Política Guerra y Desastres
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🌐 🇱🇾 #Libya || Manifestantes en Libia tomaron el edificio del parlamento en #Tobruk ‼️

— ¡Las excavadoras de la gente demolieron las puertas del parlamento!

— ¡La población rechaza al gobierno actual, leal al general Haftar, y condena el deterioro de las condiciones de vida!

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🌐🇱🇾 #Libia || Imágenes de ataques aéreos del UAV Bayraktar TB2 de las fuerzas de Trípoli.

🌐🇱🇾 #Libya || Images of air strikes from the Bayraktar TB2 UAV of the Tripoli forces.

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🌏🇱🇾🇷🇺 #Libia || La delegación del Ministerio de Defensa ruso llegó a Libia en su primera visita oficial por invitación del comandante del Ejército Nacional Libio, mariscal Khalifa Haftar.

🌏🇱🇾🇷🇺 #Libya || The Russian Defense Ministry delegation arrived in Libya on its first official visit at the invitation of the commander of the Libyan National Army, Marshal Khalifa Haftar.

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🌏🇱🇾 #Libia || El tornado más poderoso "Daniel" llegó a Libia

🔺 — Se capturó el epicentro del tornado en la ciudad de Bengasi. El tornado Daniel ya había causado graves inundaciones en Grecia y Bulgaria. #Desastres

🌏🇱🇾 #Libya || The most powerful tornado "Daniel" reached Libya

🔺 — The epicenter of the tornado was captured in the city of Benghazi. The Daniel tornado had already caused severe flooding in Greece and Bulgaria. #Disasters

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Política Guerra y Desastres
🌏🇱🇾 #Libia || El tornado más poderoso "Daniel" llegó a Libia 🔺 — Se capturó el epicentro del tornado en la ciudad de Bengasi. El tornado Daniel ya había causado graves inundaciones en Grecia y Bulgaria. #Desastres 🌏🇱🇾 #Libya || The most powerful…
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🌏🇱🇾 #Libia || Las fuertes inundaciones en Libia continúan destruyendo la vida de las personas

🔺 — Los coches son un lujo caro en Libia (a menudo más caros que la vivienda). En los últimos días, las inundaciones han dañado miles de coches y han causado enormes pérdidas a las personas. #Desastres

🌏🇱🇾 #Libya || Heavy floods in Libya continue to destroy people's lives

🔺 — Cars are an expensive luxury in Libya (often more expensive than housing). In recent days, floods have damaged thousands of cars and caused huge losses to people. #Disasters

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Política Guerra y Desastres
🌏🇺🇸 22 years ago an event occurred that would change geopolitics worldwide and to this day we would see its consequences.
A group of 19 kidnappers would bring one of the greatest world powers the world has ever known to its knees.

🔺 — Commanded by #Mohamed_Atta and with #Osama_Bin_Laden as ideological leader, they struck the economic and military heart of the United States.

🔺 — With only 4 planes they produced a massacre: 3000 dead, a number greater than the Japanese attack on #Pearl_Harbor in 1942, which caused the US to join World War II.

🔺 — Then came the #Iraq War and as a result of this, years later #ISIS and wars like #Libya and #Syria were born.

🔺 — The #Syrian War caused the direct intervention of #Russia and for many a turning point in relations between Russia and the US that would later lead to the current War in Ukraine, which is why today we remember 09/11 /2001, a date that changed the world until today.

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🌏🇱🇾 #Libia || Más de 2.000 muertos tras el paso de la tormenta #Daniel en Libia

🌏🇱🇾 #Libya || More than 2,000 dead after the passage of storm #Daniel in Libya

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Política Guerra y Desastres
🌏🇱🇾🌊🌀 #Libya declares 3 cities as disaster zones due to storm #Daniel and requests international help

🔺 — The Presidential Council of Libya asked the international community for help to rescue victims and survivors and ensure the necessary supplies to the areas affected by the cyclone, which has hit the east of the African country since Sunday.

🔺 — So far, at least 2,000 people have died. #Disasters

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Política Guerra y Desastres
🌏🇱🇾 #Libya || Major Mediterranean storm kills at least 150 people in eastern Libya

🔺 — A major Mediterranean storm hit eastern Libya on Sunday and Monday, killing at least 150 people and damaging homes and roads, medical sources said.

🔺 — Seven members of the Libyan National Army are missing, said LNA spokesman Ahmad Mesmari.

🔺 — Search and rescue operations were ongoing, witnesses said. Authorities declared a state of extreme emergency, closed schools and shops and imposed a curfew.

🔺 — Four major oil ports in Libya, #Ras_Lanuf, #Zueitina, #Brega and #Es_Sidra, were closed since Saturday night for three days.

🔺 — Many cities were severely damaged and mountain roads were washed away and destroyed.

🔺 — The head of the town of #Bayda, the most affected by the storm, has asked the international community for help.

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🌏🇱🇾 Han aparecido imágenes de satélite antes y después de las inundaciones en #Libia.

🔺 — Según los últimos datos, el número de víctimas de la catástrofe superó los 5,3 mil personas. #Desastres

🌏🇱🇾 Satellite images have emerged before and after the floods in #Libya.

🔺 — According to the latest data, the number of victims of the catastrophe exceeded 5.3 thousand people. #Disasters

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