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Forwarded from KanekoaTheGreat
Remember when the government tracked everyone's movement using cell phones during the coronavirus but failed to track a single customer of Jeffrey Epstein and Ghislaine Maxwell's child sex trafficking ring?

Media is too big
Israel and Ukraine - the history

Zionism has deep roots in Ukraine. Jews were a significant element in the settler colony of Odessa.

Along with a range of non Jewish colonizers they settled on land from which Muslims and others had been expelled in the settlement around Khadjibey in 1794.Ukraine, especially Odessa, was a key locus of the rise of the Zionist movement in the twentieth century.

The Revisionist leader Vladimir Jabotinsky hailed from Odessa.Zionist ambivalence about Ukrainian nationalism continues to this day

Via @VanessaBeeley @PressTV
#Ukraine #Zionism #Zionist #Israel #Nazi #Nazism #Odessa
Forwarded from Global Research
The Afghanistan Lithium Great Game

While the United States, along with its allies, left Afghanistan in August 2021 in spectacularly humiliating circumstances, the departure was never entirely complete, nor bound to be permanent. Since then, Washington has led the charge in handicapping those who, with a fraction of the resources, defeated a superpower and prevailed in two decades of conflict.

Read here:
Nigel Farage Controversy Results in Hundreds of NatWest Private Data Requests - CySecurityNews -

Numerous requests for copies of personal data have been made to NatWest Bank under the provisions of data protection regulations. 

It unfolded after an argument between the group and Nigel Farage, a pro-Brexit advocate. According to the former UKIP leader, his account at Coutts, a private bank owned by NatWest, was closed down as a result of his political beliefs. 

It's not apparent if the inquiries were from present or past clients. Mr. Farage received no explanation as to why Coutts decided to cancel his account

It claimed that given his "publicly stated views," keeping Mr. Farage as a customer was inconsistent with Coutts's "position as an inclusive organisation." 

Mr. Farage's retweet of a transphobic joke by Ricky Gervais and his relationship with tennis player Novak Djokovic, who is against the Covid vaccine, the document further reads. 

#Brexit #Ukip #NigelFarage #Djokovic #UK #NatWest #Coutts #Bank
Media is too big
Do the #Rothschilds Own the #Fed? - Questions For Corbett

So, is it true that the Rothschilds own the Fed? And if not, then who does? Today James gets to the bottom of the whole Fed ownership things and helps you reformulate the question in a meaningful way that will help you dazzle and impress your conspiracy realist friends
Sam Parker: Is It True That Trump's People Approached You About Investing In Gab After Twitter Banned Him, But Only If You Gave Them Controlling Interest?

#gab #rumble #trump #censorship #hasbara #bds
⚡️Inkscape Version 1.3 Released

Where are my graphic designers at? Our favorite open-source vector illustration tool just released a major update.

There have been major performance improvements, including usage of all of your processor cores, and separating heavy rendering tasks.

Some of the new features:

- Shape Builder Tool - Inkscape’s new Shape Builder tool helps get the job done quickly and efficiently. You’ll enjoy the overview of all shapes and the ability to select multiple overlapping shapes – click, or click and drag them
- Document Resources - It’s a checklist of resources contained in your document, including patterns, filters, colors, fonts, symbols, markers, and much more.
- Font Collections - Organize your fonts into groups for brands, projects, or by feeling!
- New patterns and pattern editor
- Layers and Objects Dialog
- Persistent Snap bar
- Page margins and bleed
- Lasso selection for nodes
- Live Path Effects redesign
- PDF import rewritten
- Node deletion logic improved
- Copy and paste acrosss pages
- Pinned color
- Filter editor

Read the update
Download now

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Forwarded from App Manager | CHANNEL (Muntashir Akon)
My brand new project, Android Debloat List, is created not only to catalogue potential apps that might be disabled, uninstalled or replaced with FOSS alternatives but also to warn users about the potential danger of using certain system apps. As part of this effort, I’ll also be recording vulnerabilities for system apps. To report a vulnerability, create a new issue with the following information:
1. Package name along with its name/label
2. CVD/CVE (or if not supported, link to the vulnerability)
3. Affected versions (either a list or a range) using version name (optional) and version code
4. Optional comments
5. How it should be dealt (update, remove, replace with alternative, keep due to potential issues)

Why? Because vulnerabilities do not show up in almost any AV software.

[I’m currently taking a break from FOSS development, I’ll create an issue template for it when I’ll be back in the next month.]
#UAD Universal #Android #Debloater

Cross-platform GUI written in Rust using ADB to debloat non-rooted android devices. Improve your privacy, the security and battery life of your device.
Forwarded from KanekoaTheGreat
Media is too big
.@RandPaul discusses the scientific fraud exposed by the leaked messages of the authors of the "Proximal Origin" paper, a new email revealing Fauci lied about funding gain-of-function research at the Wuhan lab and sending a criminal referral on Fauci to the DOJ:

"Follow the money trail, and you see millions of dollars exchanging hands in the first few months of 2020 to the people who came out and said nothing to see here couldn't have happened in the lab.

There's probably never been a coverup in the history of politics that was so completely documented that they were lying to us. Every one of their private emails says oh my goodness, it looks like it might have come from the lab.

Oh my goodness, it looks like it was manipulated... In all likelihood, it could have come from the lab. In public, they print an article that Anthony Fauci commissions.

He says you need to get this written up as soon as possible, he works on them to edit it, and when it is published, it says explicitly this is not a laboratory construct.

None of them believed with certainty that it wasn't, but they thought it would harm the business of science. As you'll recall, when Anthony Fauci came before my committee, he said absolutely he funded no gain of function research in China.

But we now have an email from him where he describes the research they were doing and says we are suspicious of the lab because we know they are doing gain-of-function research. He describes the project, but the project he describes is the project he funded.

So everything he's been telling us from the very beginning has been a lie. We documented that it is a lie, and it's a felony to lie to Congress, so I've referred him not once, but twice to the Attorney General for prosecution."

Should Fauci be prosecuted for lying to Congress about funding the gain-of-function research which most likely created COVID-19?

Forwarded from KanekoaTheGreat
In a recently unredacted email, Fauci privately admitted that COVID-19 might have originated from the Wuhan lab, where scientists were "working on gain-of-function experiments," before describing the research he funded, aimed at adapting bat viruses for human infection.

Forwarded from Global Research
“What a scam this is!” Assessing COP27 and Modern Climate Activism

Read here:
⚡️Google's "Web Integrity API" Proposal Aims To DRM The Web

Over the past week, an update to an unpublished "Web Environment Integrity" proposal has caused outrage among the tech community.

The proposal is focused on improving the client trust model using an "attestor" or a web service that decides whether your device is trustworthy enough.

Google would run a service that websites could use to request a token that attests information about your device, for instance what type of web browser you are using on what operating system. Attestation services like these already exist for mobile apps on both the Apple/Google ecosystem.

This would allow websites to reject traffic based on the attestation decision and begin to block off certain parts of the internet.

Thankfully, this caught the internet's attention and repository got absolutely dunked with negative feedback.

Still, in May - Google issued an Intent to Prototype for this specific feature. Maybe one day we will begin to see "approved browsers".

Read more here

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Brown Car Guy (Shazad) is well known in car circles. Recently he’s been investigating ULEZ.
He used the device that officials use to monitor air quality around London. Same supplier, who knew what he intended to do with it.
Bottom line, in no location around London, even on the busiest roads, right down at exhaust levels, did the air quality reach even medium risk on the scale (which scale is absurdly drawn so that your kitchen would be rated at “health emergency”).
ULEZ is all lies, just like climate change and the “pandemic”.
Same people, same methods, same objectives: removal of all of your freedoms, ostensibly for a greater cause.
You must share what’s happening with everyone you encounter, or we will lose.
There are far too few of us publicly speaking out.
All of us are horribly censored.
The media will only lie.
So you’re the only chance we have. Your children & grandchildren depend on YOU taking action, every day in this relentless war.
Best wishes
Ps: I have actual published research credentials in this field, adjacent issues like ozone and impact on respiratory function, so I became familiar with NOx and particulates in the late 1980s/early 1990s.
There really was arguably a problem but only up to the mandated fitting of catalytic converters. Ever since that event, air quality in London has been excellent, with few exceptions.
One is the London Underground!
There’s so much metallic dust from wheels and tracks wearing each other away.
Also, brake lining derived particulates, nasty stuff.
Organic vapours from oils, lubricants and hydraulic fluids etc.
I recommend you minimise your time there. Masks don’t work because the particles in question are smaller than the pore size even in a well fitting mask. Paper “masks” are a psychological crutch.
If we say nothing about ULEZ, they will remove all powered personal transport. If we allow that, it’ll be a permanent end to personal transport beyond your legs and a bicycle.
If you think I’m exaggerating, this is explicitly among the UN2030 so-called sustainable development goals.
Best wishes
Worldcoin’s digital ID-linked cryptocurrency hits the markets | Biometric Update –

A new cryptocurrency launch does not generally interest people in digital identity, but Worldcoin’s token is part of a platform that also offers proof of humanity and online authentication. The company is now inviting users to register for the “upcoming Worldcoin distribution.”

A brief post by Worldcoin Co-founders Sam Altman and Alex Blania invites people to download the World App, which supports the protocol, after which they can register their interest in the distribution of the “WLD” digital currency. To receive it, they must also receive a World ID by completing identity verification with their iris biometrics collected for de-duplication by one of the company’s Orb devices.

#IrisBiometrics #DigitalID #CryptoCurrency #WorldID
Should we start living with blackouts to fight climate change? a writer for the LA Times wonders...

"Again and again, I’ve found myself asking: Would it be easier and less expensive to limit climate change — and its deadly combination of worsening heat, fire and drought and flood — if we were willing to live with the occasional blackout?

I’m not talking about a long-term future of sketchy power supplies. Plenty of studies have found that keeping the lights on with 100% climate-friendly electricity is entirely possible, especially if energy storage technologies continue to improve.

But our short- and medium-term futures are more tricky.

After reporting on clean energy for most of the last decade, I’ve increasingly come to the conclusion that solving climate change will require sacrifices — even if only small ones — for the sake of the greater good. Those might include lifestyle changes such as driving less or eating less meat. They might also include accepting that large-scale solar farms will destroy some wildlife habitat, and that rooftop solar panels — despite their higher costs — have an important role to play in cleaning up the grid.

Maybe learning to live with more power outages shouldn’t be one of those sacrifices.

But at the same time, we might not have a choice."