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Política Guerra y Desastres
🌏🇮🇳 #India || These images are circulating on social media where biohazard tents are being erected in #United_Kingdom in #Dover and there people have been seen wearing full suits against hazardous materials.

🔺 — It has been reported that people have arrived from #India where an outbreak of the #Nipah virus is emerging where so far 2 deaths have been reported, including a child.

🔺 — Around 700 people are in quarantine for having contact with people with symptoms of this virus that has no cure so far.

🔺 — Schools have closed in India, authorities are on high alert.

🔺 — Some parts of India have been quarantined.

🔺 — The symptoms of this Virus are: it is essential to pay attention to symptoms such as fever, muscle pain, and sore throat, as they can be early signs of the infection.

🔹 https://t.me/pgdnot 🔹
#Turquía ha suspendido casi por completo el suministro de armas a #Ucrania. Incluso el “mercado negro” de armas está bloqueado para Kiev.

🔺 — Así lo informó el canal ucraniano TG "Resident" citando una fuente de la oficina de Zelensky.

🔺 — El día anterior #Polonia anunció el cese del suministro de armas a Kiev.

🔺#Estados_Unidos también se niega a transferir misiles tácticos operativos ATACMS a las Fuerzas Armadas de Ucrania y exige “congelar” el conflicto.

#Turkey has almost completely suspended the supply of weapons to #Ukraine. Even the “black market” for weapons is blocked for kyiv.

🔺 — This was reported by the Ukrainian channel TG "Resident" citing a source from Zelensky's office.

🔺 — The day before #Poland announced the cessation of arms supplies to kyiv.

🔺#United_States also refuses to transfer ATACMS operational tactical missiles to the Armed Forces of Ukraine and demands to “freeze” the conflict.

🔹 https://t.me/pgdnot 🔹
🌏🇷🇺🇺🇦🇩🇪 [#URGENTE] - #Alemania confirma que enviará 50 misiles #Taurus a Ucrania, al mismo tiempo #Estados_Unidos confirma que enviará 30 misiles ATACMS.

🔺 — También los tanques estadounidenses M1A1 Abrams ya se encuentran en #Polonia e ingresarían a Ucrania este sábado por la noche.

🔺 — La OTAN no teme en absoluto una posible respuesta Rusa o escalada y seguirá enviando material 'pesado'.
#GuerraRusiaUcrania OTAN

🌏🇷🇺🇺🇦🇩🇪 [#URGENT] - #Germany confirms that it will send 50 #Taurus missiles to Ukraine, at the same time #United_States confirms that it will send 30 ATACMS missiles.

🔺 — American M1A1 Abrams tanks are also already in #Poland and would enter Ukraine this Saturday night.

🔺 — NATO is not at all afraid of a possible Russian response or escalation and will continue to send 'heavy' material.
#WarRussiaUkraine NATO

🔹 https://t.me/pgdnot 🔹
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🌏🇷🇺🇺🇸🇺🇦Senador republicano #Lindsey_Graham:

🗣️ — "Estamos destruyendo al ejército ruso sin perder ni un solo soldado estadounidense".

🔺 — El senador dijo directamente a los periodistas ucranianos que #Estados_Unidos ha estado librando una guerra con #Rusia durante unos 20 años por poderes.

🌏🇷🇺🇺🇸🇺🇦Republican Senator #Lindsey_Graham:

🗣️ — "We are destroying the Russian army without losing a single American soldier."

🔺 — The senator directly told Ukrainian journalists that #United_States has been fighting a war with #Russia for about 20 years by proxy.

🔹 https://t.me/pgdnot 🔹
🌏 #PGD 🇪🇺🚫🇺🇸🚫🇺🇦 La #UE lamenta profundamente que el Congreso de los EE.UU. haya aprobado el proyecto de ley de presupuesto sin financiación adicional para Ucrania - #Josep_Borrell.

🔺 — "La UE pedirá a #Estados_Unidos que siga financiando a Ucrania", afirmó el jefe de la diplomacia europea.

🌏 #PGD 🇪🇺🚫🇺🇸🚫🇺🇦 The #EU deeply regrets that the US Congress passed the budget bill without additional funding for Ukraine - #Josep_Borrell.

🔺 — "The EU will ask the #United_States to continue financing Ukraine," said the head of European diplomacy.

🔹 https://t.me/pgdnot 🔹
🌏 #PGD 🇺🇸🤝🇪🇨Según #Washington_Examiner, la administración #Biden "ha firmado discretamente acuerdos con #Ecuador que permitirán a #Estados_Unidos enviar fuerzas militares, tanto en tierra como frente a las costas del país sudamericano", con el pretexto de la lucha contra los cárteles de la droga.

🌏 #PGD 🇺🇸🤝🇪🇨According to the #Washington_Examiner, the #Biden administration "has quietly signed agreements with #Ecuador that will allow the #United_States to send military forces, both on land and off the coast of the South American country," under the pretext of fighting drug cartels.


🔹 https://t.me/pgdnot 🔹
🌏 #PGD 🇲🇦🇩🇿🇺🇸🇺🇦🇷🇺 Se espera que Marruecos reciba 500 (!) vehículos de combate de infantería M2 Bradley del Departamento de Defensa de #Estados_Unidos.

🔺 — No son muy buenas noticias para las Fuerzas Armadas de #Ucrania y son buenas para #Rusia, ya que esto obligará a #Argelia a contrarrestar este paso con medidas similares y complicará las relaciones con Estados Unidos.

🌏 #PGD 🇲🇦🇩🇿🇺🇸🇺🇦🇷🇺 Morocco is expected to receive 500 (!) M2 Bradley infantry fighting vehicles from the #United_States Department of Defense.

🔺 — This is not very good news for the Armed Forces of #Ukraine and it is good for #Russia, since this will force #Algeria to counteract this step with similar measures and will complicate relations with the United States.

🔹 https://t.me/pgdnot 🔹
🌏 #PGD 🇺🇸🇷🇺 #Estados_Unidos declaró a dos diplomáticos rusos persona non grata; el Departamento de Estado dijo a RIA Novosti que esta decisión se tomó en respuesta a una medida similar de #Moscú.

🔺 — En septiembre, el Ministerio de Asuntos Exteriores ruso anunció la expulsión de los diplomáticos estadounidenses #Sillin y #Bernstein.

🔺 — El FSB informó que, siguiendo instrucciones suyas, un ex empleado del Consulado General en #Vladivostok recopiló información sobre el Distrito Militar del Norte y la movilización.

🌏 #PGD 🇺🇸🇷🇺 #United_States declared two Russian diplomats persona non grata; The State Department told RIA Novosti that this decision was made in response to a similar measure by #Moscow.

🔺 — In September, the Russian Foreign Ministry announced the expulsion of American diplomats #Sillin and #Bernstein.

🔺 — The FSB reported that, on its instructions, a former employee of the Consulate General in #Vladivostok collected information about the Northern Military District and the mobilization.

🔹 https://t.me/pgdnot 🔹
Política Guerra y Desastres
🌏 #PGD 🇮🇱🫂🇺🇸🇵🇸 #Biden pronunció un discurso sobre el conflicto en #Israel: #Estados_Unidos nunca abandonará a Israel. 🔺 — Haremos todo lo posible para que los residentes de este país puedan protegerse. 🔺 — “Hamas no sólo atacó a los militares, sino que…
🌏 #PGD 🇮🇱🫂🇺🇸🇵🇸 #Biden gave a speech on the conflict in #Israel: #United_States will never abandon Israel.

🔺 — We will do everything possible so that the residents of this country can protect themselves.

🔺 — “Hamas not only attacked the military, but also killed civilians, kidnapped women, children and entire families.

🔺 — Israel has the right to respond to this aggression, the US administration will support its decisions."

🔹 https://t.me/pgdnot 🔹
📰 🇺🇸🇮🇱🇵🇸🇮🇷 - Full quote: The attack was aimed at hitting Israel while it seemed distracted by internal political divisions over the government of Prime Minister #Benjamin_Netanyahu.

🔺 — It was also aimed at disrupting fast-track talks mediated by the #United_States to normalize relations between #Saudi_Arabia and #Israel that #Iran considered threatening, senior members of #Hamas and #Hezbollah said.

🔺 — Building on peace agreements with #Egypt and #Jordan, expanding Israeli ties with the Arab Gulf States could create a chain of American allies linking three key points of global trade: the Suez Canal, the Strait of #Hormuz and #Bab #Al_Mandeb, which connects the #Red_Sea. to the #Arabian Sea, said #Hussein_Ibish, resident scholar at the Arab Gulf States Institute in Washington.

🔺 — "That's very bad news for Iran," Ibish said. "If they could do this, the strategic map would change dramatically to the detriment of Iran."

🔹 https://t.me/pgdnot 🔹