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National/Global Economic Security and Reformation Act and the Quantum Financial System are currently being implemented.
This is the Intel Channel of the GESARA Show.
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The rumor that Charlie Ward was deceased was simply not true as verified on Fri. 5 Aug. through a video sent to me by Charlie from Barbados where Charlie was very much alive and on vacation with his family. Why would someone say he had been taken out by the White Hats? These days the Cabal seemed to be very busy trying to discredit a lot of otherwise good Intel Providers like Dunn and Fleming by putting out untrue information

Rockefeller’s 1991 leaked speech will give you the chills. Zionist Globalists aim to create a world system of financial control in private hands, able to dominate the political system of each country and the economy of the world as a whole.


MarkZ: “I am told that even if there is a float our rate is covered by a contract/ treaty, so our rate is already set higher than it will initially come out at. Even if it isn’t set and floats I would exchange it all. I’m not one to try to catch that falling knife. I would not wait to exchange. One thing they told us is they will only honor the higher denomination notes for a limited time. We learned this in Kuwait, China and other revaluations that have happened throughout history. So if you wait too long your currency really could become wallpaper. But it’s up to you if you want to play that game. I say heck no.”

When the RV/GCR happens the exchange appointment information will be posted in many places like Dinar Recaps, Dinar Chronicles, MarkZ, Bruce – all over different Dinar sites. No one will call you. Watch for it to be posted only AFTER the RV happens – that information is not available until then.

We will have about 10 days to exchange or redeem our currencies and bonds (Zim) for the special rates. …White Hat Intel
Important: There are currently efforts by the deep state to infiltrate truthers chat rooms and sow discord by putting doubt, making demands aimed at discrediting, etc. We have already seen signs of this on our group.

Anyone coming here trying to confuse and sow discord will be banned.

We are very close to the target and we need to keep our energies positive.

Judy Note:

Israel Launches Air Strikes to Gaza & Missiles to Israel. 400+ Rockets fired so far by the PIJ into Israel. 24 killed, 203 injured due to Israeli strikes in Gaza so far.
China Targets Alaska with Earthquake Weapon after Pentagon suffers devastating losses in classified war games: scientists predict thousands will die from expected earthquake.
China Moving Nuclear Weapons in Public:
Catholic Church Banned In Canada For Genocide of over 500,000 Native Children!
Pelosi Taiwan Visit Triggers China Military Action
Chemtrails! Covid Test & Vax Tagging System!
“They” Preparing For A Biden Transition Of Power!
Trump The Lawful President Before 2024?
China Cuts off Biden Regime
UK In Recession
Global Currency Reset:

Global Currency Reset liquidity remained imminent though no one was privy to exactly when Tier4B (us, the Internet Group) would receive notification to set exchange/ redemption appointments – such determined by Military Quantum Computer calculations and dependent upon a worldwide Near Death Civilization Event. Any dates given would be guesses or rumor.
We do know, however, completion of the Global Currency Reset was close, since the Chinese Elders have already released the funds, some bonds have been made liquid, all 209 Nations have gone gold/ asset-backed including the US Note and all were trading on the market back screens (not made public), the fiat Dollar and UK pound were no more and the monies could not stay stagnant, but had to continue to be paid out.
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Biggest fraud on humanity - viruses have never been isolated!
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He is NOT vaccinated‼️ And admits it! He is therefore a phoney‼️ Where is the outcry of outrage from the mainstream!!!? I just can't believe it, but he really says it in this video‼️ WHO dictator Tedros tells the whole world to get vaccinated, but he himself is not vaccinated out of PROTEST‼️ Yes, he really says this!!!! This really shows that rules only apply to the poor people and that those at the top are allowed to do what they want‼️.
Forwarded from The GESARA Show
Media is too big
July 31, 2022, The GESARA Show 040 - Sunday

Hosts: Peter Walker (in Cologne) and Billy Gilles (in St. Louis).

In this show, we discuss:

YouTube bans MarkZ. GESARA News, Are Trump Coins scams? Will Pope step down? Armoured vehicles in London, Stella, Lobstr, XRP vs. XLM, Coinbase. What happens during redemption? Hard and soft wallets. Great Solar Flash on the QMap. Ascending to 5D. Turn phones off, August 11.
How do you know if you are in 3D, 4D or 5D? Confusing messages from Charlie and dates. New currencies in ATMs?
Take your currency with you on vacation?
Nichelle Nichols (Uhura on Star Trek) died at 89.
Will solar flares work like an EMP and affect a pacemaker?
How and at what age did Peter get interested in Star Trek?
Does Billy use Crystal Meditation, phasing into 4 and 5D?
Iraq ready for RV? Another Star Trek Special?
Did William Shatner get on with the cast? Galaxy Quest, Star Trek Beyond.
Where is Kyrki?
Bonus: In Memory of Nichelle Nichols, 1932 - 2022

Near Death Civilization Scare Events in Progress
Trust the Plan
Only One Day Left
(to Mon. 8 Aug. 2022)
24 Hours Between Darkness and Light
Huge BQmbs, Scare Event Incoming
Digital War

Judy Note: It’s Time.

Liquidity of the Global Currency Reset remained imminent for Tier4B (us, the Internet Group).
On Sat. 6 Aug. Israel launched Air Strikes to Gaza & Missiles to Israel, while China deployed 66 War Planes, 14 War Ships & 22 Aircrafts that crossed the Taiwan Strait.
The Covid Vaccine was causing Myocarditis in both adults and children, giving them a potential to die within a few years, plus was more effective (81%) to cause miscarriages than the common Abortion Pill RU486.
The collapse of the World Financial Economy was in progress, along with global Food Shortages, High Gas Prices and Supply Chain Disruptions.
The US was in a Economic Slowdown equaling a Recession, that was turning into a Depression, as was in the UK, all of Europe and Asian Countries.

Juan O Savin

THEY’RE sweating bullets
because they’re seeing people show up
to challenge the mischief they’ve been getting away with
for decades & decades.
All we have to do is decide
The reason President Trump
DIDN’T SIGN the Insurrection Act on 12-18-20..
The vote “appeared to be“ closer to 50-50..
& he had Intelligence reports
knowing mischief was going on.. to try & get us
into some kind of kinetic engagement..
He bought time for Americans
to look at the fight before us, to have to engage..
Those people that arrived at Plymouth Rock
They were pilgrims for their life energy..
the sweat of their brow
that would go for THEIR families & THEIR interests
& not for monsters to use
for their own perverted interest.

Global Currency Reset:

The collapse of the World Financial Economy was in progress, along with global Food Shortages, High Gas Prices and Supply Chain Disruptions.
The US was in an Economic Slowdown equaling a Recession, that was turning into a Depression, as was also happening in the UK, all of Europe and Asian Countries.
Unlike the Cabal’s Great Reset that was designed to put The People in more debt through digital money that had no backing, the Global Currency Reset (GCR) to world currencies that were gold/asset-backed, would change all that.
The GCR launch would be determined by Military Quantum Computer calculations and was dependent upon a worldwide Near Death Civilization Event – which could be the Sat. 6 Aug. Israel launch of Air Strikes to Gaza & Missiles to Israel, while China deployed 66 War Planes, 14 War Ships & 22 Aircrafts that crossed the Taiwan Strait, and/or be the collapse of the World Financial Economy that was in Progress.
Liquidity of the Global Currency Reset remained imminent for Tier4B (us, the Internet Group).
Iraq had a new Dinar Rate that was trading in the international community, though it has not yet been made public.
We will have about 10 days to exchange or redeem our currencies and bonds (Zim) for the special rates. …White Hat Intel
The Ten Days of Darkness have already happened in some places. The Internet will go dark in only certain places like New York and LA and then for only 1-3 days. …Charlie Ward.
Restored Republic:

The White Hat Military Alliance operating out of Cheyenne Mountain, was rejecting the Great Reset through covert operations that targeted the Cabal Deep State – DAVOS – UN – Rothschild – Kazarian Mafia.
The US Inc. was a huge Mafia composed of greedy politicians who laundered tax payer monies back to themselves through foreign aid and endless wars using an agency of the UN called the International Monetary Fund.
The Cabal US Inc, British Monarch and Vatican laundered US tax payer dollars for their own use through Cabal owned Central Banks, BlackRock, Vanguard, Goldman Sachs and JP Morgan.
The IRS was not an agency of the Federal Government. It was an agency of the International Monetary Fund, which was an agency of the UN.
No law has ever been passed in the US legalizing the charging of income tax.
Americans paid a percentage of their taxes to the Queen of England via the IRS 1040 tax form.
American citizens have been in the financial servitude to the British Monarch since the War of Independence and Treaty of 1783.
All tax payers have an individual master file and are held liable for taxes payable to the UK via a Treaty between the US and UK.
Prior to 1991, the Business Master File in 6209 was US-UK Tax Claims non-re-file DLN. That means every US citizen was a business and involved in Commerce.
The US White Hat Alliance headquartered in Cheyenne Mountain, has given the green light and direct orders to agencies and Treasury Departments in all Red States to no longer do contracts with, pull money out of, bar and shut down Cabal owned banks run by BlackRock, Vanguard, Goldman Sachs and JP Morgan.
West Virginia began the Domino effect as Riley Moore, State Treasurer, publicly came out against the Deep State Reset Agenda.
Next week seven European countries were expected to block Vanguard-Rothschild-JP Morgan Banks.
The Cabal was in panic worldwide. Military was the only way. Trust the Plan. Q

8/8/2022 – President Trump Mar-A-Lago Raided and under Seige!

“It’s Time to Save our Nation from the People who are Trying to Destroy it. Everything will be Ok.” …Donald Trump

You won’t believe what is happening behind the curtains. Get ready for undeniable proof that will bring them to their knees and confirm what YOU always believed in. Get ready for THE TRUTH! Do not panic. We are prepared and assets are in place.

“My read is there are Information Hydrogen Bombs headed for the American Electorate’s brains that are going to light up neurons all over the place. It’s soon to be realized that our tax money went into a fund that ended up being used by insiders who captured control of our country and spent it any way they damn well wished, including against us. It’s going to be epic and lead to either civility and calm in America, or light a fire of angst and anger.” …Juan O Savin

The US White Hat Alliance located in Cheyenne Mountain, has given direct orders to Agencies and Treasury Departments in all Red States to no longer do contracts with, pull money out of, bar and shut down Cabal owned banks run by BlackRock, Vanguard, Goldman Sachs and JP Morgan.

Delta Forces Seize IRS Weapons Shipment:

China: Major Military Movements of Artillery, munitions to Chinese Borders.China bringing in tens of thousands of Military forces, tanks and munitions to India Border. They already have a massive Military force there, but are seriously beefing up the front lines.

Pakistan at India’s Gates with Military Movement and heavy artillery.

FBI raids home of President Trump who states, “These are dark times for our Nation, as my beautiful home, Mar-A-Lago in Palm Beach, Florida, is currently under siege, raided, and occupied by a large group of FBI agents.”
Media is too big
Watch this video Trump released regarding the recent FBI raids (it is actually good)
Eric Trump: Safe was empty

Eric Trump has come out and stated that the safe the FBI raided was empty and that the FBI found absolutely nothing it was sent to attempt to find. The FBI basically did a witch hunt raid, in which it ripped the place apart trying to find anything, anything at all that they could nail Trump with, and left with NOTHING.

Trump subsequently released a statement that said "This was Watergate 2 and a clear sign that the United States is becoming a third world banana republic, with abuse of agency power and a completely corrupted press."

I beat Trump to the punch by 3 years with that, I have occasionally stated that the way the federal government is conducting itself is clearly similar to "banana republics" where anyone does anything they want, and to hell with policy, regulation, and procedure. Once a government enters that mode, inflation takes off and everyone grabs anything they can prior to the government's collapse. Banana republics collapse all the time, and that's exactly where the federal government is headed.