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Forwarded from Entrance Questions (BEKI CHE)
Day 3

English Questions

1. Vocabulary: Choose the synonym for the word "ephemeral":
A. Lasting
B. Temporary
C. Eternal
D. Infinite

2. Grammar: Identify the sentence with the correct subject-verb agreement:
A. The book on the table is mine.
B. The books on the table is mine.
C. The books on the table are mine.
D. The book on the table are mine.

3. Vocabulary: What is the antonym for the word "opaque"?
A. Transparent
B. Solid
C. Hazy
D. Cloudy

4. Grammar: Which sentence is correctly punctuated with a comma?
A. John and Sarah went to the store and bought milk bread and eggs.
B. John and Sarah went to the store and bought milk, bread, and eggs.
C. John and Sarah went to the store and bought milk bread, and eggs.
D. John and Sarah went to the store and bought milk, bread and eggs.

5. Vocabulary: Choose the meaning of the word "ubiquitous":
A. Scarce
B. Abundant
C. Rare
D. Hidden
6. Grammar: Identify the sentence with the correct use of the past perfect tense:
A. She had finished her homework before dinner.
B. She finish her homework before dinner.
C. She finishes her homework before dinner.
D. She had finish her homework before dinner.
7. Vocabulary: What is the synonym for "magnanimous"?
A. Generous
B. Selfish
C. Cruel
D. Greedy
8. Grammar: Which sentence is correctly punctuated with an apostrophe?
A. The dogs bark echoed through the night.
B. The dog's bark echoed through the night.
C. The dogs' bark echoed through the night.
D. The dogs bark echoed through the night's.
9. Vocabulary: Choose the definition of the word "capitulate":
A. To surrender
B. To conquer
C. To resist
D. To negotiate
10. Grammar: Identify the sentence with the correct use of a semicolon:
A. She likes to swim but she doesn't like to dive.
B. She likes to swim; she doesn't like to dive.
C. She likes to swim; but she doesn't like to dive.
D. She likes to swim but; she doesn't like to dive.
11. Vocabulary: What is the antonym for the word "precarious"?
A. Stable
B. Unsafe
C. Risky
D. Dangerous
12. Grammar: Select the sentence with the correct capitalization:
A. the president of the united states lives in washington, d.c.
B. The President of the United States lives in Washington, D.C.
C. The president of the United States lives in Washington, D.C.
D. The President Of The United States Lives In Washington, D.C.
13. Vocabulary: Choose the synonym for the word "prolific":
A. Productive
B. Lazy
C. Inactive
D. Unproductive
14. Grammar: Identify the sentence with the correct use of a colon:
A. She had three goals to accomplish: finish the project, study for the exam and exercise.
B. She had three goals to accomplish, finish the project, study for the exam, and exercise.
C. She had three goals to accomplish; finish the project, study for the exam, and exercise.
D. She had three goals to accomplish: finish the project, study for the exam, and exercise.
15. Vocabulary: What is the antonym for the word "exacerbate"?
A. Alleviate
B. Worsen
C. Aggravate
D. Intensify
16. Grammar: Identify the sentence with the correct use of quotation marks:
A. She said, I love to read.
B. She said, "I love to read."
C. She said "I love to read".
D. She said, "I love to read".
17. Vocabulary: Choose the meaning of the word "vex":
A. To please
B. To annoy
C. To entertain
D. To comfort
18. Grammar: Which sentence is correctly punctuated with an exclamation mark?
A. What a beautiful day.
B. What a beautiful day!
C. What a beautiful day?
D. What a beautiful day
19. Vocabulary: What is the synonym for "superfluous"?
A. Necessary
B. Excessive
C. Essential
D. Vital
20. Grammar: Identify the sentence with the correct use of the apostrophe:
A. The students books were left on the desk.
B. The student's books were left on the desk.
C. The students' books were left on the desk.
D. The students books' were left on the desk.

📄 Comment your Answers and compare it with others Answer. If there is something unclear don't hesitate to ask them by replying on their answers.

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