Minter Network
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Minter is an ultra-fast and robust cross-chain DEX with in-core AMM and order book powered by its own Layer-1 Blockchain.
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What are the steps that you need to take to start farming HUB? How big are the returns—and what criteria do you need to meet in order to get them? And last but not least, how often is the reward distributed and how do you claim it?

Check out our latest piece to find out:
HUB’s Rate on Etherscan

Etherscan has started displaying the price of HUB token

That means from now on, everyone will be able to see the actual, real-time balance of their wallet, because the amount of HUB they hold is multiplied by the rate.

At the time of writing, the market capitalization stands at over $72.6 million. The price has increased from $0.1 to $72.67 (and that’s not even an ATH) over five months.
🔥 Minter 2 launch is the hottest event of April!

Thank you to everyone who is always active and pushing Minter to leading positions. Recently, we’ve become the hottest event on the homepage of the largest crypto calendar with 2M monthly visitors.

Press the '👍 Real' button to support us!
The HUB token has been added to Blockfolio

Starting today, Minter Hub (HUB) is available in Blockfolio, the largest crypto tracker. Our community has once again proven that it’s great at cool & fast promotion of Minter across third-party services. Thanks for making this happen!

— Look up Minter Hub
— Add the HUB token to your portfolio
— Add transactions to evaluate your performance
— Turn on alerts to stay updated on the price levels that interest you

Which ranking, wallet, or tracker should HUB hit next?
Minter Is Being Upgraded

As the blockchain has stopped at block height 3,278,787, validators are now updating their nodes and infrastructure for transition to Minter 2. It will take some time (≈2 hours), and we'll make a separate post once the network is live.

During the upgrade, no transactions can be made, so wait until it's completed.

⚠️ Double-check that all of your seed phrases are kept in a safe place only you can access.
Minter 2 Is Up and Running

The Minter network has been launched following a successful upgrade. All features are available, including the new ones:
— Non-reserve tokens
— AMM-enabled liquidity pool swaps
— 0.2% of fees in reward for supplying liquidity

You may find the full changelog in the attached file here.

All functionality (both old and new) has been rolled out in Minter Console and BIP Wallet's web version. As of now, the Android and iOS wallets offer standard functionality (transfers, delegation, etc.), so you'll need to wait until a full-fledged update arrives in stores. The local Console isn't readily available just yet, either. The new versions of the wallets will be announced separately.

🔥 Burn of ≈300M BIP (or $6,300,000 at current prices)

To make Minter birthday celebration lit, Minter Development Foundation will ‘burn’ the BIPs that will have been accumulated by May 15, 2021.

It is the funds of DAO it has been receiving since the launch of the network that will be burned. The coins of regular users won’t be affected.

The amount is around 300 million BIP. It will be sent to the 0th address:

This move will strengthen the network’s economy, because a large volume of coins will be removed from circulation and therefore will never enter the market.

While some are printing, others throw birthday parties that are straight fire. 🥳
🗓 BIP Burn in Crypto Calendar

The Burn of BIP event is up on CoinMarketCal. If you want to see it trending and among the hottest events of May, please show your support (press the Real button)!

👍 Vote »
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🚀 The Minter Hub Network Is Live!

Minter 2 + Minter Hub will allow anyone to trade in cryptocurrencies, tokens, and digital assets. Without storing your funds, via completely decentralized orders and transactions processed by an automated market maker in five seconds and for $0.03+0.2%. Transferring USDT, USDC, ETH, BTC, and other coins will take five seconds, too, costing you as little as $0.01! Minter Hub will also make it possible to tie Minter 2’s fees to the U.S. dollar.

At 4:00 p.m. UTC yesterday, the mainnet of Minter Hub was launched. At this moment, the smart contract is being deployed on the Ethereum network (which is still pending because of the abnormal congestion).

Once the smart contract has been successfully deployed, all validators will be able to transfer their HUB to Minter Hub at no cost and start validating. For some time, there will be no penalties.

At this stage, cross-chain coin transfers are not available yet. During the first week, validators will be monitoring the stability of the network and whether the contracts update the list of the validators properly. Once they have verified that everything works as intended, we’ll initiate a vote on introducing an option to transfer HUB from Ethereum to Minter and vice versa.

All stages will be rolled out gradually to ensure the user funds’ safety. In case of an unexpected event, the smart contract can perform emergency stoppage and transfer of coins.

Further activation of Minter Hub:
- Addition of HUB
- Addition of USDC: once HUB has been successfully integrated, USDC will follow
- Fixing of M2 fees in dollars: once USDC is aboard, there’ll be a vote to set USD-expressed fees
- Addition of other ERC-20 tokens to Hub: once fees have been fixed in U.S. dollars, a vote will be announced to add more ERC-20 tokens to Minter (wETH, wBTC, USDT, UNI, and others)
- Connection of Binance Smart Chain

Minter Hub network’s source code and instructions on setting up a node:
Forwarded from Minter Dev Notifications
🔗 HUB on Binance Smart Chain

Due to Ethereum overload (in some cases, fees for token transfers reach $70), we’ve decided to speed up the Minter Hub’s integration with Binance Smart Chain. The first stage will be the issuance of the HUB token, which will be not an entirely new one but a mirrored version of that on the Ethereum network.

Anyone can participate and get HUB on Binance Smart Chain in exchange for HUB on Ethereum. To make a swap, you need to send your ERC-20 HUBs to the multisig wallet of the validators by Friday, April 30, 2021 @ 11:59 p.m. UTC:


By May 7, 2021, HUB tokens on Binance Smart Chain will be accrued to the same address you used to send them, so make sure you have access to it. After that, you’ll be able to freely transfer HUBs, add them to liquidity pools, and buy/sell them at fees lower than Ethereum’s.

Owners of the multisig wallet that will transfer collected HUBs to the Minter Hub smart contract on May 1:
1. ProBlockchain
2. BTCSecure
3. MonsterNode
4. Rundax
5. Stakeholder
6. MinterOne
7. Minternator
8. ONLY1
HUB Token on Minter

The HUB token has been issued on the Minter network today. It is a mirrored version of the Ethereum’s HUB. Both initial and maximum supply stand at 1 million HUB, with no option to mint additional or burn existing tokens. The whole supply was sent to a multisig wallet managed by Minter Hub oracles right away.

HUB token creation tx
Send to Minter Hub oracles tx

When a cross-chain transfer is made, the HUB token will be locked on one network (for example, Ethereum) and unlocked on the other (for example, Minter). That way, Minter Hub will maintain the real circulation of tokens across all networks, managing the lock-ups in a decentralized manner.

Very soon, oracles will start depositing real stakes into Minter Hub. After that, they will initiate a vote on freely moving HUB around the networks. At some point during the first week of May, we’ll mint HUB on Binance Smart Chain to make cross-chain transfers possible between the three networks.

That said, we’re about to unlock unseen opportunities in the space of cross-chain transfers, allowing each and every user to manage their funds in several networks at once—and do it in a fast, affordable, safe, and convenient way.
The first million is the most desired!

$1 million worth of tokens has been placed on the Minter network, including Hub. This is a so-called Total Value Locked indicator, or TVL.

For comparison, the Binance Smart Chain has over $36 billion in TVL. But we haven’t even launched yet . . .
Binance Smart Chain’s HUB: The Last Day to Deposit

Final call for everyone who wants to take part in the issuance of HUB on Binance Smart Chain. To exchange your tokens, send them to the multisig wallet of the validators by 11:59 p.m. UTC today:


The tokens will be accrued to the identical address on the Binance Smart Chain network. You can log in to it using the same seed phrase as on Ethereum. Before depositing, make sure you have access to the wallet you will use for receiving.

HUB goes live on BSC Monday, May 3. A liquidity pool for trading via PancakeSwap will be created within a few hours. We’ll make a separate announcement.

For the main pool on the BSC network, we’ll launch a farming program similar to the one we launched for Ethereum. Stay tuned!
Minter Community Update

What's changed with Minter 2 release? What impact has the roll-out of Minter Hub had on liquidity? When will the promised grand burning happen? And how many BIPs are already lying still, waiting to be turned into BIPx on Ethereum and BSC?

Check out our latest round-up to find out. And don’t forget to clap! 👏
How to Make Money on DeFi with HUB

The Minter Hub product and its token HUB offer the vast majority of money-making opportunities for a modern DeFi professional, that is:
– Trading
– Arbitrage
– Providing liquidity
– Farming
– Staking

Learn More Now »
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🥞 How to Buy/Sell HUB and Provide Liquidity in PancakeSwap

Binance Smart Chain: check ✔️. On May 3, the HUB token was minted on the BSC network and started trading.

In this freshly baked guide, we’ll walk you through trading in HUB and supplying liquidity to the pools on the BSC network, namely via PancakeSwap.

Check out the recipe »
Which token shows first in the new version of Uniswap? How many fee tiers are there—and which is set for the main pool of HUB-USDT? What’s price ranges, and how can you move the liquidity you already provide from v2 to v3?

🦄 Learn More Now! »
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🔗 Minter Hub Is Live

After long tests, we’re opening Minter Hub for everyone. On this page, you can deposit or withdraw your HUB from or to Ethereum network.

The next step is adding USDC and USDT stablecoins to Minter 2, which is expected by the end of May if everything works as planned. You’ll be able to buy and sell these tokens right inside your wallet and also move them between Minter and Ethereum networks. A vote on whether to add these tokens will be initiated once all tests involving HUB are successfully completed.

⚠️ Beware! Cross-chain transfers through Minter Hub are currently in the alpha version. You bear sole responsibility for all operations with your assets, meaning you may lose them entirely. Use this functionality at your own risk. Minter Hub is open-source. If needed, you may investigate its code before making use of the features offered on the page above.

Explainer on selecting fee for withdrawal to Ethereum:
- Normal: your transaction will get into waitlist and will be sent once the number of senders is enough to cover the fee on Ethereum. If that doesn’t happen within an hour, the coins will return to your wallet;
- Fast: your transaction will be sent to Ethereum right away. The confirmation time, however, will depend on current load.
🍪 HUB-BIP Pool’s Farming Rewards

The first rewards have been sent to those farming in the HUB-BIP pool (for May 10):
- Transaction 1
- Transaction 2

Going forward, rewards (0.1% of the liquidity provided, payouts in BIP) will be shared among LPs on a daily basis at a random time. Everything you need to qualify is supply liquidity to the HUB-BIP pool. You can do that using Minter Console.

Rewards for the past 9 days will be distributed shortly. May 1 to May 9 snapshots are currently being re-calculated.
BIPx will be issued on July 1 (Ethereum) and September 1 (Binance Smart Chain).

This news is being updated, stay tuned...