Pathology AMU
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Pathology AMU
هنا قلنا ان جامعتنا بارك الله فيها تعدم فينا ف شهر 3 و شهر 6 و شهر 7 😂😂
نبيك تذكر بيها ال Execution phase يدير فيهن Caspase
3 , 6, 7
Pathology AMU
Fatty liver
Signet ring appearance.
طبعا المقصود بالزيت هو لل Fat
Pathology AMU
"كثرة المعلومات تلخبط راسك "

Multiple myeloma, Russell bodies.
Pathology AMU
عجوز كبيرة لابسة قهوي و جنب مفعل نووي و معاها حيوان اسود .
Brown atrophy " aging"
Perinuclear electron dense.
واحد روسي لابس بذلة زرقة و ماسك حديدة
Prussian blue dye
Hemosiderosin .
Pathology AMU
كوسة تشرب في حليب في كباية سودة .
Von kossa
Black color
بعدين انزلوا ملخص لل accumulation عشان يقعد شطب بشكل كامل .
- Intracellular Accumulations:
Cells may accumulate abnormal amounts of substances, which can be harmless or cause injury.

- Fatty change, also known as steatosis, refers to the abnormal accumulation of triglycerides within parenchymal cells.

- The early stages of fatty change are characterized by small fat vacuoles in the cytoplasm around the nucleus

- later coalesce to create cleared spaces that displace the nucleus to the cell periphery( signet ring )

-Cholesterol accumulation in cells can occur in various pathological conditions. It can lead to the formation of foam cells, which are lipid-laden macrophages. -Cholesterol accumulation is commonly seen in atherosclerosis.

-Examples of protein accumulation include the presence of protein in the proximal convoluted tubules of the kidney in nephrotic syndrome ( Hyaline ) , the formation of Russel bodies in multiple myeloma, the presence of Mallory bodies in alcoholic liver disease ( intermediate cytokeratine filament ) , and the formation of neurofibrillary tangles in Alzheimer's disease ( microtubules associated proteins)

-Pigments can be either exogenous, coming from outside the body, or endogenous, synthesized within the body itself.

- Exogenous pigments include coal dust, which can accumulate in the lungs and cause serious lung disease.

- Endogenous pigments include lipofuscin, melanin, and hemosiderin.

- Lipofuscin is a yellow-brown pigment that accumulates in cells as a result of aging and oxidative stress ( perinuclear electron dense )

-Hemosiderin is an iron-containing pigment that can accumulate in tissues as a result of bleeding or iron overload , stained by prussia blue dye.

- Pathologic calcification refers to the abnormal deposition of calcium salts, along with other mineral salts like iron and magnesium.

- Two types of Calcification: Dystrophic and metastatic.

- Dystrophic calcification occurs in dead or dying tissues, despite normal levels of calcium in the blood.

- Metastatic calcification, on the other hand, occurs in normal tissues as a result of derangements in calcium metabolism and elevated levels of calcium in the blood (hypercalcemia).

-Gross morphology refers to the visible appearance of calcification, which can appear as fine white granules or clumps, chalky masses, or gritty deposits

- Microscopic morphology refers to the appearance of calcium salts under a microscope, which can appear as basophilic (blue) granules or masses. Special stains, such as Von Kossa, can be used to visualize calcium salts, which appear black.
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شرح Inflammation part 1 + تركيزات الجامعة+ الحل النهائي لتذكر ال Chemical mediators.
Forwarded from MCQs & short notes"48" human medicine (Mema Zidan 💛)
Q3. Compare between Transudate and Exudate ?

▪️Transudate :
-Low protein content
-Non inflammatory cause of edema.
-Low albumine
-Low fibrinogen
-specific gravity less than (1.015)
-LDH low
-PH >7.3

-High protein content
-Inflammatory cause of edema.
-High albumine
-High fibrinogen
-specific gravity more than (1.018)
-LDH high
-PH <7.3
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Inflammation events in 7 minutes.