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NSDAP was Christian is lying on the topic of Hitler's Table Talk.

NSDAP was Christian cites a Scholar Mikael Nilsson as proof for the Table Talks not being authentic, yet the central point of Mikael Nilsson's argument is that its not stenographic, but not that it's not Authentic. And Nilsson sets the standard that we can only use it if we can corroborate it with other independent sources. (which I have done many times)

Nilsson affirms and actually proves that the German original of Hitler's Table Talk is in fact, AUTHENTIC. Thus showing that NSDAP was Christian never actually looked through Nilsson's book.

"However, and this is very important, the results presented in this book should absolutely not be interpreted as meaning that the table talks are not authentic. They really are, at least for the most part, memoranda of statements that Hitler made at some point or another in his wartime HQs." — Mikael Nilsson

In their post, they also say that Brendan Simms corroborates the fact that the Table Talks are not authentic. But this is taken out of context. The reason for why is that he's specifically referring to the English/French edition that is unreliable and poorly translated, but NOT THE GERMAN ORIGINAL. Simms does in fact agree that the German original of Table Talks is AUTHENTIC, being that he CITED IT in his own book (see pic above). And Simms agrees that Hitler was not a Christian and in fact hated Christianity click here <—-

So now that I've shown that both Brendan Simms and Mikael Nilsson does in fact accept the (German original) Table Talks as genuine and that 'NSDAP was Christian' is taking things out of context and using it to fit their own narrative, this ultimately shows that they have no clue what they're talking about and they've been proven wrong yet again.

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Delete / burn any copy of "Hitler's Table Talk, 1941-1944: His Private Conversations" translated by Norman Cameron, R. H. Stevens, and published by 'historian' Hugh Redwald Trevor-Roper (translated to english from french corrupted intentional mis-translation by christjew Francois Genoud). AKA the english version

These are the GERMAN ORIGINALS. They are RELIABLE as said by Nilsson, Carrier, Richard Evans and Ian Kershaw, David Irving, Richard Weikart etc...
The Kirchenblatt’s complaint could not, of course, affect the run of Wittukind, which was itself a subsidiary part of the elaborate campaign against political Catholicism. At the 1934 Nuremberg Party rally the Hitler Youth sang:

"No evil priest can prevent us from feeling that we are the children of Hitler. We follow not Christ, but Horst Wessel. Away with incense and holy water. The Church can go hang for all we care. THE SWASTIKA BRINGS SALVATION ON EARTH. I want to follow it step by step. Baldur von Schirach, take me along!"

Source: A Social History of the Third Reich. By Richard Grunberger. London: Weidenfeld & Nicolson. 1971. p.531-32

NS journal proclaims, “Life Requires Struggle,” reflecting Hitler’s stress on the importance of the Darwinian struggle for existence.

from: Leben erfordert Kampf”; From Der Schulungsbrief (1942).

Martin Bormann’s outspoken pantheistic views also seem similar to Hitler’s religion, and though he probably did not influence Hitler, he was able to disseminate his views to other NS Party leaders. In June 1941, Bormann, the head of the NS Party apparatus and one of the most powerful figures in the final four years of the Third Reich, issued a statement on the relationship between National Socialism and Christianity to all the Gauleiter. He told them that National Socialists do not understand God as a human-like being sitting somewhere in the cosmos, but rather as the vastness of the universe itself. He continued:

"The force which moves all these bodies in the universe, in accordance with natural law, is what we call the Almighty or God. The assertion that this world-force can worry about the fate of every individual, every bacillus on earth, and that it can be influenced by so-called prayer or other astonishing things, is based either on a suitable dose of naiveté or on outright commercial effrontery" [1]

Bormann also equated God with nature in his private correspondence. In February 1940, he wrote to Rosenberg and encouraged him to help develop a handbook of moral instruction for the youth, so they could replace religion classes with moral education. One of the moral laws that Bormann wanted included was “love for the all-ensouled nature, in which God manifests himself even in animals and plants.” Bormann hoped this manual would not base its morality on any religious dogmas, such as creation or the afterlife. [2]

In February 1944, he wrote to his mistress, “Anyone who feels himself to be a creature of this life and encompassed by this life, in other words, by the will of All-Highest, of Omnipotence, of Nature, that is to say, by the will of God,—anyone who feels himself to be merely one of the countless meshes of the web we call a people—cannot be frightened by the hardships of this existence. [3]

From all this, it is clear Bormann believed that Nature is God.

Another horrible attempt at discrediting Hitler's Table Talk from NSDAP was Christian

Their claim via Veronica Clark is that Historian David Irving is wrong about Table Talks, and yet they don't actually address the fact that the pages were signed by Bormann/Heim thus making it authentic by itself. Though there are more discrepancies in this post.

"Hitler's Table Talk is the product of his lunch- and supper-time conversations in his private circle from 1941 to 1944. The transcripts are genuine. I have seen the original pages, and they are signed by Bormann ... The Table Talks... is unadulterated Hitler." — David Irving

Within the source, Veronica Clark doesnt go very much in depth when addressing the beginning part of the article, citing Nilsson, that already accepts it as authentic. Though the main take away from this is that she says that "Heim’s notes have never been authenticated" however being that they're signed, there's no need to actually address the authenticity being that it came from the source itself being Martin Bormann. But Nilsson actually does show that THEY WERE AUTHENTICATED:

"[Henry] Picker had told Quick(German magazine) that [Gerhard] Engel and [Karl-Heinrich] Bodenschatz(Göring’s liaison officer by Hitler) , as partakers at the dinners in the FHQ, had testified to their authenticity. In addition, it had been concluded that “new finds in the United States and Switzerland” proved “that the documents are authentic.” The latter must have referred to [Heinrich] Heim’s proof pages, found by Mau in July, and to [François] Genoud’s manuscript, which had been brought to the IfZ’s attention since the publication of Tischgespräche. This conclusion was of course ... valid in so far as it related to the documents themselves." — Mikael Nilsson, Hitler redux

Lastly, the source (Veronica Clark) mainly talks about the unreliability of Trever Roper from his past on the Hitler diaries and other things, including his English translation of Hitler's Table Talk. But NO SERIOUS HISTORIAN cites the English/French edition of the Table Talks because they are UNRELIABLE. The RELIABLE version is the GERMAN ORIGINAL. There's been no actual argument against the German original itself, only the unreliable translation that no historians will ever cite, hence why they cite the German original. Which means that Hitler's Table Talk is still authentic and reliable even and stood up against it's scrutiny.

Hitler’s preference for the Aryan Greco-Roman world over the Christian epoch shines through clearly in Goebbels’s diary entry for April 8, 1941.

Shortly before the invasion of Greece, Hitler informed Goebbels that he would not allow Athens to be bombed. This was quite a remarkable policy decision for the Führer, who had shown absolutely no compunction about annihilating other European cities from the air. Even Coventry, England, with its famously beautiful Christian cathedral, was specifically targeted by the Nazi war machine. Athens, however, was different, explained Goebbels, since “Rome and Athens are Mecca for him [Hitler] . . . The Führer is a person entirely oriented toward antiquity. HE HATES CHRISTIANITY, because it has deformed all noble humanity.” Goebbels even noted that Hitler preferred the WISE SMILING ZEUS to a pain-contorted crucified Christ, and believed “the ancient people’s view of God is more noble and humane than the Christian view. Rosenberg recorded the same conversation, adding that Hitler considered classical antiquity more free and cheerful than Christianity with its Inquisition and burning of witches and heretics. He loved the monumental architecture of the Romans, but hated Gothic architecture. The Age of Augustus was, for Hitler, “the highpoint of history.” [1]

Hitler had NO ISSUE bombing Churches during the war, but in the invasion of Greece, he made sure Ancient pagan artifacts were not destroyed. Goes to show what side he was on. Definitely not on the Pro-Christian side.

Within the Central Publishing House of the NSDAP. They published a booklet on the issue of Freemasonry, to which they wrote that:

"The humanitarian ideal of antiquity had already been fundamentally misunderstood and distorted by CHRISTIANITY" [2]

[1] Goebbels, April 8, 1941, in Die Tagebücher von Joseph Goebbels, ed. Elke Fröhlich, part I: Aufzeichnungen 1923–1941, vol. 9: Dezember 1940–Juli 1941 (Munich: K. G. Saur, 1998),
[2] https://t.me/NSHeathenry/575

NS Heathenry
"MIT BRENNENDER SORGE" WHEN THE CHURCH WENT AGAINST HITLER "Aggressive Pagans" "Apostates" "Enemies of the Holy Scripture" "Enemies of Christ and Church" "Oppressors" "Abusers" "Unbelievers" "Infidels" "Intimidators" "Persecutors" "Deniers, Despisers, and…
the NSDAP prohibited the distribution and printing of the MIT BRENNENDER SORGE because it would show what was actually going on in the relations to the NSDAP and the Church. And on behalf of this document, they also recognize that the encyclical was in fact against the National Socialist Government, thus debunking the fact that it wasn't Anti-NS.

The document (March 23, 1937) reads:

"The papal circular to the archbishops and bishops of Germany dated March 14, 1937 represents a serious violation of the agreements established in the Reich Concordat ... The circular contains serious attacks on the Welfare and interest of the German state. It attempts to reduce the authority of the Reich government, to damage the well-being of the German state externally and, above all, to endanger the internal peace of the national community through the direct appeal of the Reich government's contractual partner to the Catholic citizens ... Therefore, with reference to Article 16 of the Reich Concordat of July 20, 1933, the bishops and other ordinaries are prohibited from printing, copying and distributing the circular in any form."

Source: R 43-II/178 Verbot der Verbreitung der Enzyklika Papst Pius XI. vom 14. März 1937 "Über die Lage der Katholischen Kirche im Dt. Reich". - Eingabe des Vorsitzenden der Fuldaer Bischofskonferenzen, Kardinal Bertram; auch Notenwechsel mit dem Heiligen Stuhl 1937 [Bundesarchiv]

𝐍𝐒 𝐬𝐜𝐡𝐨𝐨𝐥 𝐩𝐨𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐮𝐬𝐞𝐝 𝐭𝐨 𝐭𝐞𝐚𝐜𝐡 𝐚𝐛𝐨𝐮𝐭 𝐜𝐨𝐦𝐩𝐮𝐥𝐬𝐨𝐫𝐲 𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐢𝐥𝐢𝐳𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧

“Eradication of the Sick and Weak in Nature/ Whatever does not meet the demands of existence perishes. – Walter Gross” (Head of NS Office of Racial Policy).

Such a (((Christian))) message, right?

from: “Ausmerzung.” From Alfred Vogel, Erblehre und Rassenkunde in bildlicher Darstellung (1938).

Walter Grundmann, a German Protestant theologian, He spied on (high ranking) theologians in Eastern and Western Germany. From 1933 onwards as active member of the Positive Christianity movement and prospered as a state-antisemitism supporting theologian and professor for ethnic theology. in his book "Das Messiasproblem" he said:

Our Volk, which stands above all else in a struggle against the satanic powers of world Jewry for the order and life of this world, DISMISSES JESUS, because it cannot struggle against the Jews and open its heart to the king of the Jews.”

Source: Walter Grundmann, "Das Messiasproblem," in Grundmann, ed., Germanentum, Christen- tum undJudentum: Studien zur Erforschung ihres gegenseitigen Verhaltnisses, Sitzungesberichte der zweiten Arbeitstagung des Instituts zur Erforschung des jiidischen Einflusses auf das deutsche Kirchliche Leben vom 3. bis 5. Mdrz 1941 in Eisenach, (Leipzig, 1942), p. 38

(exact diary note)

In January 1937, Kerrl butted heads with Hitler by criticizing the Gauleiter Roever for banning crucifixes from schools in his district. Hitler dismissed Kerrl’s objections, noting that every battle had a few tactical mistakes, and he did not think Roever’s misstep was all that tragic. Hitler promised to continue the struggle to gain absolute state control of the churches.

"A few days ago, when I had lunch with the Führer again after my birthday - it was on the 13th - the question of church matters came up during the meal. Kerrl, who was present, used the opportunity to make a complaint against Gauleiter Roever in front of the whole table about the crucifix decree (supported by Dr. G.). The Führer WAVED IT OFF: in a major confrontation tactical mistakes could of course occur."

~ Alfred Rosenberg Diaries, 18.1.1937

Source: Alfred Rosenberg, diary entry for January 18, 1937, in Alfred Rosenberg Diary, 143

Hitler PROTECTED Christianity, by taking NO ACTION against the Gauleiters(yes it happened multiple times) who issued the crucifix decree.

The Crucifix Decree from the NSDAP is undeniable

"These conflicts aggravated the already poor relations between the regime and the Catholic Church, not least because of the continuing attempts by some local leaders to remove religious imagery from the classroom, known loosely as the ‘crucifix decrees’."

Source: Hitler: Only The World Was Enough by Brendan Simms p.516
"The local Catholic clergy protested from the pulpit. On 10 November, 3,000 war veterans assembled to celebrate Remembrance Day heard a priest swear never to tolerate the removal of crucifixes from the schools."

Source: The Third Reich In Power by Richard J Evans p.231
"Immediately after this meeting the regime had to accept a painful defeat in its conflict with the Catholic Church. In Oldenburg the state government had at the beginning of November ordered that crucifixes should be removed from schools, but massive protests from the Catholic population had forced it to reverse this decision. In addition, on 1 December 1936 the law concerning membership of the Hitler Youth came into force – a direct attack on the Church’s youth work."

Source: Hitler: A Biography by Peter Longerich p.517
"A highpoint of popular unrest provoked by Nazi attacks on the Church occurred in predominantly Catholic Bavaria in the summer of 1941. The Gauleiter of the ‘Traditional Gau’ of Munich and Upper Bavaria, one of Hitler’s oldest allies, Adolf Wagner, acting in his capacity as Education Minister, had ordered in April the REMOVAL OF CRUCIFIXES from Bavarian schoolrooms"

Source: Hitler 1936-1945: Nemesis by Ian Kershaw p.472

"Subject: Bavarian's arrangement. State Ministry of Culture and Education on the removal of crucifixes from schools."

"In the letter from Reich Governor Ritter von Epp dated August 15th. In 1941, which you told me in Abachrift, it was explained, among other things, that the crucifix decree of the Bavarian Ministry of Culture had a particularly serious impact on the mood of the population. I would like to point out that Gauleiter and Minister of State Adolf Wagner ordered in a decree of August 28, 1941 that further implementation of the decree should be avoided. I had also asked him on my own initiative not to implement the decree for the time being. The concern among the population, which is now evident, especially after Gauleiter Adolf Wagner's speech on September 27, 1941, to the political leadership of the Munich- Upper Bavaria district and theirs The impact on the population, which can hardly be said, was due less to the decree than to the behavior of the clergy, who saw the order as a welcome opportunity to spread unrest among the population. Furthermore, as you know, the Gauleiters have been advised that all measures in denominational areas that are likely to cause unrest in church-oriented circles of the population must be avoided."

Signed - Bormann

Source: R 43-II/173 Entfernung der Kruzifixe aus den Gemeinschaftsschulen p.63 [Bundesarchiv]

"Effects of the order of the Bavarian Ministry of Education and Culture regarding the removal of crucifixes from school rooms"

"...At the same time, I would like to point out that church decorations, even if they have artistic value, as well as crucifixes are in the wrong place in school; I request that you ensure that such wall displays are gradually removed or replaced with side-by-side pictures. A suitable opportunity for this arises, for example, during renovation work in classrooms and institutional buildings or in the course of spatial changes.

As far as this arrangement is concerned, the replacement of a prayer at the beginning of the lesson through a suitable daily or cooking saying and the like, it can easily be carried out, although opposition work is also being done in this direction by the opposing side. However, the removal of denominational image decorations, especially crucifixes, from schools will, in the planned manner, lead to the greatest difficulties in police enforcement."

Source: NS 15/470 Entfernen der Kruzifixe aus den Schulräumen p.11-15 [Bundesarchiv]

"The removal of crucifixes from the classrooms was carried out by teachers in various schools before the DECREE was published, and in some places even since 1939, without any comments being made. Apparently the clergy didn't notice either. The district president of Aussig has szt. made an official initiative for his area, which aroused the resistance of the Litoměřice Consistory. let. The Reich Governor's Decree was calmly acknowledged by the population in the majority of districts, but in individual circles there was a countercurrent and also excitement. This is what it says from Bischofteinit:

"In general, with a few exceptions, the removal of crosses from schools did not cause any excitement among the population. Only in the border towns of the Bavarian Ostmark did difficulties arise, which were brought to us by the population of the Bavarian Ostmark." ......Saaz: "only in the municipality of Nedowitz on the language border the population was outraged. The priest is behind it."

Source: NS 15/470 Entfernen der Kruzifixe aus den Schulräumen p.11-15 [Bundesarchiv]

"In January, 1939, the Austrian Ministry of the Interior ordered that ALL CRUCIFIXES should be REMOVED from the wards and rooms of the Austrian hospitals and REPLACED BY PORTRAITS OF HITLER."

"In the actual onslaught on the Christian schools, we are able to distinguish, as it were, three different forms of offensive action which for the most part followed one another step by step, but which were also employed to a certain extent simultaneously—namely, (i) the destruction of the specifically Christian character of the denominational schools (removal of crucifixes from classrooms, etc.); (ii) elimination of teachers belonging to Religious Orders or Congregations ; (iii) final conversion of denominational schools into NS (National Socialist) community schools."

Source: The Persecution of the Catholic Church in the Third Reich

Pictures: 🔗, 🔗, 🔗. 🔗
