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NA0341's Projects
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-» My Projects
-» Update Notes
-» Resources

For a detailed description see the pinned message :)

֍ NA0341 ֍

Discussion - Group: @NA0341_services_discussion
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Welcome to the NA0341-services - channel!
This channel lists my projects & their resources. It also pushes news (for project milestones) and publishes polls about my work & project decisions.

🖥 digital projects:

Helpful Bookmark Database ~ for useful resources and tools on the web that respect your privacy and work great (preferably free, open, libre services)

This project includes:
» basically every kind of good and useful resources on the web

Inspired by my own efforts to »clear the fog« in my browsers bookmarks.

--» Directory Hierarchy Standard for Bookmarks ~ for a better workflow and organization

This project includes:
» a hierarchy standard for quick accessed directories
» standards for bookmark tagging & descriptions
» additional tips & tricks

--» Filesystem Hierarchy Standard for User Data Directorys ~ for a better workflow and organization

This project includes:
» a hierarchy standard for work, archived, temporary, template, […] data
» a drop-in solution to reorganize your workflow
» additional guides & resources to further improve your working environment
» a script database with tools for everything regarding workflow optimization

🛠 analog projects:

--» Modular Conscious Clock (temporary name) ~ with some unique features (that's why the project exists)
Previously named: E-Ink® based wooden alarm clock

Features include:
» Basic: Time & Date
» Alarms: Soft Wakeup (no waking from deep sleep) with Custom Alarm & Sounds¹
» Advanced Waking: Wake Up with Light, Fragrance, Vibration
» Convenience: Calendar (with Holidays), Morning Routine, Temperature, Humidity (maybe: Air Quality, Air Pressure)
» Appearance: Custom UI (presets, maybe user config from storage)¹
» Visuals: E-Ink, E-Paper or similar, Paper Like Display Technology
» Energy: Rechargeable Battery (USB-C)
» Casing: Timeless Design which aims to be Light, Durable, Waterproof, Renewable, Energy Saving, Eco-friendly, Repairable

» Adaptability: This Clock can also be Integrated in YOUR own Projects!

¹ either via internal or external storage (both requires extensive and complex firmware)

💡 project ideas:

Other things I do:

Feedback, Suggestions & Contributions - Welcome!
our Discussion - Group, send me a PM or see my other contact info.

This Channel & my Projects are a work in progress. Worked on as I have time to do so.

I love working together! So if you have something that came to your mind - I'm glad to hear from You!

⪩ 𝓑𝓮𝓵𝓪 ⪨ ~ ֍ NA0341 ֍
I started to create changelogs for all of my projects. The bookmark project will go through a third restructuring process until I release it on a platform as source code (with guideline, project goals, and editing policy (which I will also use for other projects like "Filesystem Hierarchy Standard for User Data Directories")).
-» Channel Info updated
-» Landing Page updated (first pinned message)

The following has changed:
-» Channel Topic (old: updates & resources regarding my projects)
-» Project Information (list completed)
-» General Information (cleared out clutter - made it on-point)
Digital Projects - Abbreviations :* #poll
* they need to be: unique, easy to remember, easy to understand
Suggestions: @NA0341_services_discussion
First Post
Second Post
ⓈⓊⒸⒽⒺ: Helfer für werdende gemeinsame Projekte

tl;dr: Es geht um einige schöne Arbeiten für werdende gemeinsame Projekte. Hauptsächlich content creation & - moderation.

solltest Du mitbringen?
⮱ Motivation, Zuverlässigkeit & Offenheit sind sehr wichtig für eine gute Zusammenarbeit.
⮱ Wenn du technisch versiert bist, schnell lernst und vielleicht auch schon Erfahrung im Umgang mit professionellen Tools¹ besitzt, ist das definitiv von Vorteil - ein Muss ist es nicht.

¹ Effiziente & bewährte quelloffene Software, GNU/Linux bzw *nix - basierte Betriebssysteme.

Bekomme ich etwas für meine Arbeit?
⮱ Aktuell handelt es sich um rein ehrenamtliche Aufgaben.
⮱ In naher Zukunft ist eine (finanzielle) Unterstützung durch Fundraising & Sponsoren geplant. Auch besteht die Mglk Teile des einen Projekts kommerziell anzubieten.
⮱ Nachdem alle anfallenden Kosten gedeckt sind, kann gerne ein Teil an die Helfer mit ausgeschüttet werden.
⮱ Unabhängig davon hat die Zeit vertvoller, gemeinsamer Zusammenarbeit einen besonderen Wert und viel Potential für jeden von uns 🌷

Habe ich Dein Interesse geweckt?
Melde dich gerne bei mir und ich erläutere dir alle Details!

Ich freue mich auf Dich 😊

Dein Bela. 🍁
Tipp für einen kostenlosen & vertrauenswürdigen E-Mail - Anbieter: Vivaldi Mail

Eigenschaften: Moderne, schnelle Weboberfläche, Kontakte, Kalender, IMAP, … und 5GB Speicher 🤯
Voraussetzungen: Vivaldi - Account, E-Mail, Telefonnummer (mobil) zur Verifikation.
Gruppen-Information für den Software ~ Hardware ~ Experience - Talk / Austausch

Gruppe zum Austausch von Wissen & Erfahrung rund um Technik - Themen, Wissenschaft und andere Dinge, die uns interessieren.
Und natürlich um uns gegenseitig zu unterstützen. 😊

Sprachen innerhalb der Gruppe sind 🇩🇪 Deutsch [de_DE] und 🇺🇸 Englisch [en_US]

➡️ Die Ganze Gruppeninfo findest Du hier:

Hilfreiche Quellen

Noch unfertig… (wird nicht hier auf Telegram sein)
Hier sind aktuell meine Projektressourcen zu finden:

Bei Fragen & Anregungen wende Dich gerne einfach an Mich: @na0341
NAND Flash storage and UFS (Universal Flash Storage) are both types of non-volatile memory used in electronic devices, but they have key differences in terms of how they are built and how they work:

1. Construction:
- NAND Flash: NAND Flash is a type of non-volatile memory that stores data in memory cells organized in a grid of rows and columns. It is commonly used in SSDs (Solid State Drives), USB drives, and memory cards. NAND Flash memory cells are connected in series to form a NAND gate, which allows for higher storage density.

- UFS: Universal Flash Storage is a newer standard that aims to provide higher performance and reliability compared to traditional NAND Flash storage. UFS storage is based on the JEDEC UFS standard, which specifies the electrical interface and command protocol for interfacing with flash memory. UFS storage typically uses a more advanced controller and interface compared to NAND Flash.

2. Performance:
- NAND Flash: NAND Flash storage offers good performance in terms of read and write speeds, but it can be limited by factors such as the type of NAND technology used (e.g., SLC, MLC, TLC) and the controller design. NAND Flash can have slower random access speeds compared to UFS due to its architecture.

- UFS: UFS storage is designed to offer higher performance compared to traditional NAND Flash. UFS supports features like command queuing, simultaneous read/write operations, and improved error handling mechanisms. This results in faster data transfer speeds, lower latency, and better overall performance for devices that use UFS storage.

3. Durability and Reliability:
- NAND Flash: NAND Flash memory has a limited number of program/erase cycles before it wears out, which can impact its durability over time. Wear leveling algorithms are used to distribute write operations evenly across the memory cells to extend the lifespan of NAND Flash.

- UFS: UFS storage typically offers better durability and reliability compared to NAND Flash due to its advanced error correction mechanisms and wear leveling algorithms. UFS is designed to provide higher endurance and longer lifespan for devices that require frequent read/write operations.

In summary, while both NAND Flash and UFS are types of non-volatile memory used in electronic devices, UFS offers higher performance, better reliability, and improved durability compared to traditional NAND Flash storage. UFS is designed to meet the increasing demands for faster data transfer speeds and more efficient storage solutions in modern devices.