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Facebook axes 16,000 accounts for trading fake reviews after UK intervenes

(Reuters) - Social media company Facebook Inc suspended 16,000 accounts for selling or buying fake reviews of products and services on its platforms, after the Britain’s competition watchdog intervened for the second time, the regulator said.

U.S.-based Facebook also made further changes to detect, remove and prevent paid content which could mislead users on its platforms, including popular photo-sharing app Instagram, UK’s Competition and Markets Authority (CMA) said on Friday.

“We have engaged extensively with the CMA to address this issue. Fraudulent and deceptive activity is not allowed on our platforms, including offering or trading fake reviews,” a Facebook representative said.

The CMA began a crackdown on false reviews from 2019 when it first asked Facebook and e-commerce platform eBay Inc to check their websites after it found evidence of a growing marketplace for misleading customer reviews on the platforms.

Facebook has also been under scrutiny by the CMA for antitrust concerns over the technology company’s acquisition of GIF website Giphy. It has been under pressure the world over for its data sharing practices as well as fake news and hate speech.

“The pandemic has meant that more and more people are buying online, and millions of us read reviews to enable us to make informed choices when we shop around. That’s why fake and misleading reviews are so damaging,” said CMA Chief Executive Andrea Coscelli.

CMA’s crackdown on Facebook coincides with Britain’s efforts to set up a dedicated digital markets unit within the regulatory authority to specifically look at governing digital platforms.

#facebook #DeleteFacebook #fake #reviews #uk
📡 @nogoolag 📡 @blackbox_archiv
Why You Should Stop Using Your Facebook Messenger App

If you’re one of the 1.3 billion people using Facebook Messenger, then you need to switch to an alternative. Facebook has suddenly confirmed significant delays with much needed security enhancements to the platform, enhancements that its own executives say are “essential.” Here’s what you need to know.

“The lessons of the past five years make it absolutely clear that technology companies and governments must prioritize private and secure communication.” So said senior Facebook exec Will Cathcart in a Wired opinion piece this week.

Cathcart currently heads WhatsApp, and his article focuses on the need for end-to-end encryption to be protected. He’s absolutely right. Such encryption is “essential,” there is “serious pressure to take it away,” and it “should not be taken for granted.”

I have warned users before to quit Facebook Messenger for alternatives. Beyond its lack of encryption, the platform is also open to content monitoring by Facebook itself, and I have also reported on other serious issues with its handling of your private data.

Now, this week, we have seen three separate events, all of which should give you every reason you need to make that change, to quit Messenger. First Cathcart’s rallying cry for users to use platforms with end-to-end encryption in place. Second, Facebook admitting that such security will not come to Messenger until some time in 2022, at the earliest. And, finally, another story on Facebook’s data mishandling.

#facebook #DeleteFacebook #messenger #android #google #apple #smartphone #thinkabout
📡 @nogoolag 📡 @blackbox_archiv
Google's short-lived data-advantage

There's a lot of ways to think about the movement to tame Big Tech, but one of the more useful divisions to explore is the "Night of the Comet" people versus the "Don't Believe the Criti-Hype" people.

This is a division over the value of the data that Google, Facebook and other large tech firms have amassed over the years – data on their users, sure, but also data on the advertisers and publishers they serve with their ad-tech platforms.

Big Tech companies and their investors are really bullish on the value of this commercial data-advantage: they say that spying on us – the users – lets them manipulate our opinions and activities so that we buy or believe the things their advertisers pay them to push.

More quietly, their investors believe that the data-advantage extends to publishers and advertisers, a deep storehouse of data that makes it effectively impossible for anyone else to do the precision targeted that Big Tech manages, which is why they have such fat margins.

#google #DeleteGoogle #facebook #DeleteFacebook #BigData #BigTech #AdTech #thinkabout #comment
📡 @nogoolag 📡 @blackbox_archiv
Revealed: the Facebook loophole that lets world leaders deceive and harass their citizens

Facebook has repeatedly allowed world leaders and politicians to use its platform to deceive the public or harass opponents despite being alerted to evidence of the wrongdoing.

The Guardian has seen extensive internal documentation showing how Facebook handled more than 30 cases across 25 countries of politically manipulative behavior that was proactively detected by company staff.

The investigation shows how Facebook has allowed major abuses of its platform in poor, small and non-western countries in order to prioritize addressing abuses that attract media attention or affect the US and other wealthy countries. The company acted quickly to address political manipulation affecting countries such as the US, Taiwan, South Korea and Poland, while moving slowly or not at all on cases in Afghanistan, Iraq, Mongolia, Mexico, and much of Latin America.

“There is a lot of harm being done on Facebook that is not being responded to because it is not considered enough of a PR risk to Facebook,” said Sophie Zhang, a former data scientist at Facebook who worked within the company’s “integrity” organization to combat inauthentic behavior. “The cost isn’t borne by Facebook. It’s borne by the broader world as a whole.”

#facebook #DeleteFacebook #loophole #manipulation #investigation #thinkabout
📡 @nogoolag 📡 @blackbox_archiv
Another huge data breach, another stony silence from Facebook

The social media giant is still a law unto itself. Can anybody hold it to account?

Half a billion Facebook users’ accounts stolen. Personal information compromised. Telephone numbers and birth dates drifting across the internet being used for God knows what. And for four days, from Facebook’s corporate headquarters, nothing but silence.

If this sounds familiar, it’s because it is. This week saw reports of a massive new Facebook breach and everything about it, from Facebook’s denials of the words “data” and “breach” to its repeated refusal to answer journalists’ questions, has been uncannily reminiscent of the Cambridge Analytica scandal.

Three years on, “Cambridge Analytica” is a byword for mass-data abuse, Facebook has been fined billions of dollars for failing to protect users’ data and... not a thing has changed. If ever there were a moment to understand how profoundly all systems of accountability have failed, and continued to fail, it is this.

Last week Nick Clegg, vice president of global affairs at Facebook, admitted on The Verge website that the Cambridge Analytica scandal had “rocked Facebook right down to its foundations”. And yet it has learned nothing. It has paid no real price (the record $5 billion fine it paid to the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) is literally no price at all to Facebook), suffered no real consequences, and failed to answer any questions over the involvement of its executives.

#facebook #DeleteFacebook #data #breach #comment #thinkabout
📡 @nogoolag 📡 @blackbox_archiv
Developers, it’s time for you to choose a side - Clean up the web!

Will you help rid the web of privacy-invading tracking or be complicit in it?

Remove third-party scripts from Google, Facebook, etc.
This includes Google Analytics (one of the most prevalent trackers in the world), YouTube videos, Facebook login widgets, etc.

These scripts enable people farmers like Google and Facebook to track people across the web as they go from site to site. If you embed them in your site, you’re complicit in enabling this tracking.

And yes, that absolutely includes fucking Google AMP.

👉🏼 Read as well: Nobody is flying to join Google’s FLoC - #Brave, #Vivaldi, #Edge, and #Mozilla are all out

#cleanuptheweb #floc #google #DeleteGoogle #facebook #DeleteFacebook #tracking #thinkabout
📡 @nogoolag 📡 @blackbox_archiv
Social Media ‘Likes’ Change the Way We Feel About Our Memories

Summary: Sharing our personal experiences on social media may negatively impact how we feel about our memories, especially if the post doesn’t get many likes, a new study reports.

Memories are often considered very personal and private. Yet, in the past few years, people have got used to notifications from social media or phone galleries telling them they have a “memory”.

These repackaged versions of the past affect not just what we remember but also the attachments we have with those memories. In a new study, we found social media has the potential to change how people feel about their memories.

Social media metrics such as Facebook “likes” can negatively impact how people feel about certain memories, especially if these memories are shared without getting many likes. Beyond this, the anticipation of social media judgements about the past can also impact on what memories people share and how.

With the aim of understanding the everyday presence of these automated memories, we drew upon detailed interviews and focus groups with around 60 social media users. In particular, we looked at how people use features such as Timehop, Facebook memories and Apple memories.

We asked participants about their experiences of being reminded of memories by these different features. While some found the features to be creepy and invasive, others found them a useful reminder of previous experiences they’d forgotten.

We also asked whether the number of likes a shared memory received had any impact on them. In some cases participants felt differently about their memories depending on the number of likes.

#social #media #facebook #DeleteFacebook #likes #memories #thinkabout
📡 @nogoolag 📡 @blackbox_archiv
Internal Facebook email reveals intent to frame data scraping as ‘normalized, broad industry issue’

Updated: More scraping incidents are "expected" in the future.

An internal email accidentally leaked by Facebook to a journalist has revealed the firm's intentions to frame a recent data scraping incident as "normalized" and a "broad industry issue."

Facebook has recently been at the center of a data scraping controversy. Earlier this month, Hudson Rock researchers revealed that information belonging to roughly 533 million users had been posted online, including phone numbers, Facebook IDs, full names, and dates of birth.

The social media giant confirmed the leak of the "old" data, which had been scraped in 2019. A functionality issue in the platform's contact platform, now fixed, allowed the automatic data pillaging to take place.

The scraping and subsequent online posting of user data raised widespread criticism and on April 14, the Irish Data Protection Commission (DPC) said it planned to launch an inquiry to ascertain if GDPR regulations and/or the Data Protection Act 2018 have been "infringed by Facebook."

Now, an internal email leaked to the media (Dutch article, translated) has potentially revealed how Facebook wishes to handle the blowback.

#facebook #DeleteFacebook #data #scraping #internal #email #thinkabout #why
📡 @nogoolag 📡 @blackbox_archiv
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Facebook Email to profile vulnerability

A video shared with researchers and Motherboard shows a tool linking email addresses to Facebook accounts

A tool lets a user see which email address is linked to a Facebook account even if the Facebook user didn't publicly advertise their address, according to a video sent to various researchers and Motherboard.

The news presents another significant privacy issue for Facebook, which is continuing to face a series of data leaks around phone numbers and other data.

#tool #facebook #DeleteFacebook #poc #email #accounts #video
📡 @nogoolag 📡 @blackbox_archiv
NoFb Event Scraper

This app scrapes Facebook event links and adds the event to your calendar

The purpose of this application is to get access to Facebook events without an account.
Therefore it does not use the Facebook API.
Instead it opens the Facebook event URI and downloads the website HTML code.
This source should contain the event information in form of structured data.
That data is extracted and used to create Android events.

* Does not use Facebook API
* Supports "open-with" and "share-to"
* Independent from Facebook regional sub-domain URLs
* Saves history of scraped events
* Handles upcoming events from pages

#fb #Facebook #deletefacebook
📡 @libreware 📡 @nogoolag 📡 @blackbox_archiv
Facebook hides posts calling for PM Modi’s resignation in India

Facebook has hidden all posts with the hashtag “Resign Modi” in India a few days after the US Social Jaguar Note responded to orders from New Delhi with Twitter. Censored some posts critical of the Indian government’s treatment of the coronavirus pandemic..

Facebook says it hides posts with the “Resign Modi” hashtag on its website. This is because some posts violate community standards. (Searching for “Resign Modi” will return some results to US users.) At this time, it’s unclear whether Facebook was ordered to receive this call or did it voluntarily.

The tweet of “#ResignModi” at the time of publication was seen in India. With more than 450 million WhatsApp users and nearly 400 million Facebook users, India is the largest market for social enterprises on a user-based scale.

Recently, in South Asian countries, many citizens have begun to complain to the government on social channels as they struggle to find empty beds, oxygen supplies and medicines in hospitals.


💡 read this as well:

#facebook #DeleteFacebook #ResignModi #modi #india #covid #corona
📡 @nogoolag 📡 @blackbox_archiv
Facebook, IoTeX, R3 Among New Members of Confidential Computing Consortium

Facebook, Accenture, IoTeX, Nvidia and six other companies are joining the Linux Foundation’s Confidential Computing Consortium (CCC), increasing the size of the privacy-focused group by 60 percent.

The addition of members IoTeX, which leverages blockchain to secure the internet of things, and R3, an enterprise blockchain company, nearly doubles the number of blockchain companies involved.

Created in late October 2019, the CCC aims to bring developers together to accelerate the use of Trusted Execution Environment (TEE) technologies and standards. A TEE sequesters code and data away from applications on the main operating system, so they’re protected from adversaries who may gain access to the main operating system. If the main system is in the White House, for instance, with a variety of protections, a TEE is the bunker underneath it.

Within a TEE, unauthorized actors cannot view the data that is being used within the TEE and cannot alter the data. This enables applications and other systems to run without having direct access to extensive amounts of vulnerable data such as financial or personally identifiable information.

“Securing data-in-use in hardware-based TEEs, can … strengthen other security- and integrity-related technologies,” like running a blockchain ledger, said Stephen Walli, the chairperson of the CCC’s governing board, in a statement.

“Confidential computing brings privacy-preserving smart devices to the next level by not only allowing users to own their private data, but also to use it in a privacy-preserving way,” Raullen Chai, CEO of IoTex, told CoinDesk in an email. “This has major implications for consumer-facing industries such as health care and smart homes, as well as enterprise for private multi-party data sharing and interactions.”


#facebook #DeleteFacebook #IoTeX #confidential #computing #consortium #ccc
📡 @nogoolag 📡 @blackbox_archiv
Facebook Pushes Ahead with Plans for Full End-to-End Encryption of its Messaging Tools

Despite ongoing concerns about the proposal among various authorities, Facebook is pushing ahead with its plan to implement full end-to-end encryption by default within all of its messaging tools.

Within an overview of a recent virtual workshop Facebook held with experts in privacy, safety, human rights and consumer protection, the company noted that:

"We’re working hard to bring default end-to-end encryption to all of our messaging services. This will protect people’s private messages and mean only the sender and recipient, not even us, can access their messages. While we expect to make more progress on default end-to-end encryption for Messenger and Instagram Direct this year, it’s a long-term project and we won’t be fully end-to-end encrypted until sometime in 2022 at the earliest."

The news of Facebook's continued work on this front will please privacy advocates - but as noted, various authorities have raised significant concerns with the plan, with respect to how such a process could be used to hide criminal activity, with no way for authorities to track such exchanges.


#facebook #DeleteFacebook #encryption #messaging
📡 @nogoolag 📡 @blackbox_archiv
Facebook and Instagram overlays in iOS stoke fears about apps being free of charge

Through grinding teeth, the social media market leader is implementing iOS 14's new privacy requirements. But it can't refrain from a warning finger in the process.

Facebook originally intended to use "educational screens" to reveal details about data usage. Now they seem to be part of a scaremongering campaign. The message: help keep Facebook and Instagram free, and give us access to your data! The hints seem to be a new way to fight back against Apple's tracking protection in iOS 14.5. Meanwhile, the company is enjoying great business, turning over $26.2 billion between January and March alone. The company had already announced that it will expect users to read page-long data protection declarations.

#facebook #DeleteFacebook #instagram #overlays #ios #ad #tracking
📡 @nogoolag 📡 @blackbox_archiv
The Instagram ads Facebook won't show you

Companies like Facebook aren’t building technology for you, they’re building technology for your data. They collect everything they can from FB, Instagram, and WhatsApp in order to sell visibility into people and their lives.

This isn’t exactly a secret, but the full picture is hazy to most – dimly concealed within complex, opaquely-rendered systems and fine print designed to be scrolled past. The way most of the internet works today would be considered intolerable if translated into comprehensible real world analogs, but it endures because it is invisible.

#signal #instagram #facebook #DeleteFacebook #ads #data #thinkabout
📡 @nogoolag 📡 @blackbox_archiv
Facebook shut down Signal’s ads because they exposed too much

Facebook has barred privacy-focused messaging app Signal from running a series of Instagram ads, which would have exposed just how much personal information the photo-sharing network – and its social media behemoth owner – has on individuals as they browse their timeline. Signal had intended to use Instagram’s own third-party advert tools to reveal some of the precise targeting that advertisers can buy access to.

There’s a general acknowledgement these days that advertisers can filter who, exactly, sees their commercials. That makes good business sense, after all: there’s no point in showing ads to people who are unlikely to be interested in your product.

However it’s likely that few mainstream consumers are aware of quite how much targeted information ad network providers like Facebook hold on them. Collated across multiple interactions online – with websites, apps, services, and more – they help build unexpectedly precise profiles about each user. Those profiles can then in turn be sold as visibility filters to more advertisers, so that they can further narrow down their campaigns to whoever they believe will be the most receptive audience.

💡 read as well:

#signal #instagram #facebook #DeleteFacebook #ads #data #thinkabout
📡 @nogoolag 📡 @blackbox_archiv
Facebook's Trump ban upheld by Oversight Board, for now

Donald Trump's ban from Facebook and Instagram has been upheld by Facebook's Oversight Board.

But it criticised the permanent nature of the ban as beyond the scope of Facebook's normal penalties.

It has ordered Facebook to review the decision and "justify a proportionate response" that is applied to everyone, including ordinary users.

The former president was banned from both sites in January following the Capitol Hill riots.

The Oversight Board said the initial decision to permanently suspend Mr Trump was "indeterminate and standardless", and that the correct response should be "consistent with the rules that are applied to other users of its platform".

Facebook must respond within six months, it said.

At a press conference, Oversight Board co-chair Helle Thorning-Schmidt admitted: "We did not have an easy answer."

The Board was due to announce its decision last month but delayed the ruling in order to review more than 9,000 public responses to cases, it said.

In the meantime, Mr Trump, who is also banned from Twitter, launched a new website on Tuesday to update supporters with his thoughts.

#ToddlerTrump #trump #facebook #DeleteFacebook
📡 @nogoolag 📡 @blackbox_archiv
Facebook’s Nextdoor-clone Neighborhoods is coming soon to four US cities

It’s already available across Canada

Facebook, which never saw a social network it couldn’t copy, says its Nextdoor-clone Neighborhoods is now available across Canada and is coming soon to four US cities. According to CNET, the US locations being targeted are Charlotte, North Carolina; San Diego, California; Baton Rouge, Louisiana; and Newark, New Jersey.

Like Nextdoor, Neighborhoods is all about corralling geographically-defined groups of users into a single space to discuss local goings-on. Facebook says users should be able to get to know neighbors, ask for recommendations for the best coffee shops or locksmiths, and organize local events. Users can also create splinter groups specific to their interests.

#facebook #DeleteFacebook #nextdoor #clone #neighborhoods #usa #canada
📡 @nogoolag 📡 @blackbox_archiv
Facebook engineer abused access to user data to track down a woman who had left their hotel room after they fought on vacation, new book says

•Facebook fired 52 people from 2014 to August 2015 for abusing access to user data, a new book says.
•One person reportedly used data to track down a woman he was traveling with who had left him after a fight.
•Changes to retention of such data were “antithetical to Mark’s DNA,” one employee told the authors.

#facebook #DeleteFacebook #userdata