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#Spain legacy media fakes their report on #Ukraine using a video game

The anchor says “watch how a Russian plane bombards a village’.

The screen on the left shows the images from the game ‘Arma 3’ which is an open-world, realism-based, military tactical shooter video.

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Italian TV shows video of an explosion saying it was Putin's attack on Ukraine, while in reality it was an explosion in China in 2015.
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And the Oscar for Best Performance in a war drama goes to..... CNN
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#Spain legacy media "Antena 3" corporation passes a famous huge explosion in China in 2015 as #Russia bombing some city in #Ukraine

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Original videos of the explosion in China in 2015 for comparison
So which ones?!
Covid wasn't "tinkered with" in a lab, it was manufactured in a lab.
#Spike protein is put into human #DNA permanently

Lab experiment on liver cells in vitro (not inside human body) show that the spike protein can be reverse transcribed into human DNA.

This means the spike protein coding is changed from the mRNA of the vaccine into DNA and inserted as DNA into the human genome.

In this case it was in the liver cells in a benchtop experiment.

Since the spike protein is known to be toxic and it can possibly be made inside the human body, this can mean long term disease.

#Dr #McCullough
#Spartacus is back again – COVID-19: A Web of Corruption

"Charles Lieber worked under a cover story. He claimed to be working on silicon nanowire batteries for the Chinese, but no one can recall him ever working on batteries of any kind.
Why did a Chinese university hire Charles Lieber to do battery research?

"Charles Lieber’s own papers explicitly describe the potential for his silicon nanowires to be used as biosensors, or even as brain-computer interfaces, (also known as brain-machine interfaces, or, in cyberpunk science fiction parlance, “neural laces”)"

"How is this relevant to COVID-19?
Charles Lieber is a colleague of Robert Langer, one of the co-founders of Moderna."

"The SARS-CoV-2 Spike S1 subunit is capable of permeabilizing the blood-brain barrier, opening it up for substances that might want to cross from the bloodstream to the brain."

"So, how does all this wireless neural lace business work? It’s actually both very complex and surprisingly simple. Nanoparticles that are sensitive to RF, electromagnetism, ultrasound, and/or light are introduced into brain cells, and then, an external encoder/decoder stimulates them wirelessly and reads back the response. It is very much like turning the human brain into a Wacom pen. You know how a Wacom tablet works, right? The tablet generates a field that the pen converts into an electric current by wireless induction. That’s why the pens don’t need batteries, and it’s why nanotransducers implanted in the brain don’t need them, either."

"They could also be used to take away people’s agency and turn them into, essentially, biological robots, utterly obedient to government and open to any manner of sadistic abuse.

This is not an exaggeration. It is a fact."
Preparedness Brief: Financial Prepping

BLUF: Money and Prepping go hand-in-hand. Financial Prepping is a topic rarely discussed yet a challenge we all face daily. Take steps now to overcome future challenges.

Personal economic hardship, the preparation for a Life Altering Event (EMP, hurricane, civil unrest), and banking disruptions, represent the three reasons why finances should be considered as part of your overall preparedness plan. From a preparedness perspective, financial challenges expose you to more hardships during an emergency by reducing your ability to remedy them due to a lack of resources. 

》Unexpected vehicle repairs
》Sudden medical expenses
》Collapse of banking system
》Government or Private seizure/freezing of funds
》Civil Unrest, National State of Emergency
》Job loss, death in family, birth of child.

Get your money in order. After paying for the absolute necessities, divide your savings (not gross income) between the below 5 categories.

1. Build a 6 month emergency fund. Determine how much the cost of living is for your family for half a year. Think only of necessities such as utilities, food, vehicle loan, medical, fuel, etc. (Set aside 50% of your savings to reach this goal).
2. Convert your currency into gold, silver, or bartering goods. Store in a secure area. These valuables will hold their worth after the dollar has become dead in the event of a national crisis. (Set aside 10% of your savings for this goal).
3. Invest in Prepping and Survival needs. Build an emergency supply cache of canned foods, batteries, water filter, dry goods, toilet paper, etc. This can be done in small steps. Each time you go to the grocery, just buy 2 extra cans of beans. Attend courses and training events to increase your knowledge in skill sets that would aid in sustainment following SHTF. (Set aside 5% of savings for this goal).
4. Invest in retirement, land, stocks, etc. Create a savings/investment account to live off of after you retire. Save up and buy land away from the city where you could be safe, self sufficient, and not need to bugout from. Research and/or hire an investment agent and put money into stocks, real estate, bonds, etc. If there are months when you can't contribute to your long-range investment goal then you need to look into not buying a soda with your meal and get water instead, cancel a streaming service (Netflix). You can save, you just need to cut out other costs. (Set aside 25% for this goal).
5. Pay down debt. Use the remaining savings to pay more than the minimum due. (Set aside 10% for this goal).

》Don't rely on your bank. Cyberattacks and government overreach could lead to your money being unaccessible. Unless you've got funds in an account aimed at investments and interest earning, keep 75% of your savings in physical assets and cash. This means if you need $2,500/mo to pay bills and your account has $10,000; withdraw 75% of that unalotted $7,500. Keep that cash in a safe at home.
》Spend money on prepping experiences, like a ham radio course, a survival medicine training class, range time and gun familiarization, gardening 101, etc. Spend money on training first then gear.
》If you haven’t used something you own in the last 12 months, get rid of it! Pawn it, yard sale it, trade it.
》Use basic skillsets to save or make money. Gather, chop, and sell your own firewood. Hunt or trap for food then eat it, sell or trade the leftovers. Collect spent brass casings from a firing range and recase your own bullets. Be an instructor of your skillset; teach your own first-aid course or fly fishing session.
This weekend is being dedicated to putting up a freedom oriented, distributed and decentralized comm channel as a proof of concept / alpha test.

The goal will be to get as many nodes talking to each other and passing messages along the network.

If you have some limited tech skills and access to a Linux OS computer, it would great if you would be willing to participate.

Join the North of 40 sig and comm group to discuss further #FRX
Media is too big
Give Send Gone

The Canadian government's recent actions reveal the true agenda like nothing we've seen before. The future envisioned by the tyrants is one in which they can turn off your ability to buy and sell with the flick of a switch. So how will we react? Will we build a parallel economy from the ashes of freedom's funeral pyre, or will we roll over and let the tyrants win? Today James explores the future of money and the real meaning of Give . . . Send . . . Gone.

#canada #bank #crowdfunding #givesendgo