Moon of Alabama
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The MoA Week In Review - OT 2021-099

Last week's posts at Moon of Alabama: Dec 13 - The Fall Of Kabul Story Misses Some Damning Details Related: - Trump and Biden’s secret Afghanistan air campaigns revealed - Airwars Almost 800 previously secret US airstrikes in Afghanistan during...
New York Times Covers Up Its Debunked Lies About Peng Shuai By Adding New Ones

The Chinese tennis star Peng Shuai recently gave an interview in which she refuted various lies the New York Times and other media had made about her. Today the Times responded by creating and publishing more lies about her. To...
Iran And The Houthi Split? No, A Reporter Fell For 'Exclusive' Spin.

Last Friday, December 17, the Wall Street Journal published an 'Exclusive' that claimed a breach of relations between the Houthis in Yemen and their Iranian benefactors. It is an example for how official spin and the hunt for 'exclusives' outweigh...
What Russia Says About Its Not-An-Ultimatum To The U.S. And NATO

Russia has detailed its security demands to the U.S. and NATO in form of two draft treaties. Besides yours truly many knowledgeable bloggers and publicists have also written about the issue: M. K. Bhadrakumar - Spectre of war is haunting...
U.S. Navy Acknowledges Russian Weapon Superiority

Adding to the tenor of yesterday's piece What Russia Says About Its Not-An-Ultimatum Demands To The U.S. And NATO is a sign that the U.S. finally recognizes and acknowledges the overwhelming superiority of new Russian weapons like the hypersonic Tsirkon...
Merry Christmas

In my corner of the earth Christmas celebration starts on the eve of the day before Christmas (Heiligabend = holy evening). With small kids the gifts that the Christkind (Christ child = Jesus) brought will usually appear between 4 pm...
Experts Warn ...

bigger "Moscow likes to commit aggression when the world is not paying attention. It invaded Afghanistan during the Christmas season in 1979 and attacked Georgia during August vacation season," ambassador John Herbst, former U.S. ambassador to Ukraine from 2003 to...
The MoA Week In Review - OT 2021-101

Last week's posts at Moon of Alabama: Dec 20 - New York Times Covers Up Its Debunked Lies About Peng Shuai By Adding New Ones Related: - Western media, anti-China forces use MeToo movement to incite gender antagonism: expert -...
When China Does Great Question Its Cost

There seem to be general meme directives for 'western' outlets with regards to official enemies. Russia is said to weaponize everything. The position of China is not (yet) seen as in military terms. The emphasis is on economic competition. Any...
The Federal Government's Covid Failure Becomes Even More Apparent

Today I was busy with medical issues. Nothing bad to report on my side. But I feel somewhat sad for the people in the U.S. who's health get screwed by its 'elite' over and over again. Seven days ago the...
Talks Between Putin And Biden Continue

Later today U.S. President Joe Biden and Russia's President Vladimir Putin will have another video call. The Russian side had requested the call. Putin obviously wants to keep the pressure on the U.S. to agree on the two draft treaties...
A Happy New Year To All Moonkind

To all commentators here a big "Thank You!" for giving me so much. My wish for the next year: May it be less pandemic and more peaceful than this one. A Happy New Year to all moonkind!
The MoA Week In Review - OT 2022-001

Last week's posts at Moon of Alabama: Dec 27 - When China Does Great Question Its Cost Related: - Japan-US ‘island chain’ will roil China, Russia - Indian Punchline - China’s Soft-Power Advantage in Africa - Beijing Isn’t Just Building...
Shall We Drop Calls Or Airplanes? - Airlines And Wireless Companies Fight Over 5G Activation

Over the weekend several thousand flights in the U.S. were canceled: The holiday travel nightmare worsened on New Year's Day with more than 1,700 flights already cancelled for Sunday after more than 2,700 flights were cancelled Saturday due to poor...
China's Excellent, Very Good Year

2021 was China's best year. Ever. by Godfree Roberts* Amidst global gloom, 2021 was the best year in modern Chinese history. Here’s what they accomplished: Eliminated extreme poverty. Reached 96% home ownership. Kept Covid death rate at 0.6% of America’s....
The U.S. Directed Rebellion in Kazakhstan May Well Strengthen Russia

In early 2019 the Pentagon financed think tank RAND published an extensive plan for soft attacks on Russia. Extending Russia: Competing from Advantageous Ground. The 200 pages long report recommended certain steps to be taken by the U.S. to contain...
Remarks on Exceptionalism

Some comments to the previous thread on Kazakhstan mentioned U.S. exceptionalism. It started with Bemildred: It is amusing how these "thinkers" ideas about how to undermine Russia or China tend to look a lot getting them to do what Bush-Cheney...
Mysteries Of The Failed Rebellion In Kazakhstan

It is still a mystery what forces exactly are behind the rebellion in Kazakhstan. While I had presumed that it was a CIA operation it may have been outsourced to Britain's MI6. There are also still other possibilities. The action...