Org Mode
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Canal Org Mode

- Blog uGeek: Compilando la última versión de Emacs

- Writing with Emacs: Tips, Examples, and Resources for Writing with Emacs

- Repository for small utilities?

- Where can I watch the EmacsConf 2019 recordings?

- What does evil-define-key do?

- Wrote a flycheck checker for standardrb

- Paris meetup - 19 Oct 2019 - Come on !

- Is there a code challenge resource for elisp?

- Symbolics Lisp Machine Summary, 3600 Edition (PDF)

- Can anyone please suggest a good setup for lsp-mode for Angular development?

- Best way to store init.el citations for long-term?

- setenv GOOS for go-mode

- How can I use an advice to include dates with org-id-get-create?

- Extremely low friction task/time tracking with emacs

- Run git-blame on the current line

- Any way to quickly display org-mode files on Windows?

- Why is the default indent in CC mode 2 spaces?

- Emacs equivalent for Vim's 'dot' command?

- Using Spacemacs with Emacspeak?

- Running SQL on org-mode tables

- Sync with NextCloud

- Can i organize org files into folders ?

- [NEWS] time-stamp: update support for time zone numeric offset

- An Effective Git And Org-Mode Based Workflow For Reproducible Research | ACM Digital Library

- ThemeCreator: create themes for intellij, textmate, atom, emacs, vim and gnome terminal.

- threading macros from dash for Emacs Lisp | Yoo Box

- Manage connected browsers and devices — Nextcloud latest User Manual latest documentation

- Managing bibliographies from Emacs (v2)

- ctags: A maintained ctags implementation

- Grant Rettke: Is `with-eval-after-load’ Always A Bad Idea?

@Org_Mode #rss
Canal Org Mode

- Manuel Uberti: At the helm of my configuration

- Irreal: Zamansky 61: Org-msg

- emacs on macOS Catalina not opening a second file when the second file is opened from Finder?

- Emacs 64 bit for MAC

- Question about Counsel Compile

- verilog mode compile

- Organice: OrgMode in Web / Phones.

- Ricing up Org Mode

- Why is Spacemacs "focused on Evil"?

- Using Emacs 61 - org-msg

- ispell and flyspell show error on first invocation but work fine thereafter (Windows)

- Can TRAMP be as efficient as ssh + tmux + emacs?

- How do I bind "C->" to a function?

- Cannot access websites with HTTPS

- Project search not working in typescript mode

- Emacs and Mercurial: How to do partial commits / commit hunks in Emacs?

- How to prevent this line jumping with lsp-ui?

- Ricing up Org Mode

- Feeling Good - David D. Burns - Building Self-Esteem. How to implement this technique on the mobile?

- public voit: UOMF: Linking Org mode Headings (my workflow and best practice)

- looking for snippet posted here in r/org-mode

- Removing `org-clock-out-if-current` from `org-after-todo-state-change-hook`

- org-super-agenda porn

- Memacs: What did I do on February 14th 2007? Visualize your (digital) life in Org-mode

- pest-mode.el --- Major mode for editing Pest files

- alchemist.el: Elixir Tooling Integration Into Emacs

- Using Emacs Episode 61 - org-msg

- Smart Dash: Use dash key to insert an underscore within C identifiers and a dash otherwise.

- Manuel Uberti: At the helm of my configuration

- Building personal search infrastructure for your knowledge and code

- Irreal: Zamansky 61: Org-msg

- company-stan: A company-mode completion backend for stan

- herald-the-mode-line.el: Show the modeline in the minibuffer. Use case: when the modeline is too short for its content this command reveals the other lines

- Grant Rettke: Is `with-eval-after-load’ Always A Bad Idea?

@Org_Mode #rss
Canal Org Mode

- Irreal: Zamansky 62: Magit Forge

- Chris Wellons: On-the-fly Linear Congruential Generator Using Emacs Calc

- sachachua: 2019-11-18 Emacs news

- Hack (programmer) font: with a slashed zero.

- Disable auto text editing

- La Carte missing from elpa?

- How to hide Windows Taskbar with emacs?

- At the helm of my configuration

- tooltip-show really slow on Windows

- EXWM Alt Gr not working on danish keyboard

- Here's the simplified mental view of Emacs keymap precedence I've come up with. How accurate is it?

- Customizing the preview of latex fragments in org-mode

- Selecting and trying out different fonts in Emacs

- Magit error on all commands: "face-attribute: Invalid face attribute name: :extend"

- Setting up local variables for custom projectile compile command

- counsel-compile without a project root?

- Org sparse tree display

- Weekly tips/trick/etc/ thread

- Self-contained Org files

- Anyone using X-bows keyboard with emacs?

- Shout-out to the maintainers of matlab-emacs

- Advice request: managing melpa/elpa package dependencies

- Using Emacs 62 Magit Forge

- Split-Window-Below Not Accepting Size Argument

- Gnus backend for GitHub/GitLab?

- How to collect usage statistics of yasnippet snippets?

- Why do some emacs commands bound to keys behave differently than as function calls?

- How do you cope with the lack of reliable persistent undo on Emacs?

- Latex fragment preview in org-mode

- Moving from Zim to Org, help with the journal feature

- Emacs mode for hiding the mode-line · Bastien Guerry - Liberté, informatique, choucroute.

- counsel-etags 1.9.0 is out | Chen's blog

- All Things Org Mode: PIM, Scientific Writing, Presentation, Programming

- upm: �� Universal Package Manager - Python, Node.js, Ruby, Emacs Lisp.

- sachachua: 2019-11-18 Emacs news

- org-recoll: A lightweight org-mode wrapper for the recoll full-text search engine

- Chris Wellons: On-the-fly Linear Congruential Generator Using Emacs Calc

- yafolding.el: Yet another folding extension for Emacs

- orca: ORg CApture

- org-parser: org-parser is a parser for the Org mode markup language for Emacs.

- [NEWS] ; Fix NEWS entry for network-lookup-address-info

- Using Emacs 62 - Magit Forge

- Irreal: Zamansky 62: Magit Forge

- ibuffer-projectile: Group buffers in Emacs ibuffer-mode by their projectile root directory

- Grant Rettke: Is `with-eval-after-load’ Always A Bad Idea?

- Alvaro Ramirez: Emacs org block company completion

- Alvaro Ramirez: Enhanced Emacs searching with counsel switches

@Org_Mode #rss
Canal Org Mode

- Mike Zamansky: Using Emacs 61 - org-msg

- Mike Zamansky: Using Emacs 62 Magit Forge

- Sacha Chua: 2019-10-28 Emacs news

- Sacha Chua: Python, Org Mode, and writing Org tables to CSVs so that I can read them back

- Sacha Chua: 2019-11-04 Emacs news

- Sacha Chua: 2019-11-11 Emacs news

- Sacha Chua: 2019-11-18 Emacs news

- Exporting and (buffer) file-local variables

- Exporting results of code execution different than results in org file

- use-package and Org config

- The FSF's EmacsConf 2019 satellite was an M-x success! — Free Software Foundation — working together for free software

- minak: "Minak is not a keyboard" - a gesture-based input method editor for Android

- winpty: A Windows software package providing an interface similar to a Unix pty-master for communicating with Windows console programs.

- [NEWS] Have what-cursor-position optionally show character name

- [NEWS] Default network-stream-use-client-certificates to nil

- Touch Keyboard - Termux Wiki

- Mike Zamansky: Using Emacs 62 Magit Forge

- brazilian-holidays: Brazilian holidays

- Emacs | books, videos, and tutorials to learn | Tech-Run

- global-tags: Elisp API and editor integration for GNU global

- org-working-set: Manage a working-set of org-nodes

- uml-mode: Minor mode for ascii uml sequence diagrams

- [NEWS] Use new macro debounce-reduce to make mouse scaling of images more re…

- anki-connect: AnkiConnect API

- vdf-mode: Major mode for editing Valve VDF files.

- my-site-start/ at master · tripleee/my-site-start · GitHub

- Grant Rettke: Is `with-eval-after-load’ Always A Bad Idea?

- Alvaro Ramirez: A more reusable Emacs shell-command history

@Org_Mode #rss
Canal Org Mode

- Irreal: Emacs 27.1 Coming

- Phil Hagelberg: in which we get socially rendered

- Learning Org-mode with no experience whatsoever. Help?

- Smooth scrolling with Evil + C-d/C-u/C-f/C-b

- Mu4e and khard ?

- Scala users: how do I format my code using the scalafmt?

- EXWM: transparent background

- My org-mode workflow for studies.

- Emacs server takes a lot of cpu in windows

- Use cases for two-column editing?

- With org-babel, what can I do with table output?

- Packages used in spacemacs by default?

- GitHub Action with Cask projects

- Emacs Lisp Challenge: flaky-if

- Where is the emacs community?

- Handling Python indentation (automatically)

- How to check if a string variable contains a substring in a conditionals statement?

- Re-map projectile super key usage back to control key, because of no super key

- lisp nesting exceeds 'max-lisp-eval-depth' after adding hook

- EmacsConf 2019 videos now out!

- Intero autocompletion not working

- Anyone using jupyter-python and lsp? What's your python workflow?

- Getting notification of new developmental version of Emacs

- is down

- Emacs term doesn't process capabilities correctly

- Can Org export the content of a heading, but not the heading name itself?

- Una guía de referencia para Emacs - ochobitshacenunbyte

- Emacs Macro Tutorial: How to Record and Play

- Alvaro Ramirez: Wizard zines comics Emacs eshell util

- messages-are-flowing: Send "flowed" email messages from Emacs

- Keeping a simple markdown work-log, via emacs

- Irreal: Emacs 27.1 Coming

- Grasp: How to capture information from your browser and stay sane

- Grant Rettke: Ever Heard Of An Integrated Writing Environment (IWE)?

- org-sticky-header: Show off-screen Org heading at top of window

- Phil Hagelberg: in which we get socially rendered

- flymake-kondor: Integrate clj-kondo, a clojure linter into emacs’ flymake

- Grant Rettke: Is `with-eval-after-load’ Always A Bad Idea?

- Grant Rettke: Ever Heard Of An Integrated Writing Environment (IWE)?

- Alvaro Ramirez: Wizard zines comics in Emacs eshell

@Org_Mode #rss
Canal Org Mode

- Notxor tiene un blog: Primeros pasos con el editor

- YasSnippet, put all snippets in one file?

- Is there a way to figure out what created the faces?

- Is there a package for 'perf annotate' interface inside Emacs?

- Eglot and projects not in the root folder of a repository

- How to install the latest developmental version of Emacs (27.0.50) on Windows 10 -- for dummies

- How to set up Emacs to best type Ancient Greek and Hebrew -- for dummies

- Notes on moving from Vim to Emacs

- Magit - Cannot navigate up and down in magit staus . Error - magit-next-line: Wrong type argument: number-or-marker-p, nil

- [i3wm] : Alt-Shift-ù doesn't work anymore

- Is there a way to reset emacs faces to no colors?

- Quickly switching to window configurations such as in this example?

- how do I configure cygwin emacs for clangd + lsp or any other lsp package for C++ development?

- Weekly /r/Orgmode Open Discussion - November 29, 2019

- mpdel: Emacs user interface for Music Player Daemon (, a flexible, powerful, server-side application for playing music

- [ogv] EmacsConf2019: mpdel: Emacs user interface for Music Player Daemon (, a flexible, powerful, server-side application for playing music

- [NEWS] Improve documentation and UI of 'C-x v L'

- emacs-piper: Think commandline but for Emacs and unstructured data.

- EmacsConf 2019: Slides and Essays on Project Piper

- Welcome to the Conference - Amin Bandali - EmacsConf 2019

- Emacs Community Update - Sacha Chua - EmacsConf 2019

- Emacs Development Update - John Wiegley - EmacsConf 2019

- GNU Emacs for All - Sachin Patil - EmacsConf 2019

- Grant Rettke: Is `with-eval-after-load’ Always A Bad Idea?

@Org_Mode #rss
Canal Org Mode

- Irreal: A Vim User Explores Emacs Distributions

- Notxor tiene un blog: Trabajo con ventanas y buffers

- Sacha Chua: 2019-12-02 Emacs news

- Anyone want to collaborate on music-making that involves Emacs?

- Thinking of switching from vim

- Name of the current m**thf**king theme!!

- `org-beamer-export-to-pdf` async returns `Unknown "nil" back-end`

- NYC Emacs Meetup tonight!

- Markup like =code=, *bold* not visible in org agenda

- An HTML template system for Emacs and org-mode

- Wrote the second part in "Configuring Emacs from Scratch". Please review and suggest improvements. Thanks! :)

- Adding Keymaps with Font-Lock-Mode

- Markdown mode

- MELPA and Git roll-backs in the era of pushing to master

- Emacs on Chrome OS

- emacsclient start-up anomaly

- How do I fix links in the org-mode html export?

- 1 command to change a word into another word?

- How do I change the project directory in tree macs?

- Are Timestamps not implemented in Orgzly android app?

- Org table: how to determine if a cell is empty?

- Porting org-shiftup/down as a separate module - MetroWind - EmacsConf 2019

- Packaging emacs packages for Debian - David Bremner - EmacsConf 2019

- Interactive Remote Debugging and Development with TRAMP Mode - Matt Ray - EmacsConf 2019

- GNU Emacs as software freedom in practice - Greg Farough - EmacsConf 2019

- Closing remark - Amin Bandali - EmacsConf 2019

- Irreal: A Vim User Explores Emacs Distributions

- Emacs: The Editor for the Next Forty Years - Perry E. Metzger - EmacsConf 2019

- How to record executable notes with eev and how to play them back - Eduardo Ochs - EmacsConf 2019

- Sacha Chua: 2019-12-02 Emacs news

- Play and control your music with Emacs - Damien Cassou - EmacsConf 2019

- Grant Rettke: Is `with-eval-after-load’ Always A Bad Idea?

@Org_Mode #rss