. The video shows a woman using a machine clearly annoyed and gesturing with her hands for him to ‘back off.’

A gym member and supporter of OMG responded to O’Keefe’s question inside the gum, “What time does the Judge get here?” Answering “5:30 AM.”

🔗 James O'Keefe
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This is a REALLY SERIOUS situation that not many are talking about, but the wildfires in the Texas Panhandle are raging OUT OF CONTROL, heading right towards one of the largest Nuclear Facilities in the country, PANTEX. 🚨🚨🚨☢️☢️☢️

Governor Greg Abbott has declared an Emergency for 60 COUNTIES in the surrounding area of the fires.

WEATHER MANIPULATION is a REAL thing. If you don’t know what HAARP is, you should look into it. They will call it “global warming” but the patterns are totally inconsistent. For example, yesterday it was 90 degrees, and today it’s 48 degrees in North Texas. To have such a substantial temperature swing in a one day time IS NOT NORMAL for this time of year, and certainly not “warming”.

The “conspiracy theorist” in me says this is possibly another “Maui” situation, maybe DEW.

I pray I am wrong.

It seems that the fires may be TARGETED at PANTEX. An explosion at that plant would be an ENORMOUS DISASTER the likes of which Texas has NEVER seen.

Media is too big

Like Maui, and Chile it appears that Amarillo, Texas is also part of “Vision 2045” UN SMART CITY development plan.

I KNEW there was more to this than met the eye.

“We have an existing Amarillo comprehensive plan, which was completed in 2010 and there’s a state law that requires that cities need to have an updated, comprehensive plan,” she said. “And so city plan, Vision 2045 is an update to the 2010 plan.”

“Then we’re actually anticipating about a year-long process from that point forward,” said Renkens. “So ideally having a draft plan, late 2023, with adoption, either at the end of the this coming year or early in 2024.”

EARLY 2024!!!

The timing for this wildfire on the out skirts of Amarillo is a bit ON THE NOSE, don’t ya think???

Guess who is the chief architect of “Vision 2045” Global Sustainability???


Forwarded from MJTruth (MJTruth (CandlesInTheNight))
Media is too big
🚨 Tucker Carlson Confirms he Met with Edward Snowden in Moscow… but he Did Not Interview him

• He met with Snowden in his hotel room…. The same hotel room Tucker had that Folder Putin gave him. Ya thinking what I’m thinking?

• Tucker wanted to do an interview with Snowden, but Snowden refused and asked Tucker not to tell anyone they met.

• The only reason Tucker is confirming it now is because again, his private messages were spied on… a group got that info from US Intel agencies.

This Clip

Full Interview
Forwarded from vDarkness Falls / Light_on_Liberty (Bryan S. - vDF - ϕ 🧲)
Media is too big
🚨 Tucker Carlson met with Edward Snowden - This will become relevent soon! 🚨

NSA wasn't just spying on President Trump, they were also FUNDING BIOLABS & Stealing Elections!

NSA former director James Clapper ADMITTED the NSA spied on President Trump during his candidacy and throughout his entire term.

"She wasn't suppose to lose"
Power had to be wrestled away from President Trump at ALL costs.

Biolabs : Dilyana Gaytandzhieva @dgaytandzhieva & Edward Snowden uncovered Ukraine Biolabs were funded by Snowden's Former Employer - Booz Allen Hamilton - Defense Contractor which Obama's former DNI James Clapper was Executive Board member of. Oddly enough, Snowden worked for the NSA through this same Weapons Defense Contracting Company James Clapper was an Executive Board Member of. 🤯

Kinda seems like James Clapper & his NSA goons were doing A LOT more than just spying on President Trump👀

Interesting Putin is in Ukraine clearing out Biolabs while Edward Snowden is being protected in Russia.

Dilyana Gaytandzhieva's 2018 Ukraine Biolab Full Documentary :

Dilyana's EXTENSIVE Ukraine Biolab Research - 2018 :
US Diplomats Involved In Trafficking Human Blood & Pathogens For Secret Military Programs :

Pentagon Biolab Discovered SARS-like Coronavirus in Bats : April 20th - 2020

Pentagon Studies Bioterrorism Agents in Kazakhstan : July 21st - 2020

* Documents Expose US Biological Experiments on Allied Soldiers in Ukraine & Georgia : January 25th - 2022

Why isn't Dilyana's YEARS OLD and EXTENSIVE boots on the ground investigative journalism into the Ukraine Biolabs THE MOST hot topic right now?

Imagine if Tucker Carlson interviewed Dilyana Gaytandzhieva! The world should be getting access to her EXTENSIVE Ukraine Biolab research!
Forwarded from vDarkness Falls / Light_on_Liberty (Bryan S. - vDF - ϕ 🧲)
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Another list of Biolabs in Ukraine.

List of Kiev, Ukraine's MASSIVE pharmaceutical companies that have worldwide reach.

Make no mistake.
These are Biolabs who's existence have been burned into & normalized in the consciousness of humanity.

German Pharmaceutical giant Bayer, formed from the very ashes of IG Farben after Germany's Nuremberg trials, had recently bought Monsanto, & Barack Obama teamed up with various corrupt US politicians to push Monsanto CEOs to the board of FDA & USDA.

The poison these demons have inflicted physically, emotionally & spiritually to OUR planet's people, must be avenged.

We are DONE watching OUR PEOPLE suffer at the hands of these monsters.

Unfathomably BIBLICAL times.

It's time for, "LAW ϕ ORDER" to take place. Down with the petrolium based poisonous Rockefeller pills & onto using GOD'S laws of creation, to FINALLY be used for GOOD once again & heal people!

🎶💡🧲 🧬 ⚛️
Forwarded from Awakened Outlaw
Tell us more about Haiti, Hillary.

What were you and your BFF Laura Silsby, doing down there that got her charged with kidnapping 33 children.

When asked she could not provide any authorization to take the children out of the country...but that's what she was doing.

BTW, we still have questions about what you meant about the designations you, as the Sec of State, mention having applied to people working in Haiti as “FOB” (friends of Bill Clinton) or “WJC VIPs” (William Jefferson Clinton VIPs). That should prove interesting.

Those are some awfully straight lines for supposedly “natural” wildfires…

More like laser lines, if you ask me.

Our country is dying in front of our own eyes.

There is NO political solution for this.
Media is too big
If you don’t think it’s POSSIBLE that a Directed Energy Weapon has the ability start the wildfires in Texas, or in Maui, or anywhere else in the world, you have been WARNED. 🚨🚨🚨⚠️⚠️⚠️


Did it ever occur to anyone that those “spy balloons” that keep flying over the US are actually scouting, and surveying for potential DEW attacks to build the UN/WEF 15-Minute Smart Cities?

We do know that the satellites flying over Lahaina during the fires were in FACT CCP in origin, but also tagged with NORAD. Make of that what you will.

Maybe this is a stretch, or maybe it’s 🎯🎯🎯

What do you think???
They attacked when they were told to attack.
What do you do when you know you can't win? You wait. You are patient. You let the other side win. But you do it in such a way that it costs them. Eventually they begin to self-destruct. Just like Donald Trump's strategy. And you can see the results within the GOP and the DEEPLY ENTRENCHED AND FORTIFIED UniParty Establishment Machine.

Beware The Wrath of a Patient Man
Forwarded from PatriotAU️️️ (PatriotAU)

Fulton County DA Fani Willis and her lover, Special Prosecutor Nathan Wade, have been referred to the Georgia State Bar for disciplinary action by conservative watchdog group American Accountability Foundation.

They are facing ethics complaints based on allegations they had an 'improper' affair.

"To ensure that the citizens of Fulton County and the State of Georgia understand that the Bar will not countenance any violation of its ethics by those charged with upholding it, we urge you to revoke Ms. Willis’ license to practice law and permanently bar her from practicing law.'

Conservative Brief
Forwarded from PatriotAU️️️ (PatriotAU)
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They're not sending their best.
When you think about it, if you've been watching American's dietary habits changing as the Great Awakening spreads 'cross the fruited plains?

Its not really all that much of a mystery why that 'great humanitarian and philanthropist' BILL GATES is suddenly out there hyping his awesome new fake synthetic 'butter' product that is part of an entire new line of 'synthetic fat'.

Gotta keep people away from cooking with real animal fats and putting real animal fats in their food. Otherwise the population #'s won't go down!

Think I'm joking?

In world chock full of supposed national sovereignty, constitutions and laws protecting citizens, and you're a Shadow Cabal of social engineering billionaires out to reduce the world's population dramatically as a key part of your NWO globalist agenda....

how you gonna go about gaining control of over 100 countries food supplies for your global population agenda?


That **shows you** what they are doing.

Nobody elected these billionaire assholes to run or control anything. Much less the world's food supply.

BUT they often have direct control of who gets elected into the governments of all of these countries.

So they end up with that control ANYWAY.
Forwarded from PatriotAU️️️ (PatriotAU)
🚨 AG Ken Paxton - BREAKING: Today, I am filing suit against Planned Parenthood for trafficking minors out of state to obtain abortions without parental consent.

This is the beginning of the end for Planned Parenthood in the State of Missouri.

This lawsuit is the culmination of a multi-year campaign to drive Planned Parenthood from the State of Missouri because of its flagrant and intentional refusal to comply with state law.

In 2018, following at least a half-decade of health-code violations, Planned Parenthood’s facility in Columbia was shut down after staff admitted to having used moldy abortion equipment on women for months.

Also in 2018, Planned Parenthood physicians conceded in open court that they failed to file reports when women experienced medical complications from abortions.

In 2020, it was discovered that even though Missouri law at the time required that the same physician who performs an abortion be the one to notify the woman of the risks of abortion, physicians at Planned Parenthood were not doing so.

Planned Parenthood’s most recent unlawful behavior was captured in an investigative video by Project Veritas, when Planned Parenthood staff admitted they traffic minors across state lines to perform abortions without parental consent.

Worse, they admit to doing this “every day, every day, every day.”

The investigation revealed that Planned Parenthood removes minors from school using altered doctors’ notes, transports them into Kansas for abortions, and then quickly returns them—all to avoid the legal requirement to obtain parental consent.

As a father who held my daughter in my arms for the single hour of her life before she died, I know firsthand how important it is to protect life. Our children are the future.

What Planned Parenthood conceals and conspires to do in the dark of night has now been uncovered.

I am filing suit to ensure it never happens again.

It is time to eradicate Planned Parenthood once and for all to end this pattern of abhorrent, unethical, and illegal behavior.

Read more about my team's lawsuit: HERE
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Border Patrol union head Brandon Judd: "The reason why Border Patrol agents are so upset about [Biden's] visit is because he's not going to any location where he's going to be able to evaluate what he needs to do!"

"The past three years are ALL ON HIM." ~ Border Patrol Union

RNC Research
Forwarded from PatriotAU️️️ (PatriotAU)
Forwarded from PatriotAU️️️ (PatriotAU)
Today, President Trump will visit the crime scene at Biden’s open border, where Joe Biden’s failure has resulted in more than 9 million illegal immigrants, 27 tons of deadly fentanyl, and dangerous criminals crossing the border since he took office. President Trump will meet with brave US Border Patrol agents and state and local law enforcement officials working on the frontlines of Biden’s crisis, and he will outline his plan to put America first and secure the border immediately upon taking office.