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⚠️ Confirmed: Real-time metrics show a nation-scale disruption to Mobinnet, one of the largest network operators in #Iran, as widespread internet platform restrictions and rolling blackouts continue amid protests over the death of #MahsaAmini

📰 Report:
#Iran discovers world’s second largest #lithium reserve
Media is too big
A suppressed exposé by an undercover reporter on the methods used by the Israel lobby to procure pro-Israel policies (including obtaining billions of dollars from American taxpayers – Video ) This is excerpted from the 2018 four-part documentary "The Israel Lobby in the U.S." (view a 1-hour abridged version at The Lobby USA - A... and all four parts at [*Youtube link - Invidious does not convert playlists]

To learn about Israel's efforts to target Iran see : Israel escalates efforts to get US to attack Iran, as it did Iraq

To learn more about Israel see Isreal Palestine Basics :

For information on Israel partisans' efforts to create a new, Israel-focused definition of antisemitism see : International campaign is criminalizing criticism of Israel as 'antisemitism'

If Americans Knew - What every American needs to know about Israel/Palestine –

#Israel #Lobby #US #USTaxpayers #Palestine #Iran
Sponsor with batch-filed whiskers: Ballistic Bobcat’s scan and strike backdoor | welivesecurity

ESET Research uncovers the Sponsoring Access campaign, which utilizes an undocumented Ballistic Bobcat backdoor we have named Sponsor

ESET researchers discovered a Ballistic Bobcat campaign targeting various entities in Brazil, Israel, and the United Arab Emirates, using a novel backdoor we have named Sponsor.

We discovered Sponsor after we analyzed an interesting sample we detected on a victim’s system in Israel in May 2022 and scoped the victim-set by country. Upon examination, it became evident to us that the sample was a novel backdoor deployed by the Ballistic Bobcat APT group

#APT #BallisticBobcat #backdoor #Israel #Iran #UAE
Paradigm shift in Palestine, by Thierry Meyssan

When it was created, Hamas was financed by the United Kingdom(#UK). It was supported by the Israeli secret services to weaken Yasser Arafat’s #Fatah. Israel then fought it and assassinated its religious leader, Sheikh Ahmed Yassin. Then, once again, Israel used Hamas to eliminate the leaders of the Marxist Palestinian Resistance.

Hamas fighters accompanied by Mossad agents and
#AlQaeda jihadists attacked the Palestinian #Yarmouk camp at the start of the war against #Syria [1]. But today, once again, Hamas is fighting its erstwhile ally, #Israel.

As President Mahmoud
#Abbas’s health weakens, Fatah is divided into three military factions:
- that of Fathi Abou al-Ardate, the national security chief
- Mohammad Abdel Hamid Issa (alias "Lino"), commander of the Kifah al-Moussallah (armed struggle). It follows in the footsteps of Mohamed Dallan, the former head of Palestinian intelligence who assassinated Yasser
#Arafat. Today, it is supported by the United Arab Emirates.
- that of Mounir Maqdah, former military chief of Fatah, who is closer to Hamas,
#Qatar, #Turkey and #Iran.

Last month, clashes pitted these three factions against those of
#Hamas Islamists, as well as Jund el-Cham and al-Chabab al-Moslem, two jihadist groups that fought alongside #NATO and #Israel against the Syrian Arab Republic. Violent fighting took place at the Aïn el-Héloué camp (Sidon, South Lebanon). At the time, I interpreted them in the light of those at Nahr el-Bared (North #Lebanon) in 2007, before realizing that they were linked to the agony of Mahmoud Abbas

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🇮🇱🇵🇸🇺🇸 CNN is reporting the dispatch of a carrier landing group (ADG) or the 26th Expeditionary Force, led by the universal landing ship USS Bataan, to the shores of Israel.

Also with him will be the dock ship USS Carter Hall and the transport dock USS Mesa Verde. In total, about 2 thousand marines will arrive on board the ADC (some sources say about 4 thousand) .

Currently, "Bataan" and "Carter Hall" are located off the coast of Somalia on the way from the Persian Gulf. Mesa Verde is moving from Spain. The entire ADG should arrive on the shores of Israel sometime on October 21-22.

🔻The size of the American group, taking into account the presence of a group of ships led by the aircraft carrier Gerald Ford, as well as the Eisenhower going there, becomes truly significant.

However, the appearance of the Marine Corps at this stage is part of a policy of containment and a show of force, and not a sign of US entry into the war. In the current conditions, they will most likely be used to evacuate people from the conflict zone and apply pressure. At least until the ground operation in Gaza begins (if it begins) .

#Israel #Iran #Lebanon #Palestine #Syria

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🇮🇱 🇮🇶🇮🇷🇸🇾 While the global community speculates about when the IDF ground operation in Gaza Strip will begin, in Iraq and Syria, the parties involved in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict are busy creating the illusion of an ongoing struggle between them.

This morning, the Israeli Air Force once again targeted the airports in Damascus and Aleppo in Syria, which they had previously attacked last week. The bombings damaged the newly reconstructed runways, resulting in flight delays and cancellations.

📌 Essentially, these airstrikes are similar to the shelling of American bases by pro-Iranian groups: while some attempt to demonstrate their unwavering commitment to the war against the "Zionist occupiers," the latter are determined to confront the "Axis of Resistance" on distant battlefields.

What these attacks have in common is that they do not cause significant damage. The strikes on Syrian airports are unlikely to seriously disrupt the logistics of Iran or Hezbollah, especially considering the amount of cargo that regularly passes through the Al Bukamal border crossing on the Iraqi border.

Despite the loud slogans and mutual threats, neither side has escalated the situation thus far, limiting themselves to mere displays of action. This arrangement proves to be quite convenient: it allows for the selling of a dramatic image of all-out war with the enemy to the public, without actually engaging in it.

#Israel #Iraq #Iran #map #Syria

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🇮🇱🇮🇷 🇵🇸 The head of the Iranian Foreign Ministry, while in New York, made an important statement that could change the dynamics of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

▪️ Palestinian factions have announced their readiness to release non-military hostages to Iran.

▪️ In return, Hamas declares its willingness to negotiate through the mediation of Qatar and Turkey, and demands the release of six thousand Palestinian hostages from Israeli prisons.

▪️ The Palestinians are transitioning from being perceived as terrorists by the international community to becoming negotiators who are willing to make such a gesture of goodwill.

▪️ Russia and China have gained points by pushing for the idea of handing over the hostages during the negotiations. Iran, Qatar, and Turkey also score points - as expected.

🔻The Israelis are now finding it extremely inconvenient to sell the narrative that "they are terrorists" to the public, as the population seems to have forgotten about the events of October 7-8 amidst the mass bombing of the Gaza Strip.

It is becoming more difficult to dismiss the need for negotiations with Hamas, as public opinion is shifting in favor of engaging with the Palestinians.

As a result, after 19 days of conflict, the role of the "thug with a club" has shifted from the Arabs to the Israelis. The former are attempting to negotiate, while the latter are behaving increasingly inappropriately.
#Israel #Iran #Palestine

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🇮🇱🇵🇸🇺🇸 Regarding the transfer of American air defense and missile defense systems to the Middle East

The Internet is abuzz with discussions about the transfer of 12 air and missile defense systems to the Middle East, as part of the reinforcement of the American group.

▪️ One battery of THAAD missile defense systems will be sent to Saudi Arabia, likely to the Al-Kharj and King Abdul Aziz bases, where American aviation is stationed.

▪️ MIM-104 Patriot systems will be transported to Kuwait, Jordan, UAE, Qatar, Iraq, Syria, and Saudi Arabia. Similar to THAAD, they will be stationed at American military facilities.

🔻Distributing air defense and missile defense systems across different countries serves a practical purpose: when looking at the map, it becomes apparent that this covers a wide area of potentially dangerous activity by Iranian proxies and Iran itself.

Using the protection against pro-Iranian forces as a convenient pretext, the US justifies increasing its military presence in the region and the resulting increase in military spending to safeguard the American military contingent in the Middle East.

Strikes by two or three UAVs on US military bases do not significantly impact the situation. However, they do enable the Americans to justify the substantial costs of maintaining large forces in the region and keeping a sizable group prepared in case the situation worsens.

#Israel #Iran #NATO #Palestine #SaudiArabia #USA

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Media is too big
🇺🇸🇮🇱America needs to bomb Iran - opinion | The Jerusalem Post –

Israel cannot win a media war.
It's only a question of time before the United Nations global club of Zionist haters will turn international public opinion against Israel with the assistance of the media.

There's only one way this can be prevented, and that is if the US courageously has a preemptive strike on
Iran itself, destroying all the oil refineries and ports for shipping. This could be done over a very short period. Iran would have minimal capability to confront the US. If they attempted to do so, the US has the power to bomb Iran into the Stone Age, and they know that..

#Hisrael #MadZionists  

#Israel #US #Iran
Consular Section of Iranian Embassy in Damascus comes under missile attack             

The Consular Section of the Iranian Embassy in the Syrian capital of Damascus has come under a missile attack, with immediate reports of casualties as a result of the act of aggression.

Sources : @PressTV @believeinsyria
#Iran #IranEmbassy #Damascus #Syria #Israel #IOF
"We're Attacking Israel!" - Iran Confirms Their Answer To April 1 Attack With Second Wave Of Drones

As Joe Biden hurries back to the White House & IDF commanders tell the drones are some hours away yet, Tehran said they are in the early stage of their response.

50+ UAVs were reported leaving Iran & Iraq, with a 2nd launch soon after, with some sources claiming cruise missiles have also been launched.

#Iran #Israel
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🇮🇱🇮🇷 By the end of the day, more and more messages circulating on the Internet suggest that retaliation from the Iranians may happen before morning. The situation is further fueled by reports of a swarm of drones launched from Iran, with accompanying footage showing a UAV flying over Iraq.

Even if this is the case, the drones will need to fly for several hours to reach Israeli territory. Nevertheless, hysteria is spreading among an increasing number of people, and preparations for a new escalation are already underway in Tel Aviv.

▪️ Israel has issued a decree to close all cultural and educational institutions, as well as beaches, starting from tomorrow.

▪️ Airspace closures have been announced in Jordan, Yemen, and Iraq, with civil flights over Tehran also suspended. Israeli airspace is expected to be closed from 01:00 to 07:00.

▪️ Widespread disruptions to GPS systems are being reported across Israel.

▪️ Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu addressed the nation, declaring the full readiness of the air defense for any scenario. He also urged the population to adhere to the directives of the military command.

▪️ The Israeli “Wing of Zion” aircraft, used for the transportation of top Israeli officials, was deployed from the Nevatim airbase in the south of the country. Additionally, a portion of the Israeli Air Force has been dispatched into the airspace.
#Israel #Iran
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