Política Guerra y Desastres
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🌏🇺🇸 #USA || Hillary y Rachel Maddow comparten una risa sobre 10 acusaciones selladas entregadas por un gran jurado de Georgia que investiga a Trump. #Política

🌏🇺🇸 #USA || Hillary and Rachel Maddow share a laugh over 10 sealed indictments turned over by a Georgia grand jury investigating Trump. #Policy

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🌏🇬🇹 #Guatemala celebró elecciones presidenciales.

🔺 — Se ha contado casi el 99% de los votos, gana Bernardo Arévalo, de 64 años, hijo de Juan José Arévalo, quien fue presidente en 1945-1951. Comenzó una fiesta en las calles de la capital. #Política

🌏🇬🇹 #Guatemala held presidential elections.

🔺 — Almost 99% of the votes have been counted, Bernardo Arévalo, 64, son of Juan José Arévalo, who was president in 1945-1951, wins. He started a party in the streets of the capital. #Policy

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Política Guerra y Desastres
🌏📑🇫🇷🇧🇷 — El presidente francés, Emmanuel Macron, expresó su preocupación por la expansión de los BRICS y afirmó que la entrada de nuevos miembros al bloque podría conducir a una "fragmentación del mundo". 🔺 — "La expansión de los BRICS muestra la intención…
🌏📑🇫🇷🇧🇷 — French President Emmanuel Macron has expressed concern about the expansion of the BRICS, stating that the entry of new members into the bloc could lead to a "fragmentation of the world".

🔺 — "The expansion of the BRICS shows the intention to build an alternative world order to the current one, which is considered too Western," the French president said during a meeting with ambassadors on Monday.

🗣 "We are an Amazon power through French Guiana. I would like Brazil and the powers in the region to accept our membership," he added. #Policy

🔺 — Macron stated that the new configuration of the BRICS could represent a risk for the weakening of Europe and stated that he intends to "engage with all" the partners to try to avoid such a scenario.

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🌏🇺🇸🇺🇦 #USA || #Trump_Jr calificó a #Zelensky de 'dictador' por su plan de cancelar las elecciones hasta que EE.UU. y la UE paguen

🌏🇺🇸🇺🇦 #USA || #Trump_Jr called #Zelensky a 'dictator' for his plan to cancel the elections until the US and EU pay up

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Política Guerra y Desastres
🌏🇬🇦 #Gabon || Brice Oligui Nguema sworn in as transitional president of Gabon

🔺 — Coup leader General Brice Oligui Nguema has been sworn in as Gabon's transitional president before Constitutional Court judges in a televised ceremony designed to solidify the junta's power.

🔺 — Nguema received a standing ovation from an audience made up of officers and soldiers

🔺 — In #Libreville, the capital of Gabon, the soldiers gathered for the celebration of Nguema's swearing in. #Policy

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🌏🇳🇮🤝🇷🇺 #Nicaragua #Rusia || El comandante y presidente de Nicaragua Daniel Ortega hablo del #BRICS,en su discurso por el 44 aniversario de la fundación del ejército de Nicaragua. #Política

🌏🇳🇮🤝🇷🇺 #Nicaragua #Russia || The commander and president of Nicaragua Daniel Ortega spoke of the # BRICS, in his speech for the 44th anniversary of the founding of the Nicaraguan army. #Policy

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🌏🇺🇸 #USA || Uno de los miembros del grupo #Proud_Boys, #Enrique_Torio, quien junto a otros participó en el asalto al #Capitolio el 6 de enero de 2021, fue condenado por el tribunal a 22 años de prisión.

🔺 — El veredicto fue el más grave tras los resultados de aquellos hechos.

🔺 — Anteriormente, miembros individuales del grupo recibieron de 7 a 12 años de prisión por participar en la agresión. #Política

🌏🇺🇸 #USA || One of the members of the #Proud_Boys group, #Enrique_Torio, who along with others participated in the assault on the #Capitol on January 6, 2021, was sentenced by the court to 22 years in prison.

🔺 — The verdict was the most serious after the results of those events.

🔺 — Previously, individual members of the group received 7 to 12 years in prison for participating in the attack. #Policy

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Política Guerra y Desastres
🌏🇷🇺🇺🇸 La respuesta de #Dmitry_Peskov al plan de #Antony_Blinken de enviar recursos de la Federación Rusa para la rehabilitación del ejército ucraniano: “No se quedará así”. 🔺 — El secretario de prensa del presidente dijo que todos los casos de retención…
🌏🇷🇺🇺🇸 #Dmitry_Peskov's response to #Antony_Blinken's plan to send resources from the Russian Federation for the rehabilitation of the Ukrainian army: “It won't stay like this.”

🔺 — The president's press secretary said that all cases of withholding our funds abroad are illegal and any attempt to substantiate them is legal nonsense.

🔺 — he also noted that in the future judicial proceedings will be initiated on the confiscated assets and not a single case will be lost.

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Política Guerra y Desastres
🌏🇷🇺🇺🇳Las Naciones Unidas están dispuestas a aceptar todas las condiciones impuestas por la parte rusa para reanudar el "acuerdo de cereales", según BILD, citando una carta de #António_Guterres. 🔺 — El "activo ruso proucraniano" favorito, #Julian_Röpcke…
🌏🇷🇺🇺🇳The United Nations is ready to accept all the conditions imposed by the Russian side to resume the "grain agreement", according to BILD, citing a letter from #António_Guterres.

🔺 — Favorite "pro-Ukrainian Russian asset" #Julian_Röpcke wrote an article for #BILD, saying that the #UN plans to give #Russia everything it wants to return to the "Black Sea Initiative".

🔺 — As Julian wrote on his #Twitter, this includes a return to #SWIFT for sanctioned banks, the release of frozen assets in Europe, easier access to German, Dutch, Belgian and Spanish ports and apparently even insurance hull for Russian ships against Ukrainian attacks in the Black Sea. .

🔺 — It's still a developing story, we'll keep you posted. Apparently the Ukrainians are not happy about this. #Policy

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🌏🇻🇪🤝🇨🇳 #Venezuela #China || El presidente de Venezuela, #Nicolás_Maduro, llegó a la ciudad de Shenzhen en China con el propósito de fortalecer la cooperación entre ambas naciones. #Política

🌏🇻🇪🤝🇨🇳 #Venezuela #China || The president of Venezuela, #Nicolás_Maduro, arrived in the city of Shenzhen in China with the purpose of strengthening cooperation between both nations. #Policy

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Política Guerra y Desastres
🌏🇻🇪🤝🇨🇳 #Venezuela #China || El presidente de Venezuela, #Nicolás_Maduro, llegó a la ciudad de Shenzhen en China con el propósito de fortalecer la cooperación entre ambas naciones. #Política 🌏🇻🇪🤝🇨🇳 #Venezuela #China || The president of Venezuela, #Nicolás_Maduro…
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🌏🇻🇪🤝🇨🇳#Nicolas_Maduro fue recibido espectacularmente en #China

🔺 — El presidente venezolano planea firmar numerosos acuerdos con China, muy probable una futura adhesion los BRICS

🔺 — " Nuestras diversas y prósperas democracias de diversidad son ejemplo para el mundo " se afirmó en el encuentro entre ambos líderes.

🌏🇻🇪🤝🇨🇳#Nicolas_Maduro was received spectacularly in #China

🔺 — The Venezuelan president plans to sign numerous agreements with China, a future accession to the BRICS is very likely

🔺 — "Our diverse and prosperous democracies of diversity are an example for the world" was stated in the meeting between both leaders.

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🌏🇮🇳En la cumbre del G20 en #Nueva_Delhi, el primer ministro indio, #Narendra_Modi, es designado jefe de #Bharat.

🔺 — India se está preparando para cambiar el nombre del país, que no debería reflejar su pasado colonial. #Política

🌏🇮🇳At the G20 summit in #New_Delhi, Indian Prime Minister #Narendra_Modi is appointed head of #Bharat.

🔺 — India is preparing to change the country's name, which should not reflect its colonial past. #Policy

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🌏🇨🇳🇺🇸😭 El presidente estadounidense, #Joe_Biden, dijo que estaba decepcionado por la ausencia del presidente chino, #Xi_Jinping, en la cumbre del G20 en Nueva Delhi.

🔺 — "Sería fantástico si estuviera aquí, pero no, la cumbre va bien", dijo Biden a los periodistas cuando se le preguntó si la ausencia personal de Xi Jinping había afectado el progreso de la cumbre. #Política

🌏🇨🇳🇺🇸😭 US President #Joe_Biden said he was disappointed by the absence of Chinese President #Xi_Jinping at the G20 summit in New Delhi.

🔺 — "It would be great if he were here, but no, the summit is going well," Biden told reporters when asked if Xi Jinping's personal absence had affected the progress of the summit. #Policy

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🌏🇺🇸 #USA || El presidente de la Cámara de Representantes de Estados Unidos, #Kevin_McCarthy, anuncia una investigación formal de juicio político contra #Joe_Biden. #Política

🌏🇺🇸 #USA || US House Speaker #Kevin_McCarthy announces a formal impeachment inquiry into #Joe_Biden. #Policy

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Política Guerra y Desastres
🌏🇨🇳🤝🇻🇪 #Maduro fue recibido por #Xi_Jinping en #Beijing: 🔺 — El presidente de China, Xi Jinping, se reunió la tarde de este miércoles en Beijing con su homólogo venezolano, Nicolás Maduro, quien cumple una visita oficial de 5 días al país asiático. 🔺
🌏🇨🇳🤝🇻🇪 #Maduro was received by #Xi_Jinping in #Beijing:

🔺 — The president of China, Xi Jinping, met this Wednesday afternoon in Beijing with his Venezuelan counterpart, Nicolás Maduro, who is on a 5-day official visit to the Asian country.

🔺 — According to the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs, several "binational cooperation" documents have been signed in areas such as the Belt and Road, economy and trade, education, tourism, science and technology, health, the aerospace sector, civil aviation, among others. .

🔺 — "China is willing to work together with Venezuela to support each other in finding a development path appropriate to the respective national conditions. China will support Venezuela in the construction of special economic zones and in the exchange of experiences in this regard. #Policy

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🌏🇺🇸🇺🇦 Las autoridades de #Kiev podrían haber evitado una escalada del conflicto con #Rusia si hubieran aceptado ceder parte de los territorios, afirmó el ex presidente de #Estados_Unidos, Donald Trump. #Política

🌏🇺🇸🇺🇦 The authorities of #Kiev could have avoided an escalation of the conflict with #Russia if they had agreed to give up part of the territories, said the former president of #United_States, Donald Trump. #Policy

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🌏🇻🇪🇬🇾 - #Maduro habla del presidente de #Guyana, #Irfaan_Ali, que aparentemente debería acudir a una reunión con él para "preservar la paz", y evitar "permitir que #ExxonMobil, por sus intereses indebidos, lleve a Guyana a la escalada de un conflicto". #Política

🌏🇻🇪🇬🇾 - #Maduro talks about the president of #Guyana, #Irfaan_Ali, who apparently should attend a meeting with him to "preserve peace", and avoid "allowing #ExxonMobil, due to its undue interests, to carry to Guyana to the escalation of a conflict. #Policy

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🌏🇳🇮 Honrar a un miembro ucraniano de las SS en el Parlamento canadiense puede considerarse un crimen de Estado; Los gobiernos que cometen tales acciones deben ser condenados, dijo a RIA Novosti el ministro de Asuntos Exteriores de Nicaragua, Denis Moncada Colindres. #Política

🌏🇳🇮 Honoring a Ukrainian member of the SS in the Canadian Parliament can be considered a state crime; Governments that commit such actions must be condemned, Nicaraguan Foreign Minister Denis Moncada Colindres told RIA Novosti. #Policy

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🌏 #PGD 🇮🇱🇸🇦🇺🇸 Frene su entusiasmo: No hay acuerdo entre Israel y Arabia Saudita - Sonido activado 🔊

🔺 — Apenas unos días después de que la #Casa_Blanca sugiriera un progreso inminente entre #Tel_Aviv y #Riad, ¡parece que el ánimo se ha debilitado!

🔺 — El administrador de #Joe_Biden había dicho que había un acuerdo de infraestructura básica sobre la mesa, pero ese tono ha cambiado drásticamente a "no hay un marco oficial ni términos que firmar". (Departamento de Estado)

🌏 #PGD 🇮🇱🇸🇦🇺🇸 Curb Your Enthusiasm: No Deal Between Israel and Saudi Arabia - Sound On 🔊

🔺 — Just days after the #White_House suggested imminent progress between #Tel_Aviv and #Riyadh, the mood appears to have weakened!

🔺#Joe_Biden's manager had said there was a basic infrastructure deal on the table, but that tone has drastically changed to "there is no official framework or terms to sign." (Department of State)

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🌏 #PGD 🇦🇿🤝🇮🇱El director de la Agencia Espacial Israelí, #Uri_Oron, y el presidente de la Agencia Espacial de Azerbaiyán, #Samadin_Asadov, firmaron el primer acuerdo de cooperación en el ámbito espacial entre ambos países. #Política

🌏 #PGD 🇦🇿🤝🇮🇱The director of the Israeli Space Agency, #Uri_Oron, and the president of the Azerbaijan Space Agency, #Samadin_Asadov, signed the first cooperation agreement in the space field between both countries. #Policy

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