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I want you to look at this Scavino post some time ago.

I made my own on the right with the arrows as an indication of what I want you to look at and try to see if you can find the 🗝 that is put in the drops from Scavino.

What is in a straight line from Statue of "Liberty" <not the true meaning>

Across the waters?

What shape is the fundamental part of the statue?

How do you hide any activities from the public?

You go under the Rader of the public..

You use the water, you work under the surface.

How is Podesta connected to this?

Fish - man - Sign..

Connect, reflect and share your thoughts 🗝️🕵️

Order Of Alpha [Public Channel]
@OrderOfAlpha - OOA

OOA <> [7TEAM]

D1G174L S0LD13R R3-S34RCH
Media is too big
My Boy is working like his dad..

Always going after the Bush'es.

Remember to zoom in.

Elvis made one movie, and only one movie without him singing, dancing and also he had a beard.

(What if Elvis had a brother who's been hidden away in his Brother's shadow) what if a story was made up of a twin brother dying at birth, and creating a story of a man who came from nothing to having it all.)

Why was Elvis so interested in Secret Agencies, Police, Government Security etc.

What was his relation to President Nixon.

What I am showing here.. Is a collaborative process of many hours work in a quantum spectrum.

This is by far the most important drop concerning Elvis truth.

This drop made a woman contact me on Twitter..

She explained.. Elvis was her brother, and everything that had happened when they were separated from each other. They was 3.

You will need an deep understanding of linguistics, connecting, and understand the complexity of the world and reality as we have been presented.

This one is for you to break.

I'll did the boring work for you.
You can do it!
From WitchyPedia. It's a wicked spectrum of black hats, Marxist social platforms in disguise, and much more.

But they didn't think their own framework could be cracked.

They forgot God's children working for the creator of all living things knew that Good people will be fighting the Wicked and corrupted People.

So much disclosures to come..

Stay tuned. I am with you.
So is TcB, John, MJ, CASH, Lady Spencer etc.
Media is too big
How to use the search engine on this channel. Both dates and keywords are able to be found.

Also how to search through all the media that has been saved on this channel in seperate groups (Music, Files, Media, Links.)

Enjoy. If you have been in this game long, you will still be informed
Forwarded from Disclose.tv
NEW - Pornhub/ MindGeek lawsuit: "Beginning at age 7, and continuing for more than 21 years, Jane Doe No. 1 was raped, trafficked, and exploited by a ring of Hollywood men and New York financiers, including Jeffrey Epstein."

These interactions were often recorded and since no later than 2007 have been widely and continuously distributed on Pornhub.


Forwarded from Order Of Alpha
Media is too big
I feel you. This was my first movie I've made in the very first beginning.. Full of mistakes, but the messages still gives me chills and completely unable to understand its been over 4 years since we collected lead the way for the voiceless and oppressed. WWG1WGA
Forwarded from Order Of Alpha [Public Channel] (Order Of Alpha [Public Channel: https://t.me/OrderOfAlpha])

They will push an disclosure of the octagonal structure which has multiple layers stretching deep down in to two miles. It is estimated to be 62 acres in size and buried under 50 feet of ice near the Beardsmore glacier in West Antarctica.

To enter the structure you must travel in a Submarine from the coastline, under the ice sheet to enter the structure at an entry point. (Approx. Two miles beneath the ice)

This will happen When the official news will come about human trafficking, and Pedophilea. They will try to create an Alien agenda distraction. As people will fall more for the news of alien life rather than human trafficking. (They believe)

They will announce fossilized findings, geological findings that connect Antarctica to Mars. Its a political purpose, it's a great deception. "

Let's turn to Q a bit.


This will expose the Deepstate official's. Also that Trump won the election, and the role of Britain & the Australia.

Q said "Justice"
This involves the US Attorney for Utah 'John Huber', moving forward with the release of up to 60.000 sealed indictments. This will trigger the prosecution of thousands of former officials and Deep State figures.
(Crimes as Subversion, Human Trafficking, Pedophilia in both Military / Civilian courts)
Look up Q #2803

And now go to Q #2903
[It's going to be historic] countdown [-21 days]

Big Big BQQMs ahead.

[Think days of Noah and Mighty Men of Old. Men of Renown]

Remember it will be a great deception, pushing the Gray's as our creators, fooling people to worship them.

Be there for each other, and pick one up if they fall. WWG1WGA

Thank you for guidance The Anonymous Charity, also known As TheCollectiveQ.

And thank you my beloved father in the heavens heaven for the gift you have granted to me. I am a servant of thy wish. I am an ambassador of the mystics of the Gospel in chains.

I pray, strengthen me in the battle with the wicked and evil forces. I do not ask for easy battle, but for your protection and Strength when the day comes.

In Jesus Christ name
I humble myself

Forwarded from Order Of Alpha [Public Channel] (Order Of Alpha)
This is my A game. I have infiltrated most societies, and especially Pedophilea frameworks. I can read their words, their symbols, Linguistics, and the secret within 3P cookies trackers, scanning your entire activity, from the prior visited pages, to the time estimated between each click, and how fast you move to the coded linguistics..its working as a finger scanner, gaining you complete access to what seemed to be an ordinary web page. Dark web is right in front of you, hidden away from the uneducated.

I have tried to learn larger accounts how to use the tools to spot, and make a difference for the voiceless. But it seems like it's not important enough to take the time to learn.. Because then they loose followers.. 🤦🏻 I lack understanding of how they even gained so many followers. Show your light, and aspire in actions, not words and copy past posting. You can do it, all of you can.


Psychoanalytical Society is cover for their true agenda. With members as Sigmund Freud and many others
Influencial characters which are being praised in our school system. Are in fact psychotic sadistic pedophiles /
Necrophiles / Murderes of the most innocent beings.. Our children, Gods most sacred creation.. Made in his own image.

This is for those who have the courage to dive very deep. I guarantee you, this is the only place you will get comms like this. This is the true reality of the wickedness and evil human garbage that is doing this and far worse every minute of the day, everywhere you can imagine. And they doing it in disguise as Aid help, charities, animal protection, human rights organisations, as well as very self-proclaimed specialized Psychological services in a spectrum that will change your whole understanding and life. This is deep. Prepare.

Connect. And next is
Philanthropist the cover term for being a fucked up psychotic Pedophilea rapist, and sincerely believe it's a good thing to do, because then they are helping humanity.. Meaning they find an situation where they use their own needs to be fulfilled by force and penetrative to be a good thing to humanity. It's only because we don't see it from any other perspective, because love apperently also is.. giving by the force of Penetrating and sexual abuse.. They still give you love and care by letting you be a part of helping humanity. Because you took part freely, or by forced.. You was a part of the dance of basic human fundamentals.

You.. Philanthropist! You will be the ONE THING he will not hurry ABOUT. You will suffer in all eternity, all body parts ripped off constantly, and repeatedly.... in all eternity!

You get what you deserve! You are not human beings, you are meat garbage, and you are less worth than micro bacterial existence.
Forwarded from Order Of Alpha [Public Channel] (Order Of Alpha [Public Channel @OrderOfAlpha)
If you should trust me with
anything, trust me in this " Trump
visited the entire world in the
beginning of his Presidency.
Saudi Arabia, and UAE. Then
Entire Asia:North Korea, China,
Vietnam, Japan (White Hat)
Then England, Russia.
Then the real England, England
most of you likely never heard of.
And then.. The Vatican.
More importantly he called
meetings with FN/UN/EU
And a financial bank meeting in
Switzerland. With all the big
players, among the list (George
Trump has in the first two years
with QAnon from 2016-2018,
secured control over the whole
Rothschild members has no legs
anymore, from knee-down. And
now are forced to do charity and
humbled work, as well as helping
George Soros is captured not yet
Every_one are captured and
waiting for Military Trials at @
GITMO (Beginning between a
month after the election and
January)/TV Broadcasted on the
emergency line world wide.
Others are now forced on our side
to help people awake, and
getting a more humane sentence
at judgement day.
90% of all videos and news you'll
see are already pre recorded, and
also CGI facial technology is
being used.
Now we are fishing the last bit of
indifferent weak wickedness of
soulless people, ANTIFA/BLM
and corrupt Media,
Organisations, Athletes, And
generally all. By using
technology you will find difficult
to comprehend.
(Fact of the day)
Everything you've ever wrote,
shared or said in front of your
devices is all stored and not
deleted no matter if you thought
it was deleted.
Why do Trump let this go on
you may ask? That's the only
right question!
Look around you, look at how
indoctrinated our loved ones,
our friends, communities are
by Media and School
Looting, lies, treason,
pedophiles, Murders Rapist,
Cannibalism still didn't wake
them up.. Understand
It's deeper than just a movie
quote. We have to awake
everyone.. If we just did all at
once and before people know
the truth, people will be
divided and a civil world war
will occur because one half is
awakening, and one half living
in Cognitive Dissonance.
Now tell me.. What do you see
when Good people stand up,
against people that lost their
faith and self critical thinking?
They attack without
redemption, they will protect
their reality at all cost.. They
are the dream of the deep
We need to push people to
their knees before they
understand what's going om
and what has been done
towards humanity and most
importantly what they had
done to unbelievable amount
of children. Our sacred ones.
So enjoy the ride, the time from
now to November are for those
still in sleep, and not for you.
You are awaken, your duty is to
change their hatred to love.
And it all starts with oneself.
Trust me, if you go out today
try this out. Smile to everyone
you pass, everyone you
encounter, and see how
everything suddenly changes
throughout your day. I want
you to write me your
experiences when you've done
that. Because I know you are
the fire, we are only the spark.
I will share your experiences,
so your experience can aspire
others to do the same.
I will make a video elaborating
on the things I've been working
on, and things I certainly know.
I love you all. Thank you for
your light - I needed you more
than you needed me. ⚔️❤️⚔️
Forwarded from Order Of Alpha [Public Channel] (Order Of Alpha [Public Channel @OrderOfAlpha)
Why would they BOTH like to learn to parachute?


Enjoy the movie

Time Stamp : 4:(2+3=5) = #45. (17)

Nothing is coincidence
Forwarded from Order Of Alpha [Public Channel] (Order Of Alpha [Public Channel @OrderOfAlpha)
What is the keystone? 

Theory #1

We may have 10 people working on the map, yet each have an opinion about the keystone.  Having studied biblical prophecy for 30 years, I see the keystone quite clearly.  The bible is like a puzzle of a map.  It has taken thousands of years for pieces of power, governments, countries to come together to fulfill prophecy.  You have powers whose names are references to their geographic location in relation to the land of modern day Israel.

The first two powers, or Kings, are laid out in the prophecy that was given to Daniel in the third year of king Cyrus of Persia (Daniel 10:1). (President Trump is said to be our modern day version of Cyrus.  I believe this wholeheartedly.)

King of the North which would include Russia and all of her satellite countries which is a huge world power today.

King of the South which are the Arab confederation which includes the many, many Islamic countries uniting in world power. Think Libya, Syria, Iraq, Iraq, Saudi Arabia, Turkey, Egypt. For a prophecy student, reading the news is like reading the paper.

Another group of Kings is found in Revelation and known for their huge, powerful military.

Kings of the East which are the Far Eastern/ Oriental powers including Japan/China/North and South Korea uniting into a world power. Watching North Korea wanting to make peace with her neighbors gives all prophecy students chills!!!  (Revelation 16:12)

In the Bible, all of the world powers come against tiny, tiny Israel.  More specifically, all the world powers come against Jerusalem.  The keystone of the world map in the Bible is Jerusalem.  All of the history of the Bible centers around Jerusalem.  Not to be confused with the chief cornerstone this map is built on which is Jesus in Ephesians 2:20)

Can you see how the Bible’s plan clearly reflects today’s current events?  Amazing!

But that’s the Biblical perspective.  QAnon is pulling down the powers of the world.  What would be the world’s keystone?  The answer is Satan.  If you have delved into the world of spirit cooking, human sacrifice, pedophilia, etc. this begins to make sense.

Satan has a plan, laid out in the Bible: One world government (to unite under power), money system (to unite the economies), religion (to unite in spirit).  This is the United Nations 2030 end game, including dividing up the nations into 10 regions. (Daniel 2).  The United Nations Agenda 2030 is a product of the Natural World Order QAnon hinted at.  It has been forming since Nazi Germany. 

This is the map I will begin to work on.  It fits the world’s past history, current activities, and fulfills Biblical prophecy.  That’s a win, win, win situation.


Theory #2

The Keystone is the US government itself, including the elite shadow government behind it, and those that it's tied to (those within the Y family). Before WWI, the British, via Milner's group, was intending on pursuing a campaign of world domination, including taking back the US. What happened was that WWI occurred, where the British owed the US $54 Bil. for financing the war. That debt increased after WWII. The US, the debtholder, used that as leverage to become the keystone of the group and took over the role of world domination, which was, in their words, to spread democracy. Before, it was to spread British imperialism. That also goes back to the Federalists. That is why the League of Nations, the RIIA, the CFR and the Pilgrim's Society were created, along with the Bilderberg Group, the Trilateral Commission, the UN, and the NGOs such as the Round Table, and Federalists, etc. It is the same small cadre of wealthy elite behind them all, and they fund them all. They use the nations involved as slush funds. NATO essentially guarantees Europe that the US will fight their wars, for a price. That is why NATO is still there, and the Warsaw Pact is not. The US and British have been behind the EU from the start, especially after GHW Bush became president.
Forwarded from Order Of Alpha
1 said it 4 years ago, I said it 3 years ago, and I say it until you get the vibe of what we've all went through without our knowledge and observation.

Trump already took down the Deepstate in 2017. It's a fact. Everything beyond that, is the greatest movie ever seen in human history, and we've all been part of it. When we say Patriots are in control, we don't mean the entire existence of humanity. Because we don't want that. We took control over the highest places, the highest authorities on our beautiful plane, we call HOME. We needed to witness the whole process and scenarios that would, and had been played out by the Deepstate if Hillary had won over Trump. (Even though many of the people still don't know that they also cheated with ballots back then... That's why they didn't thought they would loose, but Trump(RESH) gained so many votes beyond their own understanding, that we won even though the Hillary administration cheated hard years prior to the elections. I have posted all evidence in the links and post I've done earlier today. We have all their communications spectrums archived, and we have the best actors (infiltrating)

Some of those you trust the most, will be shockingly the complete opposite of the Patriots. They are wicked beyond what you can imagine. And vise versa.. those you hate and feel sick about, turns out to be the best Patriots you could ever imagine.

I always pray for my followers to trust their God given intuition, and not we the Anons. You are an magnificent being, you were created in love in God's own image of th3ir likeness. (Trinity)

This one will sting a bit, but ease my brother, ease my sister.. We are all in this together, and been kept in illusion beyond even my capabilities. What you think is 2Q21, is in fact now 2Q12 (Mirrored)
Yes we can in a very complex way tune in backwards and forwards through our timeline.

When Mayans predicted the end of the world in 2012, they didn't mean as destroyed completely. They meant their world would end in 2012, because they were sun worshippers and kneeling towards the Dæ'mons and evil forces that wanted to destroy everything that was created. They wanted to be God's, but they can't create anything... They are so pity and empty inside, that the only way they could control us was by destroying everything that was created by the only God, and the only creator of the whole of everything. That's why the want to mark everything, that's the only thing near creation they can, or could. You see, we already won with God from the very beginning. (Book of Enoch) tells about a generation to come, and WE THE PEOPLE are THAT GENERATION!

Time has felt slow at times, time has felt speeded up at times, we dreamed of many things, with much more complexity and depth than usual. We have distances, and reached out to new ones, from old ones. You aligned with your body, spirit & soul as a unit. You began to understand the hidden effects of your life. You began to wake up, after a long term of deep sleep.. But you woke up.

Understand this, we were chosen by God. This generation of the people, you and I. We saved the world by God's grace And Mercy. Never in history, and never again will humanity experience a biblical event that defeated the evil wickedness once for "good"

God loves you, he will always seek you closer, if you seek him into your heart. He awaits you, he forgives you. But you have to invite him inside your door. Live by him, live in the spirit of our Father.

I'm Order of Alpha, and I sincerely love you brethrens. Thank you for standing so strong and engaged in the process next to me. You are the KEY and always has been.

One love, show kindness, Merci, forgiveness, and remove ignorance, ego and temptations. And you will be gifted so many folds times back again.

One love, unite!
⚔️Where We Go One We Go All ⚔️🗝️
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Poland is the most red-pilled country. Hands down ⚔️
Media is too big
Comms in this video
Forwarded from Order Of Alpha [Public Channel] (Order Of Alpha)

citizens of the world this is a message from the anonymous charity also known as the collective this message is brief but to the point it answers the question what is the Roman Catholic Church have you ever given much low as to its true origins the Catholic Church proclaims itself to be the church that Jesus Christ died for the church that was established and built by the Apostles is that the true origin of the Catholic Church on the contrary even a brief reading reveals that the Catholic Church does not have its origin in the teachings of Jesus in the New Testament there is no mention of the papacy worship or adoration of Mary praying to Saints apostolic succession the ordinances of the church functioning as sacraments infant baptism confession of a sin to priests purgatory indulgences or the equal authority of church tradition in Scripture if the origin of the Catholic Church is not in the teachings of Jesus and His apostles then what is its true origin for the first two hundred and eighty years of Christian history Christianity was banned by the Roman Empire and Christians were terribly persecuted this changed when Roman Emperor Constantine converted and provided a religious toleration with the Edict of Milan lifting the ban on Christianity Constantine envisioned Christianity as a religion that could unite the Roman Empire however the results were anything but positive the Christian Church that Constantine and his successors promoted became a mixture of true Christianity and Roman paganism here are some examples most Roman Catholic beliefs and practices regarding Mary are completely absent from the Bible interestingly the first hints of catholic mariology resemble isis worship the lord's supper being a conception of the literal body and blood of Jesus is not taught in the Bible Roman Catholicism has Saints one king pray to in order to gain a particular blessing nowhere is even a hint of this taught in Scripture the idea that the Roman Bishop is the Vicar of Christ the supreme leader of the Christian Church is utterly foreign to the Word of God the supremacy of the Roman bishop the papacy was created with the support of Roman emperors eventually the Pope's took on the title that had previously belonged to the Roman emperors Pontifex Maximus many more examples can be given recognising that many of its beliefs and practices are actually foreign to Scripture the Catholic Church is forced to deny the authority and sufficiency of Scripture the origin of the Catholic Church is the tragic compromise of Christianity with the pagan religions that surrounded it by blurring the differences and erasing the distinctions the Catholic Church became the supreme religion in the Roman world for centuries however it also saw the most dominant form of Christianity apostatize inform the true gospel of Jesus Christ and the true proclamation of God's Word for the time will come when men will not put up with sound doctrine instead to suit their own desires they will gather around them a great number of teachers to say what their itching ears want to hear they will turn their ears away from the truth and turn aside to myths that answers the question what is the origin of the Roman Catholic Church this has been a message from the anonymous charity also known as the collective the time for change is now no longer sure the people be slaves to corruption we are the voice for the voiceless we bring hope to the hopeless we bring justice to the oppressed we are the collective will you stand with us. ⚖️
In psychoanalytic theory, the division of the psyche that is conscious, most immediately controls thought and behavior, and mediates between the person and external reality.


I'm pretty sure when Q told us not leave the battlefield. We shouldn't just leave twitter and move to parler, but create a new account and keep on fighting.

I'm not leaving, I'm staying and keep om marching ⚔️ #Trump #maga2020 #stormuponus

The Great WHITE SILENCE, 1924, Antarctica.
What did they discover?
I wish someone outthere share the same interest.

There is a key in this, I feel it. 🗝

Hi. Did you know you're not living on a Globe model earth? (Antarctica Aka. Greenland) But on a plane in a closed system, electromagnetics and Plasma. Aliens are Dæ'mons - The Fallen. Disney is NASA, and NASA is Disney.
Truth is stranger than friction.

You know things are bad, when the US Army contractor has been buying weaken metals and amor for years and years.
And what about Operation Enduring Freedom? And so on? Are we not going to speak up about Obama's ambush on our own special forces..

Treason! All those Lives & Traumas

#DooMsdayradio7am #Earthquake #Code311

My head is spinning.

Feds doesn't control the money.. Bank for international settlements does.



It's so sick we had contractors using weak metal for the army.. Treasonous!

#trump #draintheswamp

Why do I constantly have the vibe that Kabbalah was a major key in the death of John F Kennedy. Numbers, predictions, ah... So much energy flowing through i have to breathe. #johnfkennedy

How do you prevent armies of "Soros soldiers" from attacking the general population in coming weeks? What would it look like if the weapons depots were pre-emptively destroyed, worldwide? Was the floating bomb in Beirut harbor going to be detonated elsewhere?

Order Of Alpha [Public Channel]
@OrderOfAlpha - OOA

D1G174L S0LD13R R3-S34RCH
Media is too big
17 minutes of Voter Fraud.

Order Of Alpha [Public Channel]
@OrderOfAlpha - OOA

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