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Now in progress in Donetsk: Press conference by Alexander Hug, Principal Deputy Chief Monitor of the OSCE Special Monitoring Mission to Ukraine, Video coming soon
" A storm has just Uncovered about 3000 sq/m. Of slate roofing. Damaged and knocked over 50 trees , and left 63 homes without power."
said the Mayor of Gorlovka, Ivan Prikhodko
3 hours ago shelling caused the Donetsk water filter station to lose power. The Donetsk water filter station supplies drinking water to both sides of the contact line

The Ukraine War Anti-Kiev or "Rebel" Donetsk People's Republic Joint Center for Control and Coordination:
"Today, at 20:15, the enemy (Ukraine Forces) opened a mortar fire in the direction of N.P. Avdeevka - Iasinovataya.

According to preliminary data, one of the high-voltage transmission lines was damaged as a result of the bombardment.

At the moment, the Donetsk filter station is de-energized.
More details are being specified."
MANY INJURED BY SHELLING The Ukraine War Anti-Kiev or "Rebel" Donetsk People's Republic Joint Center for Control and Coordination: "The Ukraine Armed Forces conducted a mortar attack on the Golubovskoye village in the LPR.
Several were wounded.

At about 10:30 am, as a result of a mortar shelling (5 mines of 82 mm) of the Golubovskoye village in the vicinity of the settlement Pervomaisk 6 passengers of the shuttle bus sustained wounds of varying degrees of severity.

The victims were taken to the Kirov hospital."
JUNE 7, 2018

"Over the past day, the situation on the contact line has stabilized.
Ukrainian militants did not take rash actions to reduce the inter-position space. However, the enemy carried out attacks on civilian infrastructure objects, despite all the efforts and persistent appeals of the OSCE leadership.

Yesterday, Ukrainian terrorists from the 92nd separate mechanized brigade under the command of Kokorev opened a fire on the power lines of the Yasinovataya district of the Republic. As a result of this bombardment, one of the high voltage power lines feeding the Donetsk filter station was damaged. Again, through the fault of Ukrainian punishers, DFS is de-energized at the moment. The efforts of Ukrainian terrorist groups re-created the prerequisites for the creation of a humanitarian catastrophe, both in the Republic and in the territory occupied by the AFU.

The enemy used grenade launchers and small arms, including large-caliber weapons in Yasinovataya district.

In Gorlovka direction, Ukrainian militants fired the settlement Zaitsevo. Grenade launchers and small arms were used.

In total, over the past day, three facts of violation of the cease-fire regime by the Ukrainian occupying forces were recorded.

I would like to remind you about the 92th brigade, which fires at the DFS. This armed formation arrived in Avdeyevka for a replacement recently. However, this is not the first participation of the militants of the 92nd Brigade in the aggression in the Donbass. For the most part, they cover smuggling and take away property from entrepreneurs. The previous commander of this brigade, war criminal Viktor Nikolyuk, except for the murders of civilians, was famous for the liquidation of the Ukrainian anti-corruption group consisting of employees of the fiscal service and volunteers who tried to fight the smuggling traffic in the territory occupied by Kiev in 2015 However, Nikolyuk did not give them the opportunity to block his personal income by arranging the murder and organizing an ambush on them. The criminal case did not begin.

Nikolyuk replaced Vladimir Kokorev, the commander of the 92nd Brigade and settled in a new place very quickly. In December 2017, Kokorev tried to kill his deputy, who did not congratulate him on the day of the Supreme Armed Forces, during a party in a bathhouse. Kokorev simply considered his deputy superfluous in the established system of obtaining illegal profits and therefore tried to get rid of him, closing all financial flows on himself. Because of the rising noise in the Ukrainian media on this fact, someone even tried to hold Kokarev criminally responsible for the attempted murder. However, he was not held accountable.
The criminal Kokorev is tightly guarded by another war criminal, the commander of the occupation forces, General Naiev. He takes care of him, carries out regular monetary gifts received as a result of conducting a successful criminal business. As we see the armed formations called the AFU have firmly merged with criminals, sometimes even taking their place.
The militants of the Armed Forces continue to write off their massive losses, received in May under GORLOVKA. In this regard, the press center of the headquarters of the occupying forces will continue to file their dead for a long time, even when both sides of the JCCC record a complete lull. The Ukrainian command headed by Naiev is very much afraid of recognizing the enormous losses that they have, so they have to cover them. Nevertheless, the deceit of the public and the military and political leadership of Ukraine will not save Naiev from his resignation. The SSU conducts systematic collection of compromising materials on him and his criminal environment.
For this purpose, more than 10 inspector commissions in different directions were sent to the zone of responsibility of 24 and 54 (now 72) brigades recently. In particular, last week the commission of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine worked in this area, analyzing the mass losses of the Armed Forces under Gorlovka. The commission came to the conclusion that Naiev completely did not organize his military operations. In particular, the personnel did not have the knowledge what were the routes to evacuate the wounded militants. In this connection, due to the untimely rendering of medical care, the growth of losses increased. Also, the involvement of medical orderlies in smuggling in 24th brigade forced commanders to use civilian vehicles. Moreover, in the arsenal of medical companies and platoons there is no working equipment, all equipment is obsolete and in a faulty condition. There are not even first-aid kits. And with this approach, Naiev was going to take Gorlovka. All these conclusions of the commissions will play a negative role in the future fate of the commander of the occupation forces.

After the publication in May by the press center of the United Operation Forces a fake message on the seizure of the three DPR's mortars, the fighters of the AFU now are afraid to make such stupid statements officially. Later they were forced to answer for their words to OSCE SMM. It asked to provide real three mortars with numbers and to remove them from the contact line to the withdrawal points. The Ukrainian side does not calculate the consequences of its stupid reports. Now everyone knows that there are many deserters in the AFU divisions, advanced positions are thrown since Ukrainian militants are escaping from there, the commanders are forced to stop the holes by paramedics, nurses and cleaners.

So the Ukrainian volunteer Mysyagin was engaged in cleaning the stolen weapons from the warehouse in the Pravdovka. At this time, he made a fuzzy picture of one of the machine guns. He didn't want to be responsible for his actions and was afraid to present the real number and series of the machine. We suggest the SSU become interested in the connection of Ukrainian volunteers with the export of stolen weapons from the combat zone and its uncontrolled sale on the territory of Ukraine."
As a result of Ukraine shelling of the village Zaitsevo from mortar shells of 82 caliber, a civilian Aksenov Alexander Alexandrovich was injured at address Yesenin 34
At 7 pm mortar shelling by the Ukraine Armed forces wounded a civilian in SAKHANKA on Mira Street.
Breaking News

Today, at 20:50(80 min ago), the Ukraine Forces opened fire on the village Vasilyevka. The shelling was conducted from the direction of the settlement Kamenka. As a result of sniper fire, a civilian woman,E.Dubina born in 1992, was injured at address Forest, 11

The victim was taken to the Yasinovat railway hospital. According to preliminary reports, the diagnosis is bullet wound of the abdominal cavity.
Today Ukraine Forces shelled the micro district Trudovsky in the Petrovsky district of the city of Donetsk damaging 12 homes. Trudovsky is near the frontline that has been an area of intense fighting for years and most homes have been damaged but people still live there as they have nowhere else to go.
Damage was done to the following addresses
▶️ Street Yield 1,
▶️ Street Yield 1a,
▶️ Street Yield 3,
▶️ Street Harvest 3a,
▶️ Street Yield 5,
▶️ Street Yield 7,
▶️ Street Yield 9,
▶️ Street Harvest 11,
▶️ Street Yield 13,
▶️ Street Yield 15,
▶️ Chekhov Street 19,
▶️ Chekhov Street 21.

Source: The Ukraine War Anti-Kiev or "Rebel" Donetsk People's Republic Joint Center for Control and Coordination