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🇫🇷🇺🇸🇬🇧🇦🇺🇷🇺 Pavel Durov, Telegram's founder and majority shareholder, was kidnapped because he refused to cooperate with US authorities.

In late 2021, an FBI training document was made public showing how much access to the encrypted message content of various secure messaging services US law enforcement can gain and what they can learn about the app's users.

In the case of Telegram, the FBI cannot see the content of the messages.

Telegram does not provide contact information for law enforcement to follow up on a court order. According to Telegram's privacy statement, for confirmed terrorist investigations, Telegram may disclose the user's IP and phone number to the relevant authorities.

In the case of WhatsApp, the FBI, through specific methods, has limited access to the content of the message.

A subpoena: Can play basic subscriber records.

Court Order: In addition to basic user records, it also makes available other information such as blocked users.

Search Warrant: Provides list of phonebook contacts and WhatsApp users who have the target in their phonebook contact list.

Pen register: The signal is sent every 15 minutes, it gives the source and destination of each message.

If the target uses an iPhone and has iCloud backups enabled, iCloud contains all WhatsApp data, including message content.

Note: A pen register is an electronic tool that can be used to capture data on all phone numbers that are dialed from a particular phone line. This device allows the FBI to find out who you have communicated with.

Durov, who is estimated by Forbes to be worth $15.5 billion, said that some governments have put pressure on him, but Telegram, which now has more than 900 million active users, must remain a "platform neutral" and not a "player in the geopolitical space".

#PavelDurov #Telegram #France #Nato #5eyes #FreeDurov
❗️According to information from Russia, Pavel Durov's plane was diverted to France. He was unaware until his arrest that he had arrived in France.

#PavelDurov #Telegram #France
🇷🇺 Russian authorities instruct to delete all sensitive data on Telegram , expecting @durov to give Western services access to user identities and message content.

This applies to all security services, government services, all the highest military officials, all the most important businessmen. Other categories of people will receive the same instructions from the beginning of the week.

"What is the main point of the Durov case?
That all those who are in the habit of using
Telegram for sensitive conversations and correspondences should delete these correspondences from now on and not initiate them in the future.
Because they kidnapped him to get the keys to
Telegram. And he will give them away. "

#PavelDurov #Telegram #France #Nato #Censorship #BigBrother
EuroLag was one of the big blocks that still did not have access to Telegram content

"Recall that in 2017, Russia tried to block Telegram for refusing to store user data on servers located in Russia and for refusing to provide Russian services with user data.

In 2020, the US torpedoed the TON cryptocurrency in its original form, which required a loss of $ 600 million. The company was on the verge of bankruptcy, the public was mentally preparing for the death of the project.

A few weeks later, everything changed: Russia unexpectedly lifted the block on Telegram and money poured in to pay off debts due to the American torpedoing, and then Telegram became a messenger officially used by everyone in Russia, including members of government agencies.

Following this, the second version of TON was funded by a huge number of Russian oligarchs and a well-known rumor said that Russian secret services had gained access to Telegram data.

The same well-known rumor says that American intelligence services also have access to it . Telegram has its own servers located in different parts of the world, and routing is done through the American services of Amazon, Cloudflare and Google. They were the ones who provided the technical capabilities to bypass the blocking of Telegram in Russia, including by making available a huge amount of IP addresses that changed very often, making censorship difficult.
Conversely, since the beginning of Telegram, American services can block the messaging service very easily if they wish.

This article is not about the fate of Pavel Durov, but about the fate of Telegram. A successful "startup" rarely remains under the control of its creator. On the contrary, as soon as the project gains momentum and begins to really influence something, its creator is one way or another removed from his post : either expelled by a decision of the board of directors, or left in the role of an operetta general and media front.

We believe that in the case of Telegram, this happened in 2020, when Durov transferred full or partial control of his company to a “group of Russian investors” in exchange for cash injections and the unblocking of the messenger in Russia.

Why did the French attack Durov? Let's assume that the EU, through Paris, is trying to acquire at least some control over Telegram and social networks in general , since Europe has no social networks. Hence the threats against Twitter and the stifling European legislation on the responsibility of platforms for content , which applies to everyone and not just Telegram.

In short, France and the EU want the same thing as the USA and Russia: to be able to access all correspondence without the slightest official document or waiting time. "
#PavelDurov #Telegram #EU #France #Nato
Pavel Durov (Telegram), arrested in France: extended police custody, still many questions - Next –

This Saturday, August 24, he was arrested by the French authorities at Le Bourget airport, "as part of a procedure accusing Telegram of complicity in numerous cases related to drug trafficking, the glorification of terrorism and cyberbullying," explains Le Monde.

TV5 Monde reports that the police custody was extended Sunday evening (it can last up to 96 hours). Two possibilities to come: his release or his presentation to a magistrate with a view to a possible indictment.

Today's warrant was issued by the Ofmin (the Minors' Office) created in August 2023 by decree n°2023 - 829. It is attached to the national directorate of the judicial police. As its name indicates, this office "is competent in the fight against offenses committed against minors", including assaults, rapes, homicides, (cyber)bullying at school, etc.

#PavelDurov #Telegram #FreeDurov
🇫🇷 Hackers bombard France with DDoS attacks

Hackers have hit French government websites with Distributed Denial-of-Service (#DDoS) attacks in support of detained #Telegram founder and CEO #PavelDurov.

The targets of the attacks included government platforms, public service portals, an online doctor's appointment system and non-governmental websites such as the Institute of Social Sciences and Politics and the daily newspaper La Voix du Nord. An "escalation of these attacks" is expected in the near future, experts say.


Telegram Founder's Arrest Signals Dangerous Times for Online Free Speech | Reclaim The Net

What’s the message being sent to every tech visionary, journalist, or outspoken citizen? Simple: If you don’t play by the new rules, the state will come for you. They’ve got the handcuffs, the secret orders, and, apparently, the global mandate to ensure that dissenting voices are silenced, one way or another.

This isn’t just about Durov or
Telegram. This is about the battle lines being drawn between governments that want absolute control and a shrinking pool of platforms still willing to fight for freedom. These are dangerous times for free speech, and if we don’t pay attention, we might just wake up to find it gone for good.

#Censorship #BigBrother #EU #DSA #PavelDurov #Telegram
Update on the Western-French attack on @durov /Telegram

The French bureaucracy has said very little on the subject, true to its secretive spirit. However, in one line, it gave an extremely obvious element, on the subject of the "freedoms" that I had mentioned "quickly" yesterday , which only the most observant have been able to read in detail.

Added at the time of proofreading , since the line has become a double-page ...
This is what has seemed obvious for several years and which will explain, with what follows, the obvious accusations.

And that is what it is about: French bureaucrats cannot accept that someone uses and/or provides means of obfuscation in financial exchanges, in circumventing censorship and in circumventing surveillance. This is not possible. And furthermore, making money by providing these means, for a French bureaucrat, is complicity.

Beyond the sole interest in obtaining all or part of Telegram's keys, French bureaucrats will most likely try to dismantle the obfuscation (called "circumvention" of state rules & restrictions in yesterday's article) on Telegram and on TON and the link between the two. And/or punish the offender . To do this, they declare that they are using an important financial case whose resolution is made impossible because of these obfuscations , which allows them to invoke complicity.

In my opinion, we are in for "more" than a few days, even months or years.

Paradoxically, if this is settled in a few days, it is because the bureaucrats will have obtained concrete guarantees that they can ignore all the obfuscations on simple request, and then our dear @durov can be declared cleared of all suspicion in the eyes of the bureaucrats (unless they make him pay for the years during which things have escaped them, and the current delay that allows the beneficiaries to shelter themselves and their money). But in this case, it will be his "investors" who will have suspicions .

If, on the contrary, the case drags on, and even worse, if it even goes to trial and a heavy sentence, this will mean that he has not collaborated on these issues in the eyes of the bureaucrats, and therefore that in their eyes, he is still an accomplice (or that he has revealed to them that he is the incriminated person). But can he collaborate without putting himself in danger ?

In my opinion, we should not be very naive when we talk about big money, billionaire investors in TON, and outrage: the beautiful philosophical values ​​and freedom are used by some, the big words of the charges which frighten, by others.
But it goes without saying that this case has suddenly appeared because those who profit from it are not the French or at worst European or at most Western oligarchs, and they want to torpedo their rivals who circumvent Western rules and laws. Otherwise, it would have been arranged over a meal. Here, the violence against @durov is on a par with the affront that the bureaucrats (and their Franco-European-Western oligarch friends) consider themselves to have suffered. It seems to be a very big affront...

As for the future of Telegram or TON, everything will depend on the outcome of the things that are currently happening in the shadows of French jails and who is currently paying for and controlling Telegram and TON. On this subject, some are talking about associating the penalties for the possible refusal to collaborate with the blocking of Telegram and/or TON in France or Europe, bureaucratically speaking it will be a question of blocking a means used to circumvent the rules & laws.
It will still be extremely interesting.

@durov was impressively naive in going (in every sense of the word) to Paris, French citizenship or not.

#PavelDurov #Telegram
🇫🇷 As a side-note concerning Pavel Durov's detention ( Garde a vue ) in France.

It is of public knowledge that detention conditions in France are very bad : no hygiene, difficulties in accessing toilet so people end up peeing in their cell which is not cleaned for every next person put under arrest.No food or very little and sandwich type, often no water for hours.Overcrowded cells, general noisy environment even if we can presume he has been given some form of "special treatment". . Not much if any sleep is possible in these conditions.

These abysmal conditions have been denounced for decades by human rights organisations even at a European level for not respecting human dignity, and basic human rights.

This is designed to break the person, create shock and dehumanize ..

#PavelDurov #Telegram #FreeDurov #France #GAV