New Mexico Audit Force
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Forwarded from Dan Sundin
What does New Mexico Attorney General and the Secretary of State have to hide. How about the fact that their own SOS Certified Results for Otero County are missing the Votes on Election Day for Precincts 31 to 47. This same problem exists in a similar manner in three other counties, all missing Election Day information for a subset of precincts, all races, all votes. Taos County (4th of 5 counties in these categories) is so bad, that is missing at least 90% or more of the votes in all three categories being reported: Absentee By-Mail Voting, Early Voting, Election Day Voting, and even the Cumulative results are missing and/or incomplete. You bet you, OFFICIAL CERTIFIED RESULTS, don't match the reports provided by the Secretary of State. Nothing to See HERE, now move along⁉️🤔
Forwarded from Dan Sundin
The information above is just related to a Paper Audit of Certified Results, using OFFICIAL reports, coming from the SOS. You just have to wonder why these Elections Officials can't do the job that they are paid, those lofty salaries, to performing the Checks and Balance steps, to verify that everything is being done properly. Where is the Auditor for New Mexico in all of this. Is this function also a RUBBER STAMP for the mismanagement of the government, as they seem to be manipulating the will and intent of the VOTERS, each one of you‼️
Forwarded from Dan Sundin
Now, you can begin to understand why Otero County is actually conducting a multiphase audit of all the different elements involving their election systems. Something is amiss, and their citizens, the voters are rightfully so not trusting that their vote is counted, and therefore not being represented in local, county, state and federal governance. These three brave county commissioners stood up and challenged the system, which they are required to certify with their signatures and county seal for each election, that becoming an official document of New Mexico. In their position, would YOU be willing to sign on that dotted line. Enough is enough, time to put the TRUST back in We the People and those who represent us.
If little Trumpish Otero County is this ugly out in New Mexico, imagine if there were any accountability whatsoever in Albuquerque, a political hellscape run by cartels and gangs.
Forwarded from LadyDraza
Without Tina Peters protecting the election data for the people of Mesa County, CO. by making the forensic backup, the evidence of the vote manipulation would have been destroyed. In the Trusted Build image - the database isn't blank, it doesn't exist at all.

So - why is the CO Secretary of State so upset that the before images exist in CO for multiple counties? Why are charges for making the backup being levied against Tina Peters and her staff?
Forwarded from LadyDraza
Repetition for comprehension: Please do not use "anomaly" please do not use "fraud" - please begin using:

"Election Manipulation via Vote Acceleration"

Or - ballot stuffing at the end to make the less popular candidate win - and followed by the machines re-writing history - a la 1984 - so when you check the records - it was always that way.
Forwarded from LadyDraza
In case any of you are wondering - those of us that have been doing investigation into when this all started - beginning with the inflated voter rolls and push for more mail-in voting to control our elections and finally optimizing it with the machine code - it is looking like Clinton's second term when this thing started showing up.
Forwarded from LadyDraza
Don't forget this part of the show!! Interval votes in the same percentages as the total vote percentages. Think the CVR totals are showing that for each state? What would be a possible reason if they don't?
Anyone want to go over to Maggie's fb page and give this post a laugh and a comment? She insinuates I got the data for the Otero County Audit off the internet! In reality, I got it from her office.

Forwarded from Liz Harrington
for their scheme to violate Wisconsin law and allow illegal vote harvesting in nursing homes. The Sheriff stated that the governing “election statute was in fact not just broken but shattered” in all 72 counties across Wisconsin. Read the full story here.

Forwarded from TippyTopPatriot 🐸 🇺🇸 (TippyTopPatriot)
I read MSM articles so I can weed through the lies, see their agenda, and share the truth with you. They are spending all their time today trying to make Joe Biden look good, January 6th look bad, and war the primary focus to shift your attention from their crimes.

It can be overwhelming being surrounded by lies on every side, but take hope: While lies may surround us, our God holds us above the lies and He covers us with His strength.

The enemy has severely underestimated not only us, but the One who lives in us and fights for us.

The enemy has no strength, no authority, and ultimately no future. God wins.

It's a great day. Yes we face battles before us, but we can be courageous knowing God has already won the won the war.

In the verse below, God tells us not to fear as he promises to strengthen us, help us, and uphold us in His hand.

The powers of hell don't stand a chance against protection like that!

Recognize the voices of evil, but focus on the voice of God. Keep pressing on!

"Fear thou not, for I am with thee; be not dismayed, for I am thy God. I will strengthen thee; yea, I will help thee; yea, I will uphold thee with the right hand of My righteousness" (Isaiah 41:10)

- TippyTopPatriot

Subscribe: @TippyTopPatriot
Forwarded from David Clements
Thank you for your prayers.

Today, all 25,000 of Otero County's physical ballots, along with 6,000 ballot envelopes, were counted, scanned, and imaged.

Unlike Maricopa, a complete chain of custody was maintained through the entire process. No moving ballots and equipment in piecemeal fashion from secure locations to an off-site coliseum. No shredded ballots found in dumpsters. No mysterious fires at farms owned by a county official.

The NM audit is the only audit in the country that can say this.

Lord willing, no grifters, fraudsters, or sabateurs will touch the New Mexico audit.

There is much analysis to do in the days ahead, and our canvassers will be heading out again for another round.

But today was a crucial day in getting closer to the truth.

Forwarded from David Clements
Reminder as to why the NM SOS, SNAKE news media, and the NM AG, are creating hit pieces against the New Mexico audit.

Our voter rolls are a MESS.

The canvass doesn't lie.

Cheat machines and corrupt politicians do.

Forwarded from David Clements
Keep in mind, Otero is a "red county."

A Republican stronghold.

Translation: real conservative voters and candidates are likely getting screwed in the primaries, and the holdovers are being "skimmed" from in the general election.

Also, in down-ballot measures where constitutional amendments are voted on, it's clear that conservatives are being robbed and government is being transformed into a communist regime.

Hurray, USEIP!
Forwarded from Follow the Data with Dr Frank (Dr Frank)
“Tough Lesson”

I think the toughest lesson for me to learn this past year is how inept and corrupt so many of our government and civic leaders are.

Our health officials don’t know the difference between an “innie” and an “outie.”

Our election officials don’t understand how our election systems work.

Our education officials have never taught a class before.

The medical establishment kills people.

Our sheriffs don’t know the constitution.

Our legislators don’t write their own proposed laws, much less read them.

Our ministers are ashamed to preach the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

Our governors have become tyrants.

We the People have forgotten that WE are the government, and it is not only our civic duty, but also essential to the way our constitution was devised that each of us serve our turns as the government. That each one of us is individually responsible to be engaged in establishing the values and actions our society.

By delegating these tasks to others, we’ve ended up with mostly the inept left-overs and power-hungry folks filling our important government roles.

It’s taken us decades to become so complacent and compliant.

We made our own bed, and we are suffering the consequences. But we are steadily waking up.

It’s inspiring to me, watching America being reborn.