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No major problems with ballot drop boxes in 2020, AP finds 🦜
No major problems with ballot drop boxes in 2020, AP finds 🦜
No major problems with ballot drop boxes in 2020, AP finds 🦜

Midterms approaching, so the Fake News is running a full court press on the “security” of cheat boxes.

They know they can’t win without them. PANIC!
Forwarded from StormyPatriotJoe ️️️ Channel (Stormy Patriot Joe)
Trump R/T Layla

Layla is a Q, Flynn & We The Media supporter

Media is too big
Crazy Bernie melting down over Democrat Joe Manchin being a secret white hat and sabotaging the Democrat agenda kekekek

Absolutely delightful to watch 😌 (from yesterday)
Media is too big
Kari Lake calls out RINO opponent Karrin Robson TO HER FACE for tricking senior citizens into donating to her 🔥

“We want answers to why you’re duping thousands of people out of money. It’s WRONG!”

Forwarded from MistyG
Arizona Judge agrees to hear Kari Lake’s case to get rid of voting machines. Preliminary injunction this Thursday!
Media is too big
Former White House doc Ronny Jackson says health wise, President Trump is in the top 10% of everyone his age.

Sounds like he’s got plenty left in the tank to finish what he started. As DJT himself once said, he is a “young vibrant man” 😁
Forwarded from Eye Drop Media
Media is too big

Eye Drop Returns finally… Many of us have been watching this movie for years and although we’ve had many twists and turns, we really need this movie to end. So with all this talk of watching a movie, Eye have made one.. So here is the summer movie blockbuster we would all love to see..with zero budget and a painfully long production time… Eye Drop would like to welcome you to the premiere of Swamp Wars! Hope ya’ll like it, and please do support below
Thank you! WWG1WGA!

EyeDrop is now on Truth Social here

Support EyeDrop at BuyMeACoffee

#EyeDropMedia #SWAMPWARS
Media is too big
Elon Musk has destroyed Twitter employee morale according to the homeless guy on CNN this morning. An offer to some lib was even rescinded as a result of the deal 😢🤣
They found Scavino! But now Devin is missing #DondeDevin 🤣
Pretty bad sign for the Fake News when the best hit piece they have against Trump-endorsed Doug Mastriano is hE dEleTeD fAcEbOoK viDEoS 😂

Mastriano must be squeaky clean if this is all [they] can come up with.
Forwarded from Midnight Rider Channel 🇺🇸 (Karli Bonne)
Media is too big
Bannon 🔥 Trump won Biden is Illegitimate 💥💥💥
If we call this BS out ahead of time & get the word out to enough people, it could have a real impact on what the cheaters decide to do (or not do) next.

A lot of us were calling out the weird shit happening with Youngkin vs McAuliffe in VA live as it was happening, so much so that Fox News actually came on and gave an “explanation” for the reporting discrepancies. I sometimes wonder if they decided the steal wasn’t worth it & let Youngkin have the victory.

You can’t make up 16 points. Period. If we call it out ahead of time, it makes it harder for them to steal it.
Forwarded from TheStormHasArrived17 (TheStormHasArrived17 ️ ️ ️)
UPDATE: NBC News calls it for Dan Cox.

Another big win for Team Trump!

This is a perfect example of why we need to flood the system with votes. They were all geared up and ready to pull their ballot dumping scheme, but Patriots turned out in numbers and crushed their hopes and dreams.

Let’s keep winning. America First! 🇺🇸
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Fox News recently ran a story claiming “most voters” think Trump shouldn’t run again, while interviewing just a handful of voters.

Kari isn’t buying the Fox News spin: "That's creative editing. You only find people saying what you're trying to bolster. [Fox News is] trying to say people are sick of President Trump, & they're not. People believe & want to see his policies back. They want to see him back in the White House."

So refreshing to have someone call out Fox News’ dirty tricks!
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Kash comments on Pence endorsing RINOs: "The old guard Republican Party thinks that they can restore that old guard Republican Party. What they fail to realize is Donald Trump transformed that Republican Party.... [Pence]’s trying to get name recognition, maybe he's running for President, it doesn't matter who runs. If Donald Trump runs, it does not matter, & I don't think it matters in Arizona who Mike Pence endorses." 🎯

Trump is systematically destroying the old guard.
Media is too big
Julie Kelly is over the target when it comes to Ray Epps, according to Kash: "As Julie said, it's just the tip of the iceberg [of federal govt involvement].... and once you have the Ray Epps answer, it's gonna be like the day where we told the world Hillary Clinton paid for the dossier. It's just gonna all unravel."

Just wait until the normies find out the federal government planned January 6th and framed its own citizens for it. It will be a whole new layer of sheep that will wake up.
Media is too big
Julie Kelly gives a summary of what is known about January 6th suspected fed Ray Epps.