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Accelerated Spiritual growth Enlightenment Ascension
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...Better... right now
Or maybe... latter...
You will embrace
Divine nature...
You'll be Eternity
My Love...
From the within
By All ...above...
Khechari mudra
Khechari mudra is a simple but very important techniq . It involves bending the tongue back and placing it against the upper palate. Over time, the tongue lengthens and can be inserted into the nasal opening. Then certain glands associated with the cranial meatus and bindu visarga are stimulated, and as a result amrita or nectar begins to flow. When amrit is released, you experience a special type of "high".
When you sit for meditation, the mind is completely still, it cannot move and you cannot think. There is shunyata, the experience of total nonexistence. If you are practicing a mantra, you will feel that somebody else is practicing and you are just watching. This is considered a very important experience because it allows you to get in touch with outer and inner experiences at the same time, and you become fully aware of yourself. You reach a state in which you are simultaneously aware of the world of the mind, feelings and objects, as well as the world of inner peace, calmness
Khechari mudra
Khechari mudra is a simple but very important technique that is used in most of the practices of kriya yoga. It involves bending the tongue back and placing it against the upper palate. Over time, the tongue lengthens and can be inserted into the nasal opening. Then certain glands associated with the cranial meatus and bindu visarga are stimulated, and as a result amrita or nectar begins to flow. When amrit is released, you experience a special type of "high" or intoxication.
It may take you a few years to perfect the khechari mudra and stimulate the flow of amrita, but it's worth it. When you sit for meditation, the mind is completely still, it cannot move and you cannot think. There is shunyata, the experience of total nonexistence. If you are practicing a mantra, you will feel that somebody else is practicing and you are just watching. This is considered a very important experience because it allows you to get in touch with outer and inner experiences at the same time, and you become fully aware of yourself. You reach a state in which you are simultaneously aware of the world of the mind, feelings and objects, as well as the world of inner peace, calmness and relaxation. When the nervous system is in perfect harmony, the coronary system is inertial, the body temperature is low, and alpha waves predominate in the brain, how can the mind move? This is the philosophy of kriya yoga.
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...Acceleration now
At all...
By Fire of Divine
The gold...
To the Eternity
We coming back
By Love of God...
...If you are ready
By own choice...
Speed up much more
Ascension growth...
I here Dear
Just for this case
Text me pm
I sent you Grace...
...Keep moving Higher
Dear Soul...
Keep moving deeper
Fire tall...
Keep holding Light
For all World...
It is Ascension
Back... to God...
The tenth stage of samadhi (final stage). God consciousness is attained when the yogi achieves kaivalya (liberation). The previous nine stages were subtle techniques and stages. This is the highest experience. This is the steady consciousness of God. This stage of awareness in Eastern religion is likened to amorphous clay, or clay that has no real form. If water is added to this clay, it can be transformed into an infinite number of material forms. This is the place where humanity gets lost, for it identifies itself with the form and not with the formless. Approaching the consciousness of God, one is no longer interested in the form, but in the essence that lives under the form. The entire mold is made of amorphous clay. Sai Baba demonstrated this ability to instantly materialize from this amorphous clay any object that he wants.
Joshua Stone
The Nine Stages of Samadhi
Stage one of samadhi. This stage of samadhi relates to a focus directed toward a gross object as its basis. This is the most basic form of samadhi and relates to certain ideations, but no thought. There is also a certain type of superconscious deliberation that is involved. There is a perception of the object as it was, as it is and as it will be.
Stage two of samadhi. In this stage one’s focus is directed toward a gross object, but does not have the superconscious deliberation of the previous stage. The perception of the object of your meditation is without ideation of any kind. In this stage there is often a mixture of astral and causal sounds, lights and knowledge contained therein. Stage three of samadhi. In this stage there is a focus upon subtle ideas. This is different from the previous two stages, which focused on gross ideas or no ideas. There is a differentiation here in Eastern religion upon ideas and thoughts, being of a grosser nature. Stage four of samadhi. In this stage there is an even deeper movement to subtle ideas and no ideas. The mixture of sounds, lights and knowledge found in the previous two stages moves toward transcendent knowledge. Do you see that at each stage there is a gradual deepening from gross ideas, to subtle ideas, to no ideas? Each detachment takes one deeper to a more core level. This stage of samadhi is clear and truth-bearing. Stage five of samadhi. This is the stage of samadhi focused upon ananda, or bliss. It is the withdrawal of all objective realities. Atma, or the self, cannot be found within form. Bliss arises as the supramental activities have been quieted. There is a stage, however, even beyond bliss. The metaphor often used here is that you can obtain the golden egg or the goose or gander that lays the golden egg, which is the “reality principle” behind the golden egg. Stage six of samadhi. In this stage of samadhi there is a focus upon the awareness of the atma, or the self. In this stage of samadhi one is on the outer fringes of God conconsciousness. This stage is the last of the stages of samadhi, known as the extroverted focus with supramental cognition of matter. These last six stages of samadhi are called sam-prajnata samadhi, which means “transcendental knowledge.” Stage seven of samadhi. This stage of samadhi is total, complete, uninterrupted discerning vision between the universe and the atma (self). This stage, as well as the eighth and ninth stages to come, transcends supramental knowledge. This seventh stage of samadhi has also been called viveka-khyati, vivekaja-jana and taraka-jnana. Stage eight of samadhi. This next stage of samadhi is focused upon and obtained by complete renunciation of all worldly objects. This state is devoid of any conscious impressions with only subconscious impressions. In Eastern religions these subconscious impressions are called samskaras. These samskaras, which are like one’s mental karma, are burned up by remaining in this eighth stage of samadhi. This stage reminds me of the fourth initiation in the ascended-master teachings, which also is focused upon renunciation. This is different in that these stages of samadhi are really stages of meditation realization. In Eastern religion these samskaras, or karmic thoughts, are also called “seed karmas.” These seed karmas are what lead to future experiences and future rebirths. Classically there are considered to be two types of samadhi: sam-prajna, meaning “samadhi with a seed”; the second, isasam-prajnam, meaning “samadhi without a seed.” This eighth stage of samadhi is a samadhi without a seed. By remaining in this state all seed karmas are cremated or
burned up. It is a state of consciousness beyond the ocean of this universe and thus all detachment from all seeds. Few souls ever attain this state. Again, I repeat, these are stages or depths of meditation and not initiations per se. Stage nine of samadhi. This ninth stage is a focus producing an involution of the primary energies or qualities called gunas (tamas, rajas, sattva) [see Hidden Mysteries chapter on the Bhagavad Gita]. The ideal in Eastern religion is to be more sattvic than tamasic or rajasic. Being sattvic is being more Christlike in terms of the psychological qualities one emanates from his/her being. This stage of samadhi, according to Eastern religion, instantly leads to liberation from the wheel of rebirth. The fruits of karma and causes of bondage and limitation are dissolved. The self (atma/purusha) shines forth in supreme splendor. These nine stages, in truth, each have seven sublevels in a similar way that each of the seven levels of initiation have seven sublevels. Stage ten of samadhi (final stage). God consciousness is achieved when the yogi attains kaivalya (emancipation). The previous nine stages were subtle techniques and stages. This is the ultimate experience. It is sustained God consciousness. This stage of awareness has been likened in Eastern religion to amorphous clay, or clay that has no real form. If water is added to this clay it can be made into an infinite number of material forms. This is the place where humanity gets lost, for it identifies with form instead of the formless. In approaching God consciousness, one is no longer concerned with form, but the essence that lives beneath the form. All form is made up of amorphous clay. Sai Baba has demonstrated this ability to materialize instantly any object he wants out of this amorphous clay.
Joshua Stone
...Something changing
Right now...
Do you feel
Dear Soul...
Fire through...
From above....
Purifying by gold...
All within every part
All around .. World...
Please just be
Divine charge...
Bridge...Ascension ...
To God...
MAHATMA pinned a photo
People world want help and enough of you have opened up to receiving that help to have granted yourselves access to various forms of e.t. contact. You are always the wayshowers, the ones on the leading edge, and you are preparing the rest of humanity for full open contact with each sighting of a ship and with each personal encounter.
These experiences help also to unite humanity, as you get to see yourselves as one race when you realize how many races of beings there are out there in the galaxy and in the universe. You have something in common, which is the Earth experience, being human, suffering, and feeling emotions of all kinds. And all of those experiences make you unique as a race of humans. 
You can all relate to one another if you choose to, and the challenge will be to relate to these e.t.s who have had very different lives and experiences. And if you really want to put humanity on the fast track to first contact, you are going to need to find a way to relate to all of your fellow humans.
What Will Happen After First Contact w/ETs ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton
“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We are very intrigued by the possibilities that we have seen popping up for humanity at this time. We have noticed that you have many more spaceships in your skies and much more personal e.t. contact occurring, because of the great amount of summoning that there has been there among the human collective. People on your world want help, and enough of you have opened up to receiving that help to have granted yourselves access to various forms of e.t. contact. You are always the wayshowers, the ones on the leading edge, and you are preparing the rest of humanity for full open contact with each sighting of a ship and with each personal encounter that you have.
These experiences help also to unite humanity, as you get to see yourselves as one race when you realize how many races of beings there are out there in the galaxy and in the universe. You have something in common, which is the Earth experience, being human, suffering, and feeling emotions of all kinds. And all of those experiences make you unique as a race of humans. 
You can all relate to one another if you choose to, and the challenge will be to relate to these e.t.s who have had very different lives and experiences. And if you really want to put humanity on the fast track to first contact, you are going to need to find a way to relate to all of your fellow humans. We are not just talking about the ones you disagree with on various issues, but we are also talking about the ones who do very bad things.
If you can see e.t. contact as a way of uniting humanity, instead of as an opportunity for you to leave, then you can do some real good there on Earth and for your fellow humans. Escaping your negative emotions has never served you well, and neither would escaping Earth as it is today. It will always serve you to dig in your heels, ground yourself, and deal with what is right in front of you and inside of you as well. And you cannot do that if you are just whisked away on a spaceship. There would be less growth in that experience, as lovely as it sounds. 
The e.t.s who are constantly looking in on you and wanting to help do not want to rescue you, but they do want you to see yourselves, your world, and your fellow humans in a different light. And that is what they will bring to you. It will be a new perspective, one that many have not even considered. And it will help you to understand your differences, because you will all realize that you were created by extra-terrestrials, and you have been helped by them since day one there on planet Earth. 
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”
Media is too big
...When you meet
Like you my dear...
The Soul's & Hearts..
In Happy tears...
Cos not so much
Like minded Souls...
With whom can share
Divine gold...
....Are you the Light
But If you not...
I will cut
This darkest cord...
....Neptune in pisces may 2023 to January 2025...
Molly McCord
...What ever you
My Dear think...
We moving higher
Divine blink...
...Already Here level New
By Highest Fire... aqua blue...
So gentle shining ...Divine Love
Through every Soul ...World right now...
We have here another system of understanding samadhi from Yogananda, Kriyananda and Babaji: stage one,sabikalpa samadhi; stage two, nirbikalpa samadhi; stage three, soruba samadhi. The more one practices sabikalpa samadhi, the sooner nirbikalpa samadhi can be attained, which leads to the completion of one’s seventh initiation, ascension and liberation from the wheel of rebirth. The consistent practice of nirbikalpa samadhi leads to soruba samadhi, which is the full realization of the seventh initiation and the development of the advanced ascended-master abilities and physical immortality. Nirbikalpa samadhi is fully realized at the seventh initiation. Soruba samadhi is realized at the full completion of the seventh initiation and/or the realization of one’s planetary ascension in terms of installation, activation and actualization of the seven levels of initiation, fifty to two hundred chakras and twelve bodies, including the solar, galactic and universal.