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Direct Government Censorship Of The Internet Is Here - Activist Post – ActivistPost

Censorship of the Internet has been getting worse for years, but we just crossed a threshold which is going to take things to a whole new level.  On August 25th, a new law known as the “Digital Services Act” went into effect in the European Union.  Under this new law, European bureaucrats will be able to order big tech companies to censor any content that is considered to be “illegal”, “disinformation” or “hate speech”.  That includes content that is posted by users outside of the European Union, because someone that lives in the European Union might see it.  I wrote about this a few days ago, but I don’t think that people are really understanding the implications of this new law.

The EU’s Orwellian Internet Censorship Regime ━ The European Conservative

#EU #DSA #BigBrother #Censorship #surveillance #dystopia
Reminder : How CIA Created Signal Messenger App - GreatGameIndia – 2021

Open Whisper Systems
Signal was launched by now-defunct Open Whisper Systems (OWS) in 2013, brainchild of shadowy tech guru ‘Moxie Marlinspike’ – real name Matthew Rosenfeld.

In February 2018, responsibility for managing the app passed to the nonprofit Signal Foundation, launched with $50 million in startup capital provided by billionaire former Facebook higher-up Brian Acton, the Foundation’s executive chair.

OWS never published financial statements or disclosed the identities of its funders at any point during its operation, although the sums involved in launching and maintaining a messaging platform used by a vast number of people internationally over several years were surely significant.

#Signal #CIA
0xor0ne (@0xor0ne): "Nice short reading for anyone interested in starting with embedded/IoT devices analysis and reversing.
#embedded #infosec
Omicron variants may have been artificially synthesized – DiscovermedNews

In this study, two Japanese authors investigated the evolutionary processes that led to the formation of the Omicron variants of severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2). They focused on Omicron variants that have many amino acid mutations in the spike (S) protein.

The researchers compared the sequences of 129 isolates related to Omicron BA.1, 141 isolates related to BA.1.1, and 122 isolates related to BA.2 to determine the order of mutations leading to the formation of the SARS-CoV-2 Omicron variants. They sought to elucidate the evolutionary process of the Omicron variant, which has twice as many amino acid mutations in the S protein as other variants, by examining the order of introduction of amino acid mutations in the S protein.

#Covid #Covid19 #variant #Omicron #SpikeProtein #Plandemic
17.9 MB
Unnaturalness in the evolution process of the SARS-CoV-2 variants and the possibility of deliberate natural selection

#Variant #Omicron #covid #Covid19 #plandemic
Eris or Pirola?

For your information, Eris and Pirola are the most recent sub-variants of COVID-19. Should you be concerned? NO, as usual, there is only one group with a risk attributable to COVID at this stage, and even this represents a very low risk: people aged 70 and over and immunocompromised people. COVID, the epitome of a collective medical madness rooted in vaccine propaganda at all costs, even to the detriment of our children's health.

THIS MUST STOP! INSTEAD of being lulled into complacency (or distraction) by the latest propaganda, simply say no and don't conform. Don't wear a mask. Don't get tested. Don't accept toxic blows, and don't download any QR code or any other tool (however "convenient") that enables the construction of digital tyranny. Don't let yourself be fooled again!
Propaganda book written by Edward L.Bernays in 1928.

Eris_(mythology) | Discordianism

Via @vivrecorrectement
#Eris #Pirola #variant #Covid
Why Did Police Kill an Alleged Small-Time Hacker?

The best entry point for understanding Maloney is the cause to which he dedicated his life: his software. Looking at his life through this lens provides insight not only into his innate talents, but also suggests a troubled mind.

MORPHiS, a peer-to-peer system for sharing and encrypting files, was Maloney's main project. It was open-source, meaning that anybody could contribute to the code, but the online code repository shows that Maloney was the main contributor. The software had a small but devoted community of users, 135 of whom populated a dedicated subforum on Reddit.
Media is too big
Horror Stories from the Automotive Industry | Chaos Computer Club Berlin - Video

In this talk, we will revisit some of the scariest stories we faced during more than 50 penetration testing and security research projects, with a twist. In the ever-emerging industry of automotive, with old and new OEMs trying to get a share of the pie, many things are at stake, with many things getting overlooked, forgotten, or even deliberately covered.

We will go through a journey of critical findings in different targets and the constant battle between penetration testers, developers, and mid to upper management. This will help the audience get an understanding of how the industry behaves right now, what they (and what we) are doing wrong, and how the future of automotive security should be shaped, not only for the sake of security, but also for the sake of safety and reliability.

#cars #OEM #Automobile #PenTesting #Automotive #security #safety #CCCde
Joe Rogan Experience #1933 - Jordan B. Peterson

Dr. Jordan B. Peterson is a clinical psychologist, the author of several best-selling books, among them "12 Rules for Life: An Antidote to Chaos," and "Beyond Order: 12 More Rules for Life," and the host of "The Jordan B. Peterson Podcast."

This is huge because he details the litigation lawfare waged against him as well as the clinical assessment of transgender people
Forwarded from Fury Road Intel
“I’m going to do everything I can to make all of this as public as I possibly can,” he told Watters. “I have done that from the beginning. I released all the documents that included the charges, so to speak, that the college has levied against me. I want to make this 100% transparent and let the public decide for themselves who exactly is acting, let’s say, in an unprofessional capacity.”
Forwarded from KanekoaTheGreat
Media is too big
Former New Mexico Governor Bill Richardson, who had been accused of involvement in a pay-for-play bribery scheme and had ties to Jeffrey Epstein, passed away at 75.

Richardson faced scrutiny for receiving $50,000 in campaign contributions from Epstein during his gubernatorial reelection campaigns in 2002 and 2006. However, the association between Richardson and Epstein went beyond financial donations, as they had a longstanding relationship.

The former governor, who also held positions as DNC chairman and presidential candidate, in addition to serving as President Clinton's Energy Secretary and UN Ambassador in the late '90s, was reportedly a guest of honor at Jeffrey Epstein's 8,000-acre Zorro Ranch in Stanley, New Mexico. His name was also included in Epstein's "little black book" of contacts.

One significant allegation against Richardson came from Virginia Giuffre, an underage victim of Epstein and Ghislaine Maxwell's trafficking operation. In a 2016 deposition, Giuffre claimed that Epstein and Maxwell forced her to engage in intimate relations with Governor Bill Richardson.

The passing of Bill Richardson underscores the unresolved questions surrounding Epstein and Maxwell and their implications for the broader issue of child trafficking and blackmail involving powerful individuals, all while raising corruption concerns about the role of federal law enforcement who have never arrested a single client of Jeffrey Epstein and Ghislaine Maxwell's child trafficking ring.

Credit to @Lukewearechange for questioning Richardson about his reported attendance at the Bohemian Grove.

Jonathan Greenblatt from #ADL tap water scam
Horror Stories from the Automotive Industry | Chaos Computer Club Berlin - Video In this talk, we will revisit some of the scariest stories we faced during more than 50 penetration testing and security research projects, with a twist. In the ever-emerging…
Waste of time. Anyone who has fiddled with #cars in the last 20 years(or more) have seen or knows about those "attack surfaces" he's talking about.
HPtuners reflashing GM ecus, accessport, FreeSSM for subarus, VCDS for vag cars, people are reverse-engineering even the proprietary toyota MDX bus..
You can do all kinds of stuff via the can bus and the likes.
You could unlock an old S-class mercedes by smashing its' mirror and injecting can-commands into the DCM.
If you introduce some deprecation(vehicles are usually usable for 10+ years) and some shady countries "social engineering", you get access to dealer hardware(mercedes start diagnostic system), then it's over.

And I'm not even starting on actually scary stuff like early 2000s electronic throttles(hi toyota), electric power steering (hi GM) and brake pedals(hi mercedes SBC).

While this report may be interesting and useful for people outside of automotive, I think he greatly overstates the dangers or hides the real situation under the cover of NDAs.

Basically, he's saying that "oh noes you can blink the light using ecureset command", then "oh noes you can get into the bootloader cycling the power" and "oh noes some(most) OEMS use shitty security measures".
Like come on, dude, there are literally GUIDES on youtube on how to tune(and subsequently fuck up) your car using 2$ k-line adapter, some shady software from let's say latvia and WinOLS. Yeah you need to powercycle your car. Yeah you can reprogram the ABS and SBC modules that way too.

Like dude, you're saying "nightmares" - provide public examples.

It's _that_ bad in the industry.
Some of my insiders even say that there are bosch-developed algorithms that are blindly used without any understanding of their inner workings, ABS and knock sensors for example.

And I'm not even starting on the right-to-repair versus "non oem quality aftermarket spare parts" debate.

And I'm not even touching the industrial automation, like oil and gas mining industry, or "security" of "security and surveillance systems".

It's not "hack the planet" anymore, it's "hack it with AN AXE and build back better again".

Also publicly available information like takata airbag lawsuits, did you know that you're likely driving with a remotely activated(thanks telematics) fucking fragmentation grenade infront of you at all times?

And some fucker even dared to mention dieselgate in the end, as a question. Dieselgate was and is an ENTIRELY political economical warfare operation in america.
And no one will research that, no one will be prosecuted for that, because no one pays for that.
Have you ever tried _actually_ testing cars for exhaust emissions?
Have you ever considered that vehicles to be sold in smog-tested states(california and/or UK) are different from those sold elsewhere? Like they come with different ECUs, different emission equipment.
Nobody is surprised when a car doesn't meet its' advertised fuel mileage, even for electric cars. There's a class action lawsuit brewing, involving tesla. Yet it's covered up by MSM, because it hurts the agenda.

Everybody is lying. Nobody is checking. Nobody is held accountable. Everything has a price in money.

Article mentioned in his speech:
Forwarded from Karen Kingston (Karen Kingston)
My nickname in the industry was ‘the cleaner’ because I turned around impossible situations and often took out the ‘giant’ , aka Pfizer. In the pharma/device industry, when you know your opponent’s next move, you go on the offense and strike your opponent down before they make their next attack.