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Política Guerra y Desastres
🌏 #PGD 🇸🇾🇵🇸🇮🇱 Zionist criminals against Palestinians

🔺 — The Council of the Union of Member States of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation held an emergency meeting by video on Monday, at the invitation of the president of the National Popular Assembly of #Algeria, #Ibrahim_Boughali, to discuss the dangerous evolution of the situation in the Palestinian territories and the Israeli aggression against the Gaza Strip.

🔺 — Speaker of the People's Assembly #Hammouda_Sabbagh, in a speech at the meeting, stressed the importance of working with national parliaments and influential regional and international parliamentary organizations to immediately stop the barbaric Zionist bombing of the peaceful population in the besieged #Gaza and put an end to the Zionist Entity's attempts to displace them by force.

🔺 — Sabbagh stressed the need to exert the greatest possible pressure on the international community, in accordance with its humanitarian, moral and legal duties, to stop Zionist violations against the Palestinians, by providing them with immediate aid, opening humanitarian crossings and making efforts to reach a fair agreement and a comprehensive solution to the question of Palestine, including the return of Palestinian refugees and the construction of the Palestinian State with Holy Jerusalem as its capital.

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🌏 #PGD 🇮🇱💀 [IMÁGENES SENSIBLES] [+18] - Cientos de víctimas fatales en el bombardeo #Israelí sobre el hospital de #Gaza.

🔺 — Esto puede provocar que el conflicto recrudezca aún más, ya se están produciendo manifestaciones masivas de #Palestinos en #Cisjordania.

🌏 #PGD 🇮🇱💀 [SENSITIVE IMAGES] [+18] - Hundreds of fatalities in the #Israeli bombing of the #Gaza hospital.

🔺 — This may cause the conflict to escalate even more, massive #Palestinian demonstrations are already taking place in the #WestBank.

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🌏 #PGD 🇮🇶🇵🇸🇮🇱 Comienzan a llegar manifestantes a la plaza #Tahir en #Irak a favor de #Palestina y en contra de lo sucedido en el Hospital de #Gaza.

🌏 #PGD 🇮🇶🇵🇸🇮🇱 Protesters begin to arrive at #Tahir Square in #Iraq in favor of #Palestine and against what happened in the #Gaza Hospital.

🔗 https://t.me/pgdnot
🌏 #PGD 🇮🇱🇵🇸El ejército israelí emitió una nueva declaración exigiendo a los habitantes de #Gaza que evacuaran a una pequeña zona en el sur de Gaza conocida como la zona de Al-Mawasi.

🔺 — Allí, el ejército israelí promete "ayuda humanitaria internacional".

🌏 #PGD 🇮🇱🇵🇸The Israeli army issued a new statement demanding residents of #Gaza evacuate to a small area in southern Gaza known as the Al-Mawasi area.

🔺 — There, the Israeli army promises "international humanitarian aid."

🔗 https://t.me/pgdnot
🌏 #PGD 🇮🇱💀🇵🇸 - 📰 Tras los bombardeos de los aviones de los israelí decenas de heridos llegan al complejo médico #Naser en #Gaza.
#Masacres #Israel #Palestina

🌏 #PGD 🇮🇱💀🇵🇸 - 📰 After the bombing by Israeli planes, dozens of wounded people arrive at the #Naser medical complex in #Gaza.
#Massacres #Israel #Palestine

🔗 https://t.me/pgdnot
🌏 #PGD 🇵🇸🇪🇬🇮🇱 El puesto de control de #Rafah en la frontera entre #Egipto y #Gaza se abrió para entregar ayuda humanitaria a los residentes del enclave palestino. En primer lugar se entregaron medicamentos.

🌏 #PGD 🇵🇸🇪🇬🇮🇱 The #Rafah checkpoint on the border between #Egypt and #Gaza was opened to deliver humanitarian aid to residents of the Palestinian enclave. Firstly, medicines were delivered.

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🌏 #PGD 🇮🇱🇵🇸#Gaza El momento en que un edificio de gran altura en Gaza fue alcanzado por una munición aérea guiada.

🔺 — También es interesante que los autores de estos vídeos a menudo saben qué filmar y hacia dónde volarán, ya que los residentes locales conocen, en su mayor parte, las ubicaciones de las fuerzas y organizaciones de Hamás.

🌏 #PGD 🇮🇱🇵🇸#Gaza The moment a high-rise building in Gaza was hit by a guided aerial munition.

🔺 — It is also interesting that the authors of these videos often know what to film and where they will fly to, since local residents know, for the most part, the locations of Hamas forces and organizations.

🔗 https://t.me/pgdnot
Política Guerra y Desastres
🌏 #PGD 🇮🇱🇵🇸 — Anoche sólo se permitió el paso de 14 camiones de ayuda a través del cruce de #Rafah, que según la #ONU transportaban el 3 por ciento de las entregas habituales al enclave.

🔺#Israel continúa prohibiendo la entrada de combustible y los médicos en #Gaza han emitido una advertencia urgente de que las vidas de 130 bebés prematuros están en peligro inminente si el combustible no llega pronto a los hospitales: "Pedimos a los líderes mundiales que exijan que Israel permita urgentemente la entrada de combustible a hospitales de Gaza. Si no se actúa, se condenará a muerte a estos bebés".

🔺 — En la #Cisjordania ocupada, las redadas israelíes continuaron durante la noche, incluso en #Hebrón, donde fueron arrestadas 59 personas, incluidos 40 trabajadores de la Franja de Gaza.

🔺 — Durante otra redada en el campo de refugiados de #Jalazone, cerca de #Ramallah, dos personas murieron y veinte fueron arrestadas, según el Ministerio de Salud palestino.

🔺 — Más de 1.200 palestinos han sido arrestados por las fuerzas israelíes en Cisjordania desde el 7 de octubre. También han muerto 96 personas y 1.650 han resultado heridas.

🔗 https://t.me/pgdnot
Política Guerra y Desastres
🌏 #PGD 🇮🇱🇵🇸 — Only 14 aid trucks were allowed to pass through the #Rafah crossing last night, which the #UN said carried 3 percent of the usual deliveries to the enclave.

🔺#Israel continues to ban fuel entry and doctors in #Gaza have issued an urgent warning that the lives of 130 premature babies are in imminent danger if fuel does not reach hospitals soon: "We call on world leaders to "Demand that Israel urgently allow fuel into Gaza hospitals. If no action is taken, these babies will be sentenced to death."

🔺 — In the occupied #WestBank, Israeli raids continued overnight, including in #Hebron, where 59 people were arrested, including 40 workers from the Gaza Strip.

🔺 — During another raid on the #Jalazone refugee camp near #Ramallah, two people were killed and twenty arrested, according to the Palestinian Ministry of Health.

🔺 — More than 1,200 Palestinians have been arrested by Israeli forces in the West Bank since October 7. 96 people have also died and 1,650 have been injured.

🔗 https://t.me/pgdnot