How to add Novacoin (BEP20) to Trust Wallet:
Open the Trust Wallet app => Go to "Add Tokens" => Tap “+” in the left top corner. Select "BNB Smart Chain" network and paste the address 0xbf84720097de111a80f46f9d077643967042841a in the designated box. Enter the details of the token, including its Name (Novacoin), the Symbol (NVC) and the Decimals (18) then press "Save".
Open the Trust Wallet app => Go to "Add Tokens" => Tap “+” in the left top corner. Select "BNB Smart Chain" network and paste the address 0xbf84720097de111a80f46f9d077643967042841a in the designated box. Enter the details of the token, including its Name (Novacoin), the Symbol (NVC) and the Decimals (18) then press "Save".
NVC BEP20 has been added on XeggeX exchange:
We also have a new pair there, NVC/BTC.
The exchange can be used as a bridge between the native NVC blockchain and BEP20.
We also have a new pair there, NVC/BTC.
The exchange can be used as a bridge between the native NVC blockchain and BEP20.
XeggeX cryptocurrency exchange - Buy and sell cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin, Ethereum, and more on our secure and user-friendly…
NovaCoin has been listed on exchange with the following trading pairs: