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🚨 As the entirety of Palestine explodes in resistance to colonial violence, the following developments are ongoing:

- Palestinians confront Jewish-supremacist police in neighborhoods across occupied #AlQuds with firecrackers, Molotov cocktails and more.

- Zionist forces completely besiege and storm Aqabat Jaber refugee camp, #Areeha. Resistance is responding with gunfire.

- Occupation forces are attempting to carry out rounds of arrests at all points of confrontation. A child has been arrested during a Palestinian demonstration near #Ramallah.

- Settlers in Qusra, south of #Nablus, are lighting Palestinian cars on fire and damaging homes. Mosques call for Palestinian mobilization to defend against ongoing settler aggression.

- Colonial checkpoints in the northern West Bank are coming under constant resistance gunfire.
🔊 While the unified resistance blesses the heroic Al-Quds operation in a beautiful demonstration of the unity of the fields, normalizing regimes and imperialists condemn it while staying completely silent about the massacre of Jenin. Such countries include the UAE, Saudi, Turkey, Bahrain, and Egypt, all of which have a formal relationship with the murderous entity.

Shortly, we will be posting a handful of official statements of regional resistance groups of the Al-Quds Axis congratulating the Palestinian resistance on its successful blow to the fragile entity.
🇾🇪 Statement issued by the Political Bureau of the AnsarAllah movement in Yemen:

In The Name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful

We congratulate the qualitative heroic operation of the resistant fighter in Al-Quds, which targeted the zionists and left a number of them dead and wounded.

This qualitative operation should shake the temporary zionist entity and make it reconsider its accounts and realize that it will not be safe from the resistances' operations after this points.

We pay tribute to the resistance fighters in Palestine to continue with such heroic operations, and we consider them to be blessed and decisive jihadi operations that raise the head of the Islamic nation, humiliate the occupying zionists, and expose the normalizing hypocrites. We also call on the free people of the Islamic nation to support the Palestinian people, jihad, and resistance movements, as they are the right and proper option, and they are the only guarantee for defeating the occupation and liberating Palestine and Islamic sanctities.

January 28th, 2023.
🇮🇶 Hashd Al-Sha'abi (PMF) statement (Iraq):

In The Name of Allah Most Gracious Most Merciful

We follow with great concern the developments of events in Palestine: steadfastness and defiance, and the blatant and cowardly attacks on our people there by the zionist occupation forces without any ounce of conscience or commitment to human rights charters.

As we condemn in the strongest terms these crimes committed by the zionists against the brotherly Palestinian people, we call on the international community and humanitarian organizations to assume their responsibilities towards these unfortunate events, and not to suffice, as every time, with shameful silence and turning a blind eye to the arrogance of the zionist entity and its disregard for all values and charters. We also affirm our support and backing for the full valiant Palestinian resistance that exercises its legitimate right to defend its usurped land and its patient and proud people.

May Allah be your supporter, O beloved heroes, and know that the hearts of the Iraqis are with you, praying for you, exalting and repaying you. So do not weaken and do not falter, for you are the supreme, and victory is coming and near, God willing, for He is the best protector and the best supporter.

Faleh Al-Fayyad
Head of the Popular Mobilization Forces (Hashd Al-Sha'abi)
🇸🇾 Liwa Al-Quds, a mostly Palestinian unit of the Syrian Arab Army, releases a statement praising the Al-Quds operation:

With all glory and pride, we received the news of the heroic commando operation in Al-Quds, and the source of our pride is our conviction that it constitutes the natural response to the crimes of the occupation and at the same time the right link in the chain of resistance action aimed at defeating the occupation's terrorism in all its forms and shapes. We in Liwa al-Quds salute the resisting youth by blessing this process, affirm that resistance alone is the one and only method for dialogue with the enemy, and we call for gathering the creative energies of the youth within an appropriate framework that does not collaborate, dialogue, or coordinate security. All salutes to the heroic guerillas. We are with you along the path until the liberation of all of Palestine, with its capital, the holiest of the holy: Al-Quds.

Aleppo - 1-28-2023
The Leadership of Liwa Al-Quds
🟡🟢 Hezbollah statement
In the Name of Allah Most Gracious Most Merciful
"Do not falter in pursuit of the enemy—if you are suffering, they too are suffering. But you can hope to receive from Allah what they can never hope for. And Allah is All-Knowing, All-Wise."
This is the truth of Allah Almighty.

Hezbollah praises the heroic martyrdom operation carried out by the martyred fighter Khairi Alqami in occupied Al-Quds that resulted in dozens of settlers being killed and wounded.

This brave operation shook up the enemy, exposed the fragility of its security and its measures, and brought terror and anxiety into the hearts of its entity and its settlers. Hezbollah considers this operation a swift, decisive, and bold response to the aggression and massacre committed by the zionist enemy in the Jenin camp and a strong blow to the corrupt and extremist government.

Hezbollah expresses its full solidarity with the Palestinian people, its resistance factions and its honorable fighters, and its absolute support for all steps taken by the Palestinian resistance factions to deter aggression and defend the Palestinian people. We strongly condemn the unjust and rejected double standards practiced by some Western governments, along with some Arab governments, who practice complicity and silence over the massacre committed by the zionist enemy in the Jenin camp, which led to the martyrdom of many of the oppressed Palestinian people. Meanwhile, these same governments take the initiative to condemn the defensive operation carried out by the martyr Alqami and all other operations carried out by the Palestinian resistance, which are operations sanctioned by divine laws and international laws, charters and norms in defense of right, land and sovereignty.

Hezbollah, while blessing our Palestinian people and all its resistance factions and fighters for this qualitative operation, believes that the resistance fighters' rifle and their strong arms alone are the answer to the enemy's crimes; it is what will write the victory and glory of Palestine that will come, God willing.

January 28th, 2023.
Armed clashes between resistance fighters and IOF in Al-Aroub camp in #AlKhalil are taking place at this moment.
🚨 BREAKING: A shooting operation has taken place at the zionist settlement of "Kedumim" near #Qalqilya. Settlers have been ordered to lock their homes and close their windows following an exchange of gunfire.
The scene at the settlement of "Kedumim" in #Qalqilya during the shooting operation moments ago.
"Resistance is continually benefitting. Whatever you pay in resistance, if you don't reap it in your lifetime, you will get the results later." —the revolutionary, resisting martyr Basil Al-Araj
Itamar Ben-Gvir announces his intention to issue death sentences to Palestinians who carry out resistance operations. The law will soon be voted on in the illegitimate Knesset. Such a law would take effect on the 13-year-old Mohammed Aleiwat, who carried out today's operation in #AlQuds, for example.
Settlers burn the home and car of Palestinian resident Odeh Jabara in the town of Turmusaya, north of #Ramallah and break dozens of the olive trees on the property.
The IOF are storming the Aida Refugee Camp in #Bethlehem as well as the home of the martyr of the "Kedumim" operation, whose identity is still unknown.
🚨 The Night Confusion Units of Ramallah and Al-Bireh:

For the seventh time, our fighters targeted settler vehicles with homemade explosives near the village of Sinjil.

We mobilize all honorable citizens to take to the streets and confront the herds of settlers. To those who possess weapons, we swear by the blood of the martyrs to go out into the streets so that the enemy and the herds of its settlers know that the descendants of Karmi and Ayyash remain on the covenant and carry the banner.
🚨 The zionist entity called for a large cabinet meeting that just concluded. They have decided:

1. The demolition of the home of Khairi Alqam, the martyred hero of the Al-Quds operation.
2. Depriving national insurance rights and other benefits for the families of resistance fighters.
3. Refusal to grant identity cards to the families of resistance fighters (this will lead to exile of family members from Al-Quds).
4. A wide arrest campaign whose goal is to "collect weapons." No details about scope or duration of the campaign.
5. Arming thousands of settlers and accelerating and expanding the scope of firearms licenses.
6. Expanding settlements.
Resistance News Network
🚨 BREAKING: A shooting operation has taken place at the zionist settlement of "Kedumim" near #Qalqilya. Settlers have been ordered to lock their homes and close their windows following an exchange of gunfire.
The Palestinian who carried out the "Kedumim" settlement shooting operation earlier today is still unidentified. The shooter was martyred after he was shot by the settlement security guard. Glory to the martyrs.
Saturday, January 28th: It is 6AM in Al-Quds. The sun rises over the eternal capital of Palestine. The bullets of the resistance sing. No sound is louder than the symphony of intifada.

Here are the noteworthy developments of the past 24 hours.
18-year-old Karam Ali Salman of Qusin, Nablus, was martyred after clashing with the IOF near "Kedumim", east of Qalqilya after he carried out a shooting operation in the settlement.

Glory to the martyrs.
In Gaza, a billboard was dedicated to the heroic martyr of the Quds operation, Khairi Alkam. It reads:

"Where is Ben-Gvir? We broke his eye. Greetings from Gaza to those who avenged Al-Aqsa and Jenin.

Retreat to avoid war... But don't back down an inch if they start the fight.

The right sniper in the right place is better than a thousand soldiers on the battlefield."