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"What we found, and what we saw—never, ever should this happen again in our country." pic.twitter.com/PYPnjbcQCI
— The White House (@WhiteHouse) December 10, 2019

RT @WhiteHouse: "What we found, and what we saw—never, ever should this happen again in our country." https://t.co/PYPnjbcQCI https://ift.tt/2idAC7w
It took almost two years for the DOJ IG to confirm that @DevinNunes was right. https://t.co/etu3bu8pDa
— Tom Fitton (@TomFitton) December 10, 2019

RT @TomFitton: It took almost two years for the DOJ IG to confirm that @DevinNunes was right. https://t.co/etu3bu8pDa https://ift.tt/2idAC7w
Outrage & Injustice – Larry Klayman Reacts to Michael Horowitz IG FISA Report https://t.co/ht929uuMc5
— CrowdsourcetheTruth (@csthetruth) December 10, 2019

RT @csthetruth: Outrage & Injustice – Larry Klayman Reacts to Michael Horowitz IG FISA Report https://t.co/ht929uuMc5 https://ift.tt/2idAC7w
“FBI officials misled the FISA court, omitted critical exculpatory facts from their filings, and suppressed or ignored info”#AGBarr announced that the surveillance operation against Trump's 2016 campaign amounted to a “clear abuse” of the #FISA process. https://t.co/bBVdZFCSWS
— The Epoch Times (@EpochTimes) December 10, 2019

RT @EpochTimes: “FBI officials misled the FISA court, omitted critical exculpatory facts from their filings, and suppressed or ignored info” #AGBarr announced that the surveillance operation against Trump's 2016 campaign amounted to a “clear abuse” of the #FISA process. https://t.co/bBVdZFCSWS https://ift.tt/2idAC7w
🤨 It's become quite clear that America is under siege by Criminal #DeepState Demons controlling our country, backed by Commie Propaganda MSM! The Demons need to be put under #CitizensArrest, because, of the few honest Good Men in the US Gov't, NO ONE is brave enough to do it! https://t.co/o3MWrlo7GQ
📢We are ALL Alex Jones Infowars! (@AlexJonesWins) December 10, 2019

RT @AlexJonesWins: 🤨 It's become quite clear that America is under siege by Criminal #DeepState Demons controlling our country, backed by Commie Propaganda MSM! The Demons need to be put under #CitizensArrest, because, of the few honest Good Men in the US Gov't, NO ONE is brave enough to do it! https://t.co/o3MWrlo7GQ https://ift.tt/2idAC7w
Pomegranates are a cancer-fighting superfood: Here are 4 reasons why: Learn more about pomegranates other cancer-fighting foods at https://t.co/Ctq2kNvoxV. Every dollar you spend at the Health Ranger Store goes toward helping us achieve important… https://t.co/YTeltMwQQ7 << <<- pic.twitter.com/v41zr6lC9m
— Evan Dauster NwoInfoWarrior (@EvanDauster) December 10, 2019

Pomegranates are a cancer-fighting superfood: Here are 4 reasons why: Learn more about pomegranates other cancer-fighting foods at https://t.co/Ctq2kNvoxV. Every dollar you spend at the Health Ranger Store goes toward helping us achieve important… https://t.co/YTeltMwQQ7 << <<- https://t.co/v41zr6lC9m https://ift.tt/2idAC7w
Don’t microwave your food… it’s just not worth the risk: Aside from microwaves, learn about the other machines to avoid at https://t.co/Ctq2kNvoxV. Every dollar you spend at the Health Ranger Store goes toward helping us achieve important science… https://t.co/mwYYIgeG5U << <<- pic.twitter.com/qEkqwkU4Ej
— Evan Dauster NwoInfoWarrior (@EvanDauster) December 10, 2019

Don’t microwave your food… it’s just not worth the risk: Aside from microwaves, learn about the other machines to avoid at https://t.co/Ctq2kNvoxV. Every dollar you spend at the Health Ranger Store goes toward helping us achieve important science… https://t.co/mwYYIgeG5U << <<- https://t.co/qEkqwkU4Ej https://ift.tt/2idAC7w
Elizabeth Warren Supporter Goes Nuts: This college Dem at Sacramento State lost it! "By the way, save money while improving your daily life by ordering the Change Your Life Trifecta Pack!" --> https://t.co/h7HaAjHvgx https://t.co/Keilx8jziihttps://t.co/ddPavCnml5 <<- pic.twitter.com/btpSNBIDSf
— Evan Dauster NwoInfoWarrior (@EvanDauster) December 10, 2019

Elizabeth Warren Supporter Goes Nuts: This college Dem at Sacramento State lost it! "By the way, save money while improving your daily life by ordering the Change Your Life Trifecta Pack!" --> https://t.co/h7HaAjHvgx https://t.co/Keilx8jziihttps://t.co/ddPavCnml5 <<- https://t.co/btpSNBIDSf https://ift.tt/2idAC7w
BREAKING: @Jim_Jordan just exposed Congressional Democrats corrupt actions.

This is a MUST watch ⬇️pic.twitter.com/zA61he5noB— Tea Party Patriots (@TPPatriots) December 9, 2019 RT @TPPatriots: BREAKING: @Jim_Jordan just exposed Congressional Democrats corrupt actions. This is a MUST watch ⬇️ https://t.co/zA61he5noB https://ift.tt/2idAC7w
Gerald Celente: The World At War, But Not Being Reported: Gerald Celente breaks down the news being neglected about a world at odds with itself. "Also, get all you need to completely stuff Christmas stockings this year with our Christmas Mega Pack… https://t.co/1czEruhQrH <<- pic.twitter.com/DXhW2vCqSH
— Evan Dauster NwoInfoWarrior (@EvanDauster) December 10, 2019

Gerald Celente: The World At War, But Not Being Reported: Gerald Celente breaks down the news being neglected about a world at odds with itself. "Also, get all you need to completely stuff Christmas stockings this year with our Christmas Mega Pack… https://t.co/1czEruhQrH <<- https://t.co/DXhW2vCqSH https://ift.tt/2idAC7w
Dud IG Report Proves Americans Must Take Action Into Their Own Hands: Alex Jones interviews Owen Shroyer, fresh from his release from jail after confronting Nadler, about the implications of the dud IG report. "Also, get all you need to completely… https://t.co/LA0cFHBu0r <<- pic.twitter.com/fSLS1iqIj1
— Evan Dauster NwoInfoWarrior (@EvanDauster) December 10, 2019

Dud IG Report Proves Americans Must Take Action Into Their Own Hands: Alex Jones interviews Owen Shroyer, fresh from his release from jail after confronting Nadler, about the implications of the dud IG report. "Also, get all you need to completely… https://t.co/LA0cFHBu0r <<- https://t.co/fSLS1iqIj1 https://ift.tt/2idAC7w
As Predicted, IG Report Falls Flat: Alex Jones tears into the IG report, and exposes it to be the dud he predicted it would be. "Also, get all you need to completely stuff Christmas stockings this year with our Christmas Mega Pack sold AT COST during… https://t.co/4zw7jIs5hK <<- pic.twitter.com/RqhWeBTiyE
— Evan Dauster NwoInfoWarrior (@EvanDauster) December 10, 2019

As Predicted, IG Report Falls Flat: Alex Jones tears into the IG report, and exposes it to be the dud he predicted it would be. "Also, get all you need to completely stuff Christmas stockings this year with our Christmas Mega Pack sold AT COST during… https://t.co/4zw7jIs5hK <<- https://t.co/RqhWeBTiyE https://ift.tt/2idAC7w
Fresh From Jail, Owen Shroyer Breaks Down Confronting Nadler At Treasonous Hearing: Fresh from jail, Owen Shroyer returns to the scene of the crime to break down the criminal proceedings he spoke out against, and in return suffered the consequences… https://t.co/3xr8QWrL9c <<- pic.twitter.com/5p8UhxAm5p
— Evan Dauster NwoInfoWarrior (@EvanDauster) December 10, 2019

Fresh From Jail, Owen Shroyer Breaks Down Confronting Nadler At Treasonous Hearing: Fresh from jail, Owen Shroyer returns to the scene of the crime to break down the criminal proceedings he spoke out against, and in return suffered the consequences… https://t.co/3xr8QWrL9c <<- https://t.co/5p8UhxAm5p https://ift.tt/2idAC7w
Never Trumper Calls To Put Anti-Vaxxers In Concentration Camps: Neo-Con Republican strategist and Never Trumper Rick Wilson has suggested that anti-vaxxers should be put in re-education camps and have their children taken away. "Also, get all you… https://t.co/ubNCBEeHvE <<- pic.twitter.com/y63o6OCrE0
— Evan Dauster NwoInfoWarrior (@EvanDauster) December 10, 2019

Never Trumper Calls To Put Anti-Vaxxers In Concentration Camps: Neo-Con Republican strategist and Never Trumper Rick Wilson has suggested that anti-vaxxers should be put in re-education camps and have their children taken away. "Also, get all you… https://t.co/ubNCBEeHvE <<- https://t.co/y63o6OCrE0 https://ift.tt/2idAC7w
Infowars Host's Arrest Inspires America To Take Action Against Treasonous Politicians: Owen Shroyer's arrest for confronting Jerry Nadler at during the treasonous impeachment hearings against Trump has inspired American's everywhere to stand up to… https://t.co/XfKlFZtLZ4 <<- pic.twitter.com/RCPEuaYsEn
— Evan Dauster NwoInfoWarrior (@EvanDauster) December 10, 2019

Infowars Host's Arrest Inspires America To Take Action Against Treasonous Politicians: Owen Shroyer's arrest for confronting Jerry Nadler at during the treasonous impeachment hearings against Trump has inspired American's everywhere to stand up to… https://t.co/XfKlFZtLZ4 <<- https://t.co/RCPEuaYsEn https://ift.tt/2idAC7w