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Wikipedia English tab for Robert Malone has disappeared. German, French and Spanish one still remain

“During an interview Dr. Malone distances himself from the use of mRNA-based vaccination in the course of the COVID 2020-21 pandemic. He claims to have informed the US agency FDA about the incalculable risks and side effects of these gene therapies and to have warned them from the beginning. The interview is controversial in the scientific community for inaccurate statements. As a result, the Reuters International News Agency and the fact-checking website Politifact have issued a fake news warning. “

Malone has been advised by his closest friends to hire bodyguards and to be careful

#censorship #wikipedia #reuters #factcheck #malone
For those who still labor under the illusion that there is no media manipulation and intentional propaganda going on, let me break it to you gently- Wikipedia has been corrupted. This essay provides an easy guide to how this is being done.

Of course, I have been sensitized to the nefarious ways of these "sock puppet" Wikipedia editors for quite a while now.

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This Dutch TV program, “Jensen”, features a number of scientists accused of being conspiracy theorists, including me & Dr Robert Malone. Malone has spent a career of over 30 years working in the vaccine field as a research scientist. He’s a coauthor on one of the earliest patents covering gene-based vaccines (specifically mRNA).
It’s worth watching for a few clips from 26 mins, which are taken from an Oracle Films interview at home.
But the main point is at 37.30. This anchor is the first, to my knowledge, to compare & contrast our Wiki pages.
Neither Robert nor I had one prior to the ‘pandemic’.
Someone has helpfully constructed pages for us. How thoughtful!
Jensen points out that the formatting of our pages & even some of the language is uncannily similar, as if the same author accepted the brief to construct profiles that were deeply damaging (if we cared what was written there, which we don’t) with the clear intention of putting off anyone hearing us speak (& looking us up).
The perpetrators don’t need to worry about crazy conspiracy theorists, right?!
Thank you, Jensen, for spotting this.
Tip to Judas types taking money to rubbish people who are doing their best to warn you of the imminent extinction of human freedoms. Enjoy your twenty pieces of silver & let’s hope your children, if you have any, never learn “What did you do in the war?”.
Best wishes

Dr Mike Yeadon


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Beyond Satire: You couldn't make it up!

A political cabal at #Wikipedia changed the definition of the word "#Recession" to favor the #Biden regime,

Then all hell broke lose because of the redefinition and as a result not only was the "Recession" page locked to prevent furter changes, but the Wikipedia page for "#Definition" was edited to redefine the meaning of the word "definition" (adding the word "#fluid")
Edit: Nothing changed on this #wikipedia page

But the main controversy is still in the inflation page