Middle Nation
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This protocol provides a structured framework for Arab and Muslim states to approach normalization with Israel while ensuring that the rights and interests of the Palestinian people are safeguarded. It establishes a unified approach to encourage Israel to adhere to international law and promote a just and lasting resolution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. The protocol emphasizes transparency, accountability, and collective response in the event of Israeli aggression. It serves as a vital tool for promoting regional peace and cooperation.
Media is too big
Muslims in the West should protest in disciplined formation
Media is too big
Empty Pro-Palestinian rhetoric
You can put "Free Palestine" stickers on the doors of any shop or restaurant, take a picture of it and spread it on social media, congratulating them on their pro-Palestinian stance Thereby forcing the company to either acknowledge or disavow. If they remove it, spread THAT across social media.

Agitate until you get a positive response.
Dear Starbucks Team,
I hope this message finds you well. I am writing to express my sincere appreciation and support for the courageous stance taken by Starbucks unionized workers in their solidarity with the rights of Palestinians and their commitment to promoting peace in the Middle East.
As a loyal customer of Starbucks, I believe that a company's actions and values are of great significance. Your employees' decision to stand up for the rights of Palestinians and to advocate for peace is deeply commendable and meaningful to me. It is essential for companies to reflect international law, United Nations resolutions, and the Universal Declaration of Human Rights in their operations and ethical stance.
The commitment shown by your workers in supporting the oppressed and seeking justice aligns with the principles of fairness, equality, and human rights that I hold dear. Their dedication to raising awareness and advocating for a peaceful resolution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict is a testament to the power of individuals to make a positive impact on the world.
I want to express my full support for these Starbucks unionized workers, and I stand with those who stand with the Palestinians. I believe it is crucial for companies like Starbucks to take a moral and ethical stand, and your employees are leading the way in making a difference.
I encourage Starbucks to continue supporting and engaging these workers, as well as taking a public stand with them to align the company's policies and actions with international principles of justice and human rights.
Thank you for your time and consideration. I look forward to seeing Starbucks continue to uphold these values and working toward a more just and peaceful world.
we've got over 11k people in here, so I hope that translates to at least half as many emails to starbucks
There is coordination between KSA, Russia, and China; that much is clear. They want to push the US out of the scenario as much as possible. China is calling for an immediate ceasefire and the convening of an "international conference for peace", which would bring in more parties (including China) to work towards a lasting resolution.
BRICS is trying to wrestle control over the issue from the US
I have seen an opinion that Russia and China are trying to draw the US into a war with Iran.
In my opinion, it is a little absurd to suggest that Russia and China are interested, or are trying to, incite a war with Iran. The US is the one sending a massive and apparently offensive force to the region. Both Russia and China undoubtedly perceive that Iran is under threat of attack, and it is in their interests to deter it.
MBS would be interested in it; I do not see that Russia or China would be.
Because a war with Iran would potentially bring some opportunistic benefits for China and Russia, does not itself constitute a motive; and evidence rather suggests the US being an agitator.
It should also be pointed out, that in the event of a war against Iran, the UAE would be a primary target for Tehran. All oil and transport through the Strait of Hormuz would halt completely. That is not in China's interest
You know, I have been saying for quite some time that the transition we are living through will be volatile. Nations will grapple with recalibrating their policies, their perspectives, and indeed, their whole paradigm for approaching the world; and this will be a very uneven, rocky process. This is partly due to the fact that the dominant global power is a covert one, the OCGFC, and their relationship with governments is discreet, opaque, and probably even condescending. They will often communicate through hints and misdirections. So, you have government officials, like a spouse trying to guess what their significant other wants, doing what they think is desired; and this is based on past experience, and the way they believe their relationship works. I don’t think, for instance, that the Pentagon itself is even clear on why they are building up forces in the Middle East. Israel does not have a plan for what they are supposed to do next. But everybody knows Iran has been in the sights for a long time, so they are wondering, “is this it? Is this when we are doing this? Are we doing this?” And the Biden Administration, I think, legitimately does not have the answer. They are operating on learned reflexes. Both Israel and Washington.
كما تعلمون، كنت أقول منذ فترة طويلة إن المرحلة الانتقالية التي نعيشها ستكون متقلبة. سوف تتصارع الأمم من أجل إعادة ضبط سياساتها، ووجهات نظرها، بل ونموذجها الكامل للتعامل مع العالم؛ وستكون هذه عملية صعبة ومتفاوتة للغاية. ويرجع هذا جزئيًا إلى حقيقة أن القوة العالمية المهيمنة هي قوة سرية، وهي OCGFC، وعلاقتها بالحكومات سرية، وغامضة، وربما حتى متعالية. غالبًا ما يتواصلون من خلال التلميحات والتوجيهات الخاطئة. لذلك، لديك مسؤولون حكوميون، مثل الزوج الذي يحاول تخمين ما يريده الآخر، ويفعلون ما يعتقدون أنه مرغوب فيه؛ وهذا يعتمد على الخبرة السابقة والطريقة التي يعتقدون أن علاقتهم بها تعمل. لا أعتقد، على سبيل المثال، أن البنتاغون نفسه لا يعرف حتى سبب قيامه بحشد قواته في الشرق الأوسط. ليس لدى إسرائيل خطة لما يفترض أن تفعله بعد ذلك. لكن الجميع يعلم أن إيران كانت في الأفق لفترة طويلة، لذلك يتساءلون: "هل هذا هو الحال؟ هل هذا عندما نفعل هذا؟ هل نحن نفعل هذا؟ وأعتقد أن إدارة بايدن لا تملك الجواب بشكل شرعي. إنهم يعملون على ردود الفعل المستفادة. كل من إسرائيل وواشنطن.
Media is too big
The right to defend Western Supremacy
Media is too big
The OCGFC and US isolation
For 2 years they imposed Covid lockdowns and ground the global economy to a standstill. They destroyed small, local businesses to consolidate monopolistic power among the biggest companies.

Well, two can play at that game.

We learned how to not go to stores, cafes, and restaurants. You imposed austerity on us; we can impose it on you.

#FreePalestine #NoJusticeNoProfit
For anyone who gets contacted by the scammer posing as me. Best reply.😂
When you have a generation, or a couple generations of people who were propagandized their whole lives, whose world view is entirely ideological and the result of relentless indoctrination, these are not people who can do the job of government properly; and that is what you have both in the United States and in Israel today.

They cannot objectively assess situations, they cannot accurately evaluate their own positions, they cannot calculate real power dynamics, they can neither understand their foes nor their allies. They are crippled in diplomacy, crippled in strategy, crippled in planning. There is no difference between being blind and having a fake picture of the world in front of your eyes.

Both the United States and Israel are being masterfully out-maneuvered by the BRICS nations, the Arab states, and the Global South generally in this conflict; not to mention the OCGFC of course.

They are driving a car that is attached to a tow truck.
Just a reminder: Middle Nation is now on Instagram.

After just 3 weeks of boycott, Starbucks in Malaysia has reduced operation hours nationwide due to devastating loss of customers.
The next step would be individual outlet closures, and eventually complete disappearance of Starbucks from the country.

#NoJusticeNoProfit #FreePalestine