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Aldo Lorenzetti M.D, Internal Medicine & Hepatology, Milano - SIMEDET Delegate
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Association of Type 1 Diabetes vs Type 2 #Diabetes Diagnosed During Childhood and Adolescence With #Complications During Teenage Years and Young Adulthood


Among teenagers and young adults who had been diagnosed with diabetes during childhood and adolescence, the prevalence of complications was higher among those with type 2 diabetes compared with type 1 diabetes, but frequent in both groups.
Transplantation of fecal #microbiota from patients with #irritable bowel syndrome alters gut function and behavior in recipient mice

Connecting the gut-brain axis


Mice receiving the IBS-D fecal microbiota, but not the healthy control fecal microbiota, exhibited faster gastrointestinal transit, intestinal barrier dysfunction, innate immune activation, and anxiety-like behavior. These results indicate the potential of the gut microbiota to contribute to both intestinal and behavioral manifestations of IBS-D and suggest the potential value of microbiota-directed therapies in IBS patients.
Treatment of Subclinical #Hypothyroidism or Hypothyroxinemia in #Pregnancy


Treatment for subclinical hypothyroidism or hypothyroxinemia beginning between 8 and 20 weeks of gestation did not result in significantly better cognitive outcomes in children through 5 years of age than no treatment for those conditions.
Prophylactic #hydration to protect renal function from intravascular iodinated contrast material in patients at high risk of contrast-induced #nephropathy (AMACING): a prospective, randomised, phase 3, controlled, open-label, non-inferiority trial


Contrast-induced nephropathy was recorded in eight (2·6%) of 307 non-hydrated patients and in eight (2·7%) of 296 hydrated patients. The absolute difference (no hydration vs hydration) was −0·10% (one-sided 95% CI −2·25 to 2·06; one-tailed p=0·4710). No hydration was cost-saving relative to hydration. No haemodialysis or related deaths occurred within 35 days. 18 (5·5%) of 328 patients had complications associated with intravenous hydration.

We found no prophylaxis to be non-inferior and cost-saving in preventing contrast-induced nephropathy compared with intravenous hydration according to current clinical practice guidelines.
Nonpainful remote #electrical stimulation alleviates episodic #migraine pain


Nonpainful remote skin stimulation can significantly reduce migraine pain, especially when applied early in an attack. This is presumably by activating descending inhibition pathways via the conditioned pain modulation effect. This treatment may be proposed as an attractive nonpharmacologic, easy to use, adverse event free, and inexpensive tool to reduce migraine pain.
Associations between specific #autoimmune diseases and subsequent #dementia: retrospective record-linkage cohort study, UK


The associations with vascular dementia may be one component of a broader association between autoimmune diseases and vascular damage. Though findings were significant, effect sizes were small. Clinicians should be aware of the possible coexistence of autoimmune disease and dementia in individuals. Further studies are needed to confirm or refute our findings and to explore possible mechanisms mediating any elevation of risk.
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Impact of #physical activity on the association of overweight and obesity with #cardiovascular disease: The Rotterdam Study


Our findings suggest that the beneficial impact of physical activity on CVD might outweigh the negative impact of body mass index among middle-aged and elderly people. This emphasizes the importance of physical activity for everyone across all body mass index strata, while highlighting the risk associated with inactivity even among normal weight people.
Air pollution alters Staphylococcus aureus and Streptococcus pneumoniae biofilms, antibiotic tolerance and colonisation


Our data show that exposure to black carbon induces structural, compositional and functional changes in the biofilms of both S. pneumoniae and S. aureus.Additionally, our results show that black carbon impacts bacterial colonisation in vivo. In a mouse nasopharyngeal colonisation model, black carbon caused S. pneumoniae to spread from the nasopharynx to the lungs, which is essential for subsequent infection. Therefore our study highlights that air pollution has a significant effect on bacteria that has been largely overlooked. Consequently these findings have important implications concerning the impact of air pollution on human health and bacterial ecosystems worldwide
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#Sleep characteristics modify the association of genetic predisposition with #obesity and anthropometric measurements in 119,679 UK Biobank participants http://m.ajcn.nutrition.org/content/early/2017/03/01/ajcn.116.147231those who slept for under 7 hours each night were around 2 kilograms heavier than those who slept for 7-9 hours, while adults who slept for more than 9 hours per night were around 4 kilograms heavier.

Adults who worked shifts or took naps during the day were also more likely to carry excess weightThis study shows that the association between genetic risk for obesity and phenotypic adiposity measures is exacerbated by adverse sleeping characteristics.
Vitamin #D supplementation to prevent acute #respiratory tract infections: systematic review and meta-analysis of individual participant data


Vitamin D supplementation was safe and it protected against acute respiratory tract infection overall. Patients who were very vitamin D deficient and those not receiving bolus doses experienced the most benefit
Association Between #Migraine and Cervical Artery #Dissection
The Italian Project on #Stroke in Young Adults


In this cohort study of 2485 patients aged 18 to 45 years with first-ever acute ischemic stroke, a history of migraine, especially the subtype without aura, was independently associated with cervical artery dissection. The strength of this association was higher in men and in younger individuals.

Meaning In young patients with ischemic stroke, migraine is consistently associated with cervical artery dissection. This finding implicates possible common biologic mechanisms underlying the 2 disorders
Effectiveness and Safety of #Dabigatran, #Rivaroxaban, and #Apixaban Versus Warfarin in Nonvalvular Atrial #Fibrillation


In patients with nonvalvular atrial fibrillation, apixaban was associated with lower risks of both stroke and major bleeding, dabigatran was associated with similar risk of stroke but lower risk of major bleeding, and rivaroxaban was associated with similar risks of both stroke and major bleeding in comparison to warfarin.