Mike Pompeo
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Fan channel dedicated to Mike Pompeo. Former U.S. Secretary of State, Director of the CIA, Congressman. Christian, husband, father, Army veteran, Kansan and proud American 🇺🇸

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“In every thing give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you.” 1 Thessalonians 5:18

#SundayScripture ✝️

Join: @MichaelRPompeo
Had the pleasure of joining John Catsimatidis on the CatsRoundtable this morning. Listen here:

Join: @MichaelRPompeo
The Biden Administration has distanced itself from Israel by attempting to revive the failed Iran deal, siding with the Ayatollahs over our ally. America must be strong and defend its allies without hesitation.

Join: @MichaelRPompeo
The CCP and some liberals in Congress like Bernie Sanders, AOC & Ilhan Omar are siding with Hamas terrorists and against America and Israel. What’s the common denominator? All deny America is a force for good in the world. They are wrong.

Join: @MichaelRPompeo
Democrats only pretend to care about jobs. Our Administration protected the environment, but we didn’t do it on the backs of the American worker. There were more job openings than people looking for work for much of these past four years.

The Liberal Elites don’t get it.

Join: @MichaelRPompeo
Right now, this Admin is sending U.S. taxpayer money to the Palestinians & negotiating how much more of your money it’s going to send to Iran — all while Iranian proxies are firing missiles into Israel. Leadership matters.

My interview with Dana Loesch here:

Join: @MichaelRPompeo
Israel didn’t initiate attacks on Gaza or Hamas or the Palestinian Authority. And it didn’t attack the backer of this violence: the regime in Iran.

Every single life lost in this conflict, Israeli and Palestinian alike, is the result of Iranian-backed Palestinian terror.

Join: @MichaelRPompeo
American pipeline and jobs? No.

Russian pipeline and jobs? Yes.

President Biden, if you’re can’t put America First, can you at least not put Russia first?

Join: @MichaelRPompeo
Over a year ago, I told Martha Raddatz that the Wuhan Virus most likely came from a lab leak. She stopped just short of offering me a tin hat. The CCP said I was an enemy of mankind.

And now? Well, now, the Left wing media is scrambling to get on the side of the truth.

Join: @MichaelRPompeo
The origin of the Wuhan Virus matters. We must prevent this from happening again. The facts show the nature of the CCP & how excruciatingly little it values human life.

Only the CCP can shine a light on what happened. Bring it on. If I’m wrong, prove it. The world needs to know.

Join: @MichaelRPompeo
Today marks 25 years since my mother, Dorothy, passed away. She was a fierce, Midwestern, conservative woman, who taught me the value of hard work and the importance of keeping faith at the center of my life. I love and miss you, Mom!

Join: @MichaelRPompeo
Just hours into his Presidency, Biden gave China a gift by rejoining the Paris Climate Accords. The US will likely be the only nation to meet its commitments — and it will only be able to do so by destroying middle class jobs.

The Biden Administration continues to let China win.

Join: @MichaelRPompeo
The Biden Administration continues to let the Chinese Communist Party win.

My latest piece in ACLJ:

Join: @MichaelRPompeo
And America is about to supply Iran with billions of dollars in sanctions relief to continue this. For America’s security, and for that of Israel, this is dangerous. https://twitter.com/disclosetv/status/1395725477415899136

Join: @MichaelRPompeo
Big crowd in Overland Park, KS last night supporting Amanda Adkins for Congress. Proud to endorse our long time, talented friend. GO KANSAS — turn the 3rd district RED so we can take back America!

Join: @MichaelRPompeo
Our Administration understood that in order to secure freedom, we must have a strong military, form coalitions with other nations to hold the CCP accountable, and embrace, not denigrate, our nation’s founding principles.

The Obama/Biden policy didn’t — and won’t — work.

Join: @MichaelRPompeo
"The Lord is my strength and my defense; he has become my salvation. He is my God, and I will praise him, my father's God, and I will exalt him." Exodus 15:2

#SundayScripture ✝️

Join: @MichaelRPompeo
Sanction relief is the equivalent of sending pallets of cash. And giving Iran billions of dollars will only embolden more terrorism.

This didn’t work in 2015 and it won’t work now.

Join: @MichaelRPompeo
The anti-Semitic attacks we have seen in America over the past few weeks are appalling. We must condemn all forms of anti-Semitism and stand with our friends in the Jewish community.

Join: @MichaelRPompeo