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Assignment 1.
Installation of Python IDLE Environment
 Write a program to print "Hello, This is My First Python Program".
 Python Program to read two numbers and print their quotient and remainder.
 Python Program to take the temperature in Celsius and convert it to Fahrenheit.
 Python Program to read height in centimeters and then convert the height to feet and
 Python program to add two numbers.
 Python Program to print odd numbers within a given range.
 Python Program for Program to find area of a circle.
 Python Program for Simple interest calculation.
 Python program to reverse three digits number without using loop.
 Python program to exchange the values of two numbers without using a temporary
 Python program to calculate gross salary where gross salary=Basic+HRA+DA
o In this HRA is 16% of Basic, DA is 12% of Basic
Assignment 2.
 Write a Python program to find maximum between two numbers using if else.
 Write a program to find maximum among three number
 Python Program to Take in the Marks of 5 Subjects and Display the Grade.
 Python Program to check Armstrong Number use three digit number.
 Write a Python program to check whether a number is positive, negative or zero.
Assignment 3.
 Python program to calculate factorial of a given number
 Python Program to find the sum of digits in a number.
 Python Program to count the number of digits in a number.
 Python Program for n-th Fibonacci number.
Assignment 4.
 Create a function to calculate the area of Circle.
 Create a function to find out factorial of a number.
 Create a function to find the reverse of a number.
 Create a function to calculate the arithmetic operation.
Assignment 5.
 Program to Find Out Length of String.
 Python program to Check Palindrome of string.
 Program to count No. of vowels of string.
 By using String Function Count a substring in main string
Assignment 6.
 Create a lambda Function to calculate remainder.
 Find the Square of a number by using lambda function.
 Program to add number from 1 to 6 by using Function recursion.
 Program to Calculate Factorial Value By Using Recursion Function.
Assignment 7.
 Program to check the file is Exist or not.
 Program to Read text from File. (File Must be created before reading) at default location.
 Write a program to save the output of program in a file.
 Create a file By using w mode.
 Create a Program to Writing in file using writelines function.
Assignment 8.
 Create an array using NumPy.
 Find the dimension of array using NumPy inbuilt methods.
7.2 MB
Program (JS) - Check palindrome number
function Palindrome() {
var a,number,b,temp=0;
alert("Palindrome number");
alert("Not a Palindrome number");
</script> </head>
Enter any Number: <input id="num">
<button onclick="Palindrome()">Check</button>
Create an HTML page to demonstrate a Clickable image.
<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>Clicable image </title>
<body >
<a href="">
<img title="I am Clicable Image." src="main.jpg">
Add two number using function
<title>Clicable image </title>
<body >
<script type="text/javascript">
var num1 = parseInt(prompt("Enter a first number: "));
var num2 = parseInt(prompt("Enter a negative number: "));
function sum (x, y) {
return (x + y);
document.write('The sum is =',sum(num1,num2));