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The Russian Prime Minister Resigns And No One Knows Why

A curious 'regime change' happened in Russia today as the Prime Minister Dimitry Medvedev and his whole cabinet resigned. This morning President Vladimir Putin held his yearly speech to the Federal Assembly of Russia (English transcript). Putin spoke about Russia's...
How Trump Rebelled Against The Generals

In early 2017, just as Trump was inaugurated, we wrote how of an old power center theory that seemed to explain how Trump won the elections: Seen from the perspective of power centers Clinton once had all the support she...
The Murder Of Qassem Soleimani Will Deter No One

The Trump administration sees the U.S. assassination of Qassem Soleimani as a form of deterrence not only with regards to Iran but also towards Russia, China and others. That view is wrong. The claim that the murder of Soleimani was...
The MoA Week In Review - Open Thread 2020-05

Last week's posts at Moon of Alabama: January 13 - The Long Planned U.S. Assassinations In Iraq Will Increase Its Political Chaos January 14 - Trump's EU Poodles - Germany, Britain And France - Obey His Order To Kill The...
Iran Counters EU Threat Of Snapback Sanctions

U.S. President Donald Trump wants to destroy the nuclear agreement with Iran. He has threatened the EU-3 poodles in Germany, Britain and France with a 25% tariff on their car exports to the U.S. unless they end their role in...
UN Security Council Hears OPCW Inspector Testimony About The Manipulation Of 'Chemical Attack' Reports

We have long maintained that the alleged chemical attack in Douma, Syria, on April 7 2018 was faked by Jihadists shortly before they were evicted from that Damascus suburb. By the end of last year leaked documents and a whistle...
Can Boeing Survive Its MAX Problems?

The Boeing 737 MAX saga continues and it now threatens to bring the company to the brink of insolvency: Boeing now projects the 737 MAX won’t get Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) clearance to fly until midyear, about three months further...
New Boeing CEO Calhoun Promises To Create A Bigger Mess

Shortly after we published our latest Boeing piece, asking if the company can survive, the new Boeing CEO and former board member David Calhoun held a call with the media. It confirmed our pessimistic take. Calhoun said that nothing was...
Associated Press Sees "Hundreds" Where Pictures Show Millions

At 10:01 UTC today the Associated Press tweeted that "hundreds" gather in central Baghdad to demand that American troops leave the country. bigger Thirty eight minutes earlier CNN had already reported that "hundreds of thousands" are protesting in Baghdad against...
The Coronavirus - No Need To Panic

Bring Out Your Dead by beq bigger - uncropped I had a little bird, Its name was Enza. I opened the window, And in-flu-enza. The Influenza Pandemic of 1918 The picture and the rhyme are from a fifteen year old...
The MoA Week In Review - Open Thread 2020-07

Last week's posts at Moon of Alabama: January 20 - Iran Counters EU Threat Of Snapback Sanctions Related: Interview with Iran's Foreign Minister Javed Zarif: "It’s a Disaster for Europe To Be So Subservient to the U.S" -Spiegel January 21...
The Air War In Afghanistan Expands On Both Sides

Under the Trump administration U.S. air attacks in Afghanistan have sharply increased. But it now seems that the Taliban have acquired some means to counter them. Last year the U.S. dropped a record number of bombs on Afghanistan leading to...
Syria: Army Liberates Maarat al-Numan - U.S. Plans New Mischief

Today the Syrian Arab Army liberated the city Maarat al-Numan in south-east Idleb. Before the war on Syria the city had some 60,000 inhabitants. This followed after several week of steady progress during which two dozens villages were taken from...
Those Who Have Visions ...

The former German chancellor Helmut Schmidt once famously said: People who have visions should go see a doctor. Yesterday U.S. President Donald Trump published a Vision for Peace, Prosperity, and a Brighter Future for Israel and the Palestinian People. The...
Happy BREXIT Day - Now For The Hard Part

Tonight Great Britain will leave the European Union. Then comes the hard part. Britain has until the end of this year to make a new trade deal with Europe, with the U.S., and with other countries. But it does not...
Novel Coronavirus Defies Conspiracy Theories As Data Shows Its Coming Decline

There are first signs that the novel Cornoavirus (nCorV19) epidemic will come to an end within a month or so. An analysis from the Chinese media house Caixin provides the newest numbers (machine translated): [O]n January 31, 2020, 2102 new...
The MoA Week In Review - Open Thread 2020-09

Last week's posts at Moon of Alabama: January 27 - The Air War In Afghanistan Expands On Both Sides Related: Taliban’s Continued Attacks Show Limits of U.S. Strategy in Afghanistan - NYT > “Both overall enemy-initiated attacks and effective enemy-initiated...