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Back then British and American newspapers reported with horror the massacres committed by the Zionist terrorist groups in Palestine.

#nakba #zionism #terrorism
🇵🇸 Torah Judaism (@TorahJudaism): "Our message to Israeli leaders: Your concern about the Jews has no meaning or significance. Because you, as Zionists, do not care about the Jews. You are not defending the Jews, you are pursuing your own interests. Jews are targeted because people like you cling to the ridiculous claim that Israel is the land of all Jews. People like you have the mistaken idea that Jews are somehow objects of Israel. This causes Antisemitism. If you 'care' about the safety of Jews, stop calling your country the country of the Jews. Zionism is not Judaism. Israel is never the country of the Jews. Israel is a genocidal and occupying Zionist state. The Israeli army is a genocidal and occupying army." | nitter

#Palestine #Judaism vs #Zionism
🇵🇸 Spyware Firm NSO Group Uses Israel–Gaza to “Crisis-Wash” Image | The Intercept - 10/11/2023

NSO’s letter to Blinken — publicly filed as part of Paul Hastings’s obligation under the Foreign Agents Registration Act — is part of the company’s latest attempt to reinvent its image and, most importantly, a bid to reverse the blacklisting. (Neither the State Department nor Paul Hastings responded to requests for comment.)

For NSO, the blacklisting has been an existential threat. The push to reverse it, which included hiring multiple American public relations and law firms, has cost NSO $1.5 million in lobbying last year, more than the government of Israel itself spent. It focused heavily on Republican politicians, many of whom are now vocal in their support of Israel, and against a ceasefire in the brutal war being waged by the country in the Gaza Strip. 

#Palestine #Gaza #Genocide #NSO #Pegasus #Israel #US
#IsraelLobby #Occupation #Apartheid #Zionism
That didn't happen.
And if it did, it wasn't that bad.
And if it was, that's not a big deal.
And if it is, that's not my fault.
And if it was, I didn't mean it.
And if I did, you deserved it.

#narcissism #zionism #hasbara #shill
Media is too big
🇵🇸 From Scratch : Greater Israel | Middle East Monitor -

Greater Israel’ refers to the notion of expanding Israel's territory and sovereignty to encompass what many Israelis describe as their historic Biblical land, including the occupied Palestinian territories.

As Israeli leaders are becoming increasingly and publicly dismissive of the notion of an independent Palestinian state and the rights of Palestinians to their lands and as illegal Jewish-only settlements in the occupied Palestinian territories continue to grow unabated, MEMO's Jehan Alfarra explores whether the pursuit of a Greater Israel is on the Zionist state’s political agenda.

#Zionist #Zionism #GreaterIsrael #Expansion #Colonisation #MiddleEast
#OPT #Palestine
🇵🇸 "Rainwater is the property of 'Israel'. Palestinians are forbidden from gathering rainwater. Source: a UN report:

''according to Israeli military orders in effect in the area, rain is the property of the Israeli authorities and thus Palestinians are forbidden from gathering rain water for domestic or agricultural needs.' And: 'As well as prohibiting nearly all construction of wells necessary for Palestinians to secure additional quantities of water to support population growth and socio-economic development, such policies have denied communities access to water and sanitation facilities, including water, toilets, sewage networks and cisterns for rainwater harvesting.''
This is #Zionism (David Miller)

Israel’s violations of human rights regarding water and sanitation in the OPT - Report by Al-Haq and EWASH to CESCR - Non-Un document - Question of Palestine – 2011

The Occupation of Water - Amnesty International | 2017 ( must read )

Al-Haq Report 2022 PDF | Video

#Palestine #OPT #Apartheid #Water
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🇵🇸 Zionism And Whitewashing Genocide Since 1948 - Tantura film extracts | Palestine Diary

Tandura is a must-see film. It is about what happened in 1948 in a beautiful little Palestinian village, one of the 531 depopulated towns and villages in Palestine during al-Nakba, and how the Zionists robbed, massacred, and wiped out the whole community and its history too.

Initial post on Tantura : Forensic Architecture Enquiry video commissioned by Adalha (May 2023)
Uprooted Palestinians Demand to End Desecration of Mass Graves in the Destroyed Village of Tantura, Site of 1948 Massacre

#Palestine #Nakba #Tantura #Massacre #EthnicCleansing #villages #Genocide #Zionism
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How Israel indoctrinates its people w/Miko Peled | The Chris Hedges Report - Real News Network

To understand the genocidal campaign unfolding before our eyes, we must examine the roots of Israeli society. Israel is a settler colonial state whose existence depends on the elimination of Palestinians. Accordingly, Israel is a deeply militarized society whose citizens are raised in an environment of historical revisionism and indoctrination that whitewashes Israel's crimes while cultivating a deep-seated racism against Palestinians. Miko Peled, former IOF Special Forces and author of The General's Son: Journey of an Israeli in Palestine, joins The Chris Hedges Report for a frank conversation on the distortions of history and reality at the foundations of Israeli identity.

#Israel #Palestine #Apartheid #Zionism #Endoctrination #Propaganda #Settler #Colonisation #Dispossession #Hasbara #Occupation #History #MikoPeled
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🇵🇸 TANTURA - Documentary Exposing Zionist Crimes (sub English/Arabic) 2022

This documentary film exposes the crimes of the Zionist gangs and exposes the false claims of the foundation of this colonial manufactured entity!

As a reminder, the “#PartitionResolution181” is illegal in terms of content and form. According to the Charter of the United Nations, the powers of the General Assembly authorize its members to vote on recommendations not resolutions. It is not authorized to seize a portion of a country from its indigenous people and grant it to another group of people. The recommendations of the UNGA are not binding to the Security Council!

This documentary was filmed on the lands of the depopulated village of Tantura, Haifa, which was seized by Zionist gang members who attacked the village, seized its homes, eliminated its real name, and substituted with Kibbutz Nachsholim!

Recomended Initial Post

#Palestine #Nakba #Tantura #Genocide #Massacre #Zionism #EthnicCleansing #Documentary
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🇵🇸 How Israel buries Palestinian history | MEE Documentary - 2022

An investigation into a popular Israeli beach has shed light on the Tantura massacre, where 200 Palestinian men and boys were killed and buried in a mass grave in 1948 .

But it's not the first time Palestinian history was erased by Israel.

Recomended Read : Initial Posts on Tantura -
Tantura Documentary

#Palestine #Tantura #Massacre #TanturaMassacre #Villages #EthnicyCleansing #Nakba #Genocide #Zionism #MassGrave #History #Documentary
🇵🇸 We Are the Palestinian People: Revolution Until Victory (1973) Documentary

Made by a breakaway faction of the US Newsreel collective Pacific Newsreel, We Are the Palestinian People (Revolution Until Victory, 1973) edits exclusively archival footage into a detailed, historical reconstruction of the conflict. Great attention is paid to the political genesis of #Zionism, the role of colonial Britain in assigning Palestine to #zionists and the strategic role Israel has played ever since in the control and monopoly of the world’s most sought-after commodity, oil.

While other titles in the season stressed the internationalist dimension of the Palestinian #revolution by linking it to other #AntiColonial struggles, the same concept is rendered here specularly – for if #AntiImperialism is a transglobal phenomenon, so is #repression. Incorporated into the montage is footage of general Moshe Dayan visiting Vietnam to learn about counter-insurgency techniques.

#Palestine #Fedayeen #History #Documentary
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Golda Meir (1970) - "we asked them to leave" Palestine

Golda Meir points out she was a Palestinian from 1921 to 1948, says "we asked them [the Arabs] to leave", and is upset that they didn't and don't like it. We were here before, "we've come back". Extract from longer interview with the then Israeli PM Golda Meir, full post from Thames TV here:

#Palestine #GoldaMeir #Zionism #Zionist #Colonisation #Occupation #Dispossession #Israel