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Buried in the small print and legalese of the new European Union (EU) sanctions announced on June 24 is the re-establishment of the old European and American empires’ operation of privateering. That’s piracy on the high seas licensed by the monarch or the head of state on condition that the proceeds are shared with court and state officials.

In short, state war for private profit — grand larceny by the Great Powers if they can get away with it.

To make sure of that, the EU has issued “Council Decision (CSFP) 2024/1738” which allows the thieving to be done in secret. In Article 1 of Monday’s document, the EU authorizes “the release of certain frozen funds [Russian], after having determined that the transfer of such funds is: (a) between two natural or legal persons, entities or bodies that are not listed in the Annex to this Decision”. That’s the stealing.

#EU #US #Russia
EU might ‘end’ Hungary’s presidency – Politico

The European Union could revoke Hungary’s presidency of the bloc over Prime Minister Viktor Orban’s trip to Moscow, Politico EU has reported, citing diplomatic sources.

Orban went to Ukraine last week, upon assuming the European Council presidency and vowing to “Make Europe great again.” He then went to Russia, triggering howls of outrage in Kiev and Brussels alike.

“Member states were already irritated by the ‘MEGA’ motto. But a meeting with [Russian President Vladimir] Putin will permanently overshadow the Hungarian presidency,” Politico reported on Monday evening, citing an unnamed EU diplomat. “With such a meeting the presidency ends before it has really begun.”

#Orban #EU 

🟩 @RTnews_unc3
❗️The EU threatens Elon Musk with legal consequences if he doesn't censor his live conversation with Donald Trump because they seem it a threat to "civic discourse and public security"!

#Trump #ElonMusk #EU #Censosship
🇫🇷🇷🇺 Pavel Durov, the founder and CEO of the encrypted messaging service Telegram, was arrested around 8pm this Saturday evening as he got off his private jet on the tarmac at Le Bourget airport. Aged 39, this Franco-Russian was accompanied by his bodyguard and a woman.

The arrest was carried out by the gendarmes of the GTA (Air Transport Gendarmerie). Listed in the FPR (wanted persons file), Pavel Durov had arrived straight from Azerbaijan. He had a French search warrant issued by the OFMIN of the national directorate of the French judicial police, issued on the basis of a preliminary investigation.

Pavel Durov faces 20 years in prison in France, French media reported.

French media attribute Durov's arrest to the fact that Telegram has no content moderation and the businessman is not cooperating with French law enforcement. ( to be confirmed )..

#PavelDurov #Telegram #France
#EU #Nato #Censorship
🇫🇷🇷🇺 The arrest warrant was issued because Durov did not cooperate with French security forces, making him an accomplice in drug trafficking and other serious crimes - TF1 TV channel.

🔘 Pavel Durov is due to appear before a judge this Saturday evening to face multiple charges.

Possible charges include: terrorism, drugs, complicity, fraud, money laundering, cover-up, child pornography.

🔘 The main criticism of European authorities against Telegram concerns encrypted messages, TF1 writes.

"Over the years, it has become the number one platform for organized crime," the investigator said.

Pavel Durov faces 20 years in prison.

It is quite possible that the regime is seeking to negotiate
@durov 's freedom in exchange for the transfer of Telegram users' information.

#PavelDurov #Telegram #France #EU #BigBrother #Censorship #FreeDurov
EuroLag was one of the big blocks that still did not have access to Telegram content

"Recall that in 2017, Russia tried to block Telegram for refusing to store user data on servers located in Russia and for refusing to provide Russian services with user data.

In 2020, the US torpedoed the TON cryptocurrency in its original form, which required a loss of $ 600 million. The company was on the verge of bankruptcy, the public was mentally preparing for the death of the project.

A few weeks later, everything changed: Russia unexpectedly lifted the block on Telegram and money poured in to pay off debts due to the American torpedoing, and then Telegram became a messenger officially used by everyone in Russia, including members of government agencies.

Following this, the second version of TON was funded by a huge number of Russian oligarchs and a well-known rumor said that Russian secret services had gained access to Telegram data.

The same well-known rumor says that American intelligence services also have access to it . Telegram has its own servers located in different parts of the world, and routing is done through the American services of Amazon, Cloudflare and Google. They were the ones who provided the technical capabilities to bypass the blocking of Telegram in Russia, including by making available a huge amount of IP addresses that changed very often, making censorship difficult.
Conversely, since the beginning of Telegram, American services can block the messaging service very easily if they wish.

This article is not about the fate of Pavel Durov, but about the fate of Telegram. A successful "startup" rarely remains under the control of its creator. On the contrary, as soon as the project gains momentum and begins to really influence something, its creator is one way or another removed from his post : either expelled by a decision of the board of directors, or left in the role of an operetta general and media front.

We believe that in the case of Telegram, this happened in 2020, when Durov transferred full or partial control of his company to a “group of Russian investors” in exchange for cash injections and the unblocking of the messenger in Russia.

Why did the French attack Durov? Let's assume that the EU, through Paris, is trying to acquire at least some control over Telegram and social networks in general , since Europe has no social networks. Hence the threats against Twitter and the stifling European legislation on the responsibility of platforms for content , which applies to everyone and not just Telegram.

In short, France and the EU want the same thing as the USA and Russia: to be able to access all correspondence without the slightest official document or waiting time. "
#PavelDurov #Telegram #EU #France #Nato
Founder of #Rumble is Adamantly Refusing Any and All Compliance
#eu #censorship
Telegram Founder's Arrest Signals Dangerous Times for Online Free Speech | Reclaim The Net

What’s the message being sent to every tech visionary, journalist, or outspoken citizen? Simple: If you don’t play by the new rules, the state will come for you. They’ve got the handcuffs, the secret orders, and, apparently, the global mandate to ensure that dissenting voices are silenced, one way or another.

This isn’t just about Durov or Telegram. This is about the battle lines being drawn between governments that want absolute control and a shrinking pool of platforms still willing to fight for freedom. These are dangerous times for free speech, and if we don’t pay attention, we might just wake up to find it gone for good.

#Censorship #BigBrother #EU #DSA #PavelDurov #Telegram
Pavel Durov and the Abuse of Law | Craig Murray –

The detention of Pavel Durov is being portrayed as a result of the EU Digital Services Act. But having spent my day reading the EU Services Act (a task I would not wish upon my worst enemy), it does not appear to me to say what it is being portrayed as saying.

EU Acts are horribly dense and complex, and are published as “Regulations” and “Articles”. Both cover precisely the same ground, but for purposes of enforcement the more detailed “Regulations” are the more important, and those are referred to below. The “Articles” are entirely consistent with this.

So, for example, Regulation 20 makes the “intermediary service”, in this case Telegram, only responsible for illegal activity using its service if it has deliberately collaborated in the illegal activity.

#PavelDurov #Telegram #EU #DSA #France
🇫🇷🇷🇸🇷🇺 Macron is going to Belgrade with a "delicate" mission, writes Le Figaro. The main purpose of his visit is to finalize a trade deal that will cost Belgrade three billion euros. But this is far from his only task. He will try to push Serbia away from #Russia, the publication believes.

France officially supports the process of Serbia's accession to the EU, for which #Vucic has been fighting for a long time, despite the fears of the population, the author claims. Macron is expected to arrive in #Belgrade late this afternoon, after which he will immediately hold talks with his Serbian counterpart.

In addition to the #Rafale deal, the two sides are engaged in "preliminary 'shotgun' talks" with French electricity company #EDF on nuclear energy projects. Agreements on cooperation in hydropower, wastewater treatment and healthcare are also envisioned," the newspaper reported.
A discussion on the development of artificial intelligence is scheduled for tomorrow.

@Slavyangrad | Andrei 👋
#Serbia #EU #Nato #Macron
EU Tightens Grip on Telegram With New Probe Following France Arrest | Reclaim The Net

The EU is putting additional pressure on Telegram, after one of its member countries, France, arrested the platform’s co-founder and CEO Pavel Durov.

EU has launched an investigation into the number of users the platform has in the bloc, and whether the number reported by Telegram is correct.

The importance of this is the
EU’s ability to censor using the Digital Services Act (DSA), which applies services with over 45 million users.

In February, Telegram said that their number is 41 million, but the
EU has chosen precisely this moment to start looking for ways to determine if this reporting was accurate – or, more likely, try to prove that it isn’t.

#PavelDurov #Telegram #EU #DSA