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🤖 @Ludubot 生活因它而多彩。
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𝐋u𝐝u Privacy Policy

The bot will collect your Telegram user ID, primarily to identify unique users and prevent bot patching.

𝐋u𝐝ulife is based on telegram but is not part of Telegram. Completely independent internal server, user privacy is absolutely guaranteed.
𝐋u𝐝u will not record your personal search history, but only counts the number of merchant clicks for merchant optimization and ranking.

All data sources for the bot are based on data open to the
Telegram Bot API.
All data for this bot comes from the open data of
Telegram BotAPI.

The bot will reject merchant transactions containing:

• Touching, drug related, ecstasy, obedient drinking water, etc.

• Complaints of suspected fraud will be downgraded

• Attract fans, engage active users, and subvert ranking rules

• Add lots of links designed to take up the screen

• Computer virus, stolen wallet, stolen USB flash drive, wallet private key

• Or the mnemonic phrase is stolen.

• Sale of black coins, counterfeit coins and counterfeit money

• Educational content for children related to weapons dealing, terror, bloody violence and suicide (any content that looks childish will not be counted)

• Unauthorized use of robot avatar and name

• Any content that violates international law

This robot refuses to include the following merchants:

• Drugs, drugs, narcotics, obedient water, etc.

• Fraud, those reported as suspected of fraud will be removed from the shelves

• Attract fans, engage users, and disrupt ranking rules.

• Add lots of links to clearly dominate the screen

• Computer virus, theft (of any wallet), stolen wallet, stolen wallet private key or mnemonic phrase

• Selling black U, fake U, and counterfeit banknotes

• related to the arms trade, terrorism,

The following actions will be blocked by the bot:

• Increase store click-through rates

• Malicious reporting

• Unauthorized use of robot avatar and name


𝐋u𝐝u生活基于 telegram,但不属于Telegram。是完全独立的屋里服务器,绝对保证用户的隐私。

Telegram BotAPI开放的数据。
Telegram Bot API开放的数据。


• 感动、涉毒、摇头丸、听话水等

• 涉嫌舞弊的投诉将降级

• 拉粉、拉动态用户、扰乱排名规则

• 添加大量链接意图霸屏

• 电脑病毒、钱包被盗刷、U盘被盗、钱包私钥

• 或助记词被盗

• 出售黑U、假U、假钱

• 武器交易、恐怖、血腥暴力、自杀相关儿童教育内容(任何看起来像儿童的内容都算在内)

• 推广与该机器人竞争的链接

· 冒充官员、TG官员或指数官员

• 尚未授权使用该机器人的头像和名称

• 任何违反国际法的内容


• 毒品,涉毒,迷药,听话水之类

• 诈骗,被举报涉嫌诈骗的会被下架

• 拉粉,拉用户,扰乱排名规则。

• 添加大量链接,明确霸屏

• 计算机病毒、盗刷(任何钱包)、盗U、盗钱包 私钥或助记词

• 出售黑U、假U、假钞

• 军火买卖、恐怖、血腥暴力、自杀相关

以下操作将被 Bot 阻止:

• 刷商铺点击率热度

• 恶意举报

• 冒充官方、TG官方或指数官方

• 尚未授权使用该机器人头像和名称
Ludu 是Telegram 社交软件上的一款同城生活功能,也可以称之为第二世界,深受欢迎的生活机器人,目前拥有近7亿的注册用户数,每天有超过1000万的固定访客,同时每天的随着Ludu规模的扩大和用户数量的增加,Ludu也从单一的C2C网络集市变成了包括C2C、团购、分销、等多种电子商务模式在内的综合性零售商圈。

Ludu致力于推动“货真价实、物美价廉、无任何中介抽取商户以及用户费用,实现了真正的,用户商户一对一的对接,帮助更多的消费者获得更高的生活品质;通过提供网络销售平台等基础性服务,帮助更多的企业开拓市场、建立品牌,实现产业升级;帮助更多胸怀梦想的人通过网络 实现创业就业。新商业文明下的Ludu,正走在创造1000万就业岗位这下一个目标的路上。


Ludu is a local life function on Telegram social software. It can also be called the second world. It is a popular life robot. It currently has nearly 700 million registered users. There are more than 10 million regular visitors every day. At the same time, with the expansion of Ludu and the increase in the number of users, Ludu has also grown from a single The C2C online market has become a comprehensive retail district including C2C, group buying, distribution, and other e-commerce models.

Ludu is not only popular in the Philippines, but also a consumer communication community in the Philippines and a gathering place for global users. Ludu has changed the traditional way of doing business to a great extent, and also changed people’s life and consumption patterns. Not being taken advantage of, advocating fashion and individuality, being open and good at communication, and rational thinking have become the rising "Ludu Life" on Ludu” important characteristics. Ludu ’s diverse consumer experience makes Ludu people enjoy it: group design, customization, following fashion, and loving tradition.

Ludu uses a special temperament to influence and change the popular attitudes and fashion trends of consumers and businesses on Ludu . From the convenience of life to the close distance between merchants and users, the temperament of the trend affects the behavior of the trend, and the platform of the trend reveals the trend of the trend - the era of shopping trend led by Ludu has arrived.
Ludu is suitable for everyone who wants to save time and gain quality of life.

Because Ludu is called the second world of human beings, it can quickly find the merchants they want and solve their life problems, so we will not be like other life platforms, allowing users to find what they need more efficiently and directly. to communicate and make appointments. Our work team simply helps maintain order in the large community and maintain efficient communication.

We're constantly growing - check out our brief history of Ludu and follow us on Telegram to stay connected.

Ludu 适合想要节省生活时间,获得生活品质的所有人。


我们不断发展——查看我们的Ludu 简史,并在Telegram上关注我们以保持联系。
Unlike any life and shopping platform, Ludu is a life navigation based on telegram, and it is guaranteed that any merchant who joins Ludu will not charge any commission in any form.

Ludu does not require you to download any additional APP on your device - you can realize shopping, travel, hotel booking, taxi travel, express delivery, housekeeping and payment functions required for daily life.

It’s faster and more secure thanks to Telegram’s multi-data center infrastructure and encryption. Best of all, private messaging on Telegram is free and will always be free – no ads, no subscription fees, free forever.

Telegram’s API and code are open, and developers are welcome to create their own Telegram applications. We also have a Bot API, a platform for developers that allows anyone to easily build Telegram-specific tools, integrate with any service, and even accept payments from users around the world.

与 任何生活以及购物平台 不同,Ludu 是一种基于telegram的生活导航,并且保证加入ludu的任何商户不会以任何形式的方式收取任何佣金。

Ludu 在您的设备上不需要您额外下载任何APP – 您就可以实现购物,旅行,预定酒店,打车出行,生活所需的快递,家政以及缴费功能。

得益于 Telegram 的多数据中心基础设施和加密,它速度更快、更安全。最重要的是,Telegram 上的私人消息传递是免费的,并且将永远免费——没有广告,没有订阅费,永远免费。

Telegram 的 API 和代码是开放的,欢迎开发者创建自己的 Telegram 应用程序。我们还有一个Bot API,一个面向开发人员的平台,允许任何人轻松构建 Telegram 专用工具、集成任何服务,甚至接受世界各地用户的付款。
I am a merchant, how do I apply?
If you are a merchant, you need to submit your information for verification and be authorized to manage the merchant information.

1: Submit personal merchant qualifications

2: Merchant displays image and logo

3: Your telegram merchant channel link is used to publish and update store conditions and brand promotion.

4: Your Telgram merchant customer service username, which facilitates users to quickly communicate and make reservations with you.

Note: The Ludu system will perform a self-check for each link. If the link you submit does not exist or has been blocked by telagram, the store you submitted will not be displayed.

Send merchant application information to
Our team will review and add it for you

如果 您是商家,您需要提交资料通过验证,并且获得了管理该商家资料的授权。











How to report a fake business?

If you think the merchant is suspected of selling prohibited items, you can take screenshots or take photos of the response evidence; ludu lists the types of prohibited items in detail. You can keep the evidence according to the actual situation, describe the specific reasons and upload the voucher, and send "Report Merchant" to complete everything Reporting process.

In addition, if you encounter problems such as false propaganda, merchants selling fake and inferior products, transaction disputes, etc., or are defrauded by fraudsters on the pretext of refunds, it is recommended that you complain or report to the appropriate law enforcement authorities in a timely manner to safeguard your rights and interests and recover losses. ; If you encounter merchants selling contraband, you can also report it to us, and we will transfer and dispose of it in accordance with laws and regulations.

Netizens are welcome to report harmful information online or provide us with valuable suggestions on online reporting work.

Report address:
Will my privacy be compromised?

We regard the information security and privacy of our users as our lifeline. Based on our basic principle "User needs are our top priority", we are committed to improving the transparency of information processes, respecting your control over data, and ensuring the security of your information and communications.

Important note: ludu uses physical servers, which are stored in Swiss safes and have built-in intrusion self-destruction devices. No staff or executives of our company have the right to access the database. We can only perform routine maintenance and ensure server operation. User privacy is our lifeline, and we are determined not to disclose user information to any third-party companies, institutions, or countries. Resolutely stick to Ludu's lifeline.

We hope you read this privacy policy ("Privacy Policy")





#重磅 刚刚,国会听证会更新

经过一个月的调查该国 POGO 的运营情况以及 PBBM 宣布“今天生效,所有 POGO 均被禁止”,并且没有可商量的余地

#意思就是原先说的是给时间致12月31日#现在要提前了#具体哪天不清楚,PAGCOR 似乎仍在研究如何实施。

涉同中国犯罪团伙联系 菲方调查小城前市长郭华萍如何潜逃


菲律宾总统小马可斯在当局确认郭华萍(Alice Guo)已经离境后,下令取消她的菲律宾护照,并誓言对付那些违背民众的信任、协助郭华萍潜逃的人。小马可斯说,他们不仅会被停职,也必须面对法律的制裁。






泰国首宗疑似新变异猴痘病例 密接者43人


当局初步检查发现,这名男子感染的病毒不是早前发现的致病力较弱的Clade 2变异株,而是较易传播的Clade 1b变异株。

但是,当局目前还不能百分百确认是否属Clade 1b变异株。当局还在进行基因比较测试,结果将在星期五公布。



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#华泰大楼 #官方新闻

本地新闻上了 据说有狗庄被抓,物业正在交涉。结果参考官方新闻。

菲律宾华泰大厦被突袭 一杀猪盘上百人被抓


据称,NCRPO 和 PAGCOR 突击搜查的办公室位于一家无牌 POGO 内。


