New Mexico Audit Force
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Forwarded from Follow the Data with Dr Frank (Dr Frank)
“Tough Lesson”

I think the toughest lesson for me to learn this past year is how inept and corrupt so many of our government and civic leaders are.

Our health officials don’t know the difference between an “innie” and an “outie.”

Our election officials don’t understand how our election systems work.

Our education officials have never taught a class before.

The medical establishment kills people.

Our sheriffs don’t know the constitution.

Our legislators don’t write their own proposed laws, much less read them.

Our ministers are ashamed to preach the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

Our governors have become tyrants.

We the People have forgotten that WE are the government, and it is not only our civic duty, but also essential to the way our constitution was devised that each of us serve our turns as the government. That each one of us is individually responsible to be engaged in establishing the values and actions our society.

By delegating these tasks to others, we’ve ended up with mostly the inept left-overs and power-hungry folks filling our important government roles.

It’s taken us decades to become so complacent and compliant.

We made our own bed, and we are suffering the consequences. But we are steadily waking up.

It’s inspiring to me, watching America being reborn.
Here's a fun story from canvassing in Otero County (I'll change the names a little to protect privacy of the fake registrants - but you'll get the idea of what's going on here):

Savion Montgomery lives at 2565 Strawberry Hills DRIVE. His address exists, but he doesn’t live there.

While Davion Martinez lives at 2565 Strawberry Hills LOOP that DOES NOT exist.

Savion and Davion were born in 2001 and 2002.

A short stroll down the Strawberry Hills DRIVE will bring you to the residence of Tammy Abraham who lives at 2575.

Tammy Callahan lives at 2575 Strawberry Hills LOOP which does not exist!

Both women were born in 1977.

Nothing to see here!

I'm sure it's quite common that people with very similar names and birth years naturally gravitate to live on similarly named streets - some of which exist and some of which don't exist.
The central planners for election manipulation understand statistics, too. Our elections are narrow decisions. Obama beat Romney in an electoral blowout, but it was still down to about 600,000 votes in 5 states. Trump was carried by 78,000 votes in 3 states in 2016.

The election margins are manipulated by inflating blue areas in many states, and by also introducing shaving the Republican margins in the red counties of red and purple states.

Consider how these stats can go nearly undetected.

The difference between a .250 hitter and a .300 hitter over a full season with 600 at-bats is 30 hits. About 5 hits per month. Or one hit every 6 games. Very narrow and nearly undetectable at surface level.

When you zoom out over the season, you see the difference. When I zoom out to states, I see the trends and the damage. It takes a bit of an eye for numbers to zoom in to the counties, and the precincts.

This stuff has been planned for years, and justified with “polling” and media narratives.
Forwarded from Liberty Overwatch (Patriot)
True the Vote Expected to Testify Before the Wisconsin Assembly Committee on Campaigns and Elections

True the Vote founder Catherine Engelbrecht is expected to appear before the Wisconsin Assembly Committee on Campaigns and Elections in the near future, according to Peter Bernegger, who presented his analysis of Wisconsin voter roll data to the Committee in February. In a comment to @HotWisconsin, Bernegger said:

“Catherine Engelbrecht of True the Vote will be testifying before Assemblywoman Janel Brandtjen’s election committee, and soon. Date not know yet.

Ms. Engelbrecht will be detailing the human mules used in Wisconsin to stuff ballot boxes during the November 3rd,  2020 election. True the Vote tracked  these corrupt individuals to now known locations throughout Wisconsin, primarily in the southeastern part of the state.”

Source🤠 @HotWisconsin
Related🔎 Rat Raffensperger True the Vote Update, 2,000 Ballot Trafficking Mules
Learn more🔦🧵 WI Thread

Forwarded from David Clements
The Daily Beast never lets truth get in the way of propaganda.

The linked article does nothing but espouse editorialized talking points from the NM SOS, NM Auditor, and political operatives devoid of a factual basis.

A few meritless claims and my response:

1. NM Audit Force is a "far right" group.

Otero County is overwhelmingly red. If the group was partisan, it would not pursue an audit that could disturb results that favor Republicans. I think pro-American and anti-communist is more accurate.

2. Canvassers have misrepresented themselves as "county employees."

At no time has a canvasser identified themselves as a county employee. Canvassers identify themselves as volunteers assisting an audit. The audit was commissioned by the county.

The basis for the unsubstantiated rumor came from a political operative who published an edited video where you can't even hear what the canvassers say. This same person is under investigation and facing criminal charges for harassment.

The allegations were so flimsy and manufactured that Otero County rescinded a letter that was to clarify how canvassers represent themselves, because there was simply no evidence of canvassers doing anything wrong.

3. NM Audit Force is a "vigilante" group.

Vigilantes pursue and punish criminals outside the law.

The Otero audit works alongside the county commission, the elected sheriff, and the elected district attorney. It's the embodiment of how good government is supposed to look. "We the People" working with those we elect.

My comments calling for arrests, prosecutions, and firing squads for treason are not controversial.

Prosecutions afford a criminal due process. If a conviction occurs, the appropriate penalty is imposed. If not, no penalty ensues.

The penalty for treason is death by firing squad. Infiltrating an election and installing communists through rampant fraud is treasonous.

My statement is no more controversial than saying murderers should be arrested, prosecuted, and thrown in prison for life (NM does not have the death penalty).

4. NM Audit Force is subjecting Otero county to possible "litigation."

All threats of litigation are coming from the NM SOS, AG, and Auditor.

None are coming from folks that live in Otero County.

When you read propaganda, it's wise to assume the opposite is true about almost everything you read.

Now back to the audit.
Forwarded from Two Red Pills Channel
🔥🔥THURSDAY is the big day! State records committee meeting about our $100,000 public record request! We want it for free!

Please come March 17 to 4315 S 2700 West in Taylorsville at 9 am with signs!
Email to make public comment. Reference Orten vs SLCo case
Forwarded from David Clements
Getting rid of machines doesn't always require an audit or canvass.

This is an issue of public trust.

If you don't trust the machines, demand that they be banned and go Amish.

Well done Nevada 👇👇👇.

This is a perfect example of the county commission strategy at work.
NYE COUNTY, NEVADA, first in America to vote (unanimously, today, 5-0) to ban use of electronic voting machines, beginning in primaries. Secure paper ballots with anti-counterfeit measures to be used henceforth.

It only takes a spark to start a whole blaze.

Someone (cough) provided some analysis; county appeared 2k votes hot for one candidate.

Get your morale up!
Forwarded from Liberty Overwatch (Patriot)
Nevada County Gives Dominion the Boot, Votes Unanimously to Return to Hand-Counted Paper Ballots

Captain Seth Keshel broke the news on his Telegram tonight, posting, “Nye County, Nevada, first in America to vote (unanimously, today, 5-0) to ban use of electronic voting machines, beginning in primaries. Secure paper ballots with anti-counterfeit measures to be used henceforth. It only takes a spark to start a whole blaze.”

“With the paper ballots, hand-counted at the precinct level, decentralized — we're going against what the forces want,” Jim Marchant, a Republican candidate for secretary of state, told the board. “They want centralized [systems] so they can manipulate it. So if we go against that and get back to decentralized … that's how we're going to guarantee that we have a fair and transparent election,” the deep left Nevada Independent reported.

Lyon County commissioners soon could also be considering similar election changes to those proposed in Nye County. Though no similar items appear on the agenda for the county commission’s Thursday meeting, Republican Commissioner Debra Strickland said she believed Lyon County would be doing the “same thing” on March 17.

Nationwide, Republican lawmakers in at least six states (NH, AZ, CO, MO, WA, and WV) have introduced legislation that would require all election ballots to be counted by hand instead of machine, according to the Associated Press.

Read more⚠️ Dem Media The Nevada Independent
Learn more🔦🧵 NV Thread

Forwarded from Behizy
Following the Nye County Commissioners vote to ban Dominion machines. County Clerk Sam Merlino says she faces logistical issues to do it for the upcoming primaries but will make the changes for the 2022 general election

“There's no way right now for me to gauge how many people are going to show up in person, so I will probably have to order an additional 20,000 ballots to have at the polls, even though we're sending out 31,000.”

She also raises other concerns with hand counting ballots

“If you have an issue with the hand count, if we're off and we have to hand count again and again, you just have to think about the cost of doing a hand count more than once and also the impact it has on the voters of Nye County,” Merlino said.

Overall, she looks ready to do this but nobody said it won't be challenging or at least different
Forwarded from LadyDraza
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Nevada needs this, like the other states. Let's look at Washoe County, NV - for example. Here is the way the election shaped up from the CVR numbers.

Notice that ramp at the beginning - like they were getting a "tithe" of votes from each and every precinct.

Following that - we get a bunch of votes from all the precincts all mixed up - like a random mail in. Yet - our seemingly random mail-in is "structured" so that, from 100k to175k votes, the cumulative ratio changes at a LINEAR rate! That is like a double integral equation to solve, but a mathematical equation nonetheless!

Oh - and then once we hit out setpoint at around 225k, well - we keep getting in votes from each and every precinct all mixed up again...oh, but this time they all average out to the same percentage. totally normal (NOT!).
Forwarded from LadyDraza
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But - I promised Florida data. So, let's see if things look different in Duval County, FL.

Well I guess not! We get the same stairstep contribution from each precinct and then an all too perfect randomized mail-in vote count that slowly drives the cumulative ratio down to 1:1 (100%) and then once we go under, giving Biden the win, we can stop.
Forwarded from LadyDraza
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Pasco County, FL is full of some of the best people I know. Lots of hard working people and Zephyrhills (of the water fame) is there. But - they are even more mathematically skilled there. They do their vote tithing in REVERSE order. Everyone wait until the last precinct reports in so we can start counting in reverse numerical order!

And then - after we do THAT - let's start counting the mail-in votes randomized from all over the county! It is only a coincidence that it makes this PERFECT parabolic slide down, in favor of the most popular president (*cough, cough*) ever.
Forwarded from LadyDraza
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Lake County, FL takes it up another notch but doing the exact revers of Pasco County! Not only are they going count their precinct "tithe" in revers precinct order - they are going to do it at the END of the mail-in vote counting!

But - it is truly amazing that all those mail-in votes that are counted from all random precincts at the beginning - really don't look so random. As a matter of fact - they look almost exactly like the opposite of what Pasco County does.
Forwarded from LadyDraza
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And then there is Flagler County - they do the same thing as Lake County - with the reverse precinct tithe at the end of the counting, but with a curve that looks like Pasco up to about 40k votes.

I figure at this point it was like *brushing off hands* "Good job guys, we're all done"

And then they heard what happened in Maimi-Dade. Oh - so you need us to lower the ratio more? OK - here we go,,,,

Oh - you need us to do it again? Alright - but she's givin' ya all she's got now, Captain!

And, then we can stop counting.