Liz Harrington
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Fan channel dedicated to President Trump’s spokesperson and former RNC national spokesperson Liz Harrington - bringing you original Truths as well as other MAGA-related stuff. This channel is not associated / managed by Liz.
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"what our Party stands for. Cheney is polling in the low 20’s in Wyoming, the State she doesn’t represent. This is just a continuation of the Witch Hunt which started with the now fully debunked and discredited Russia, Russia, Russia Scam, quickly reverting to a perfect...

"phone call with Ukraine, Ukraine, Ukraine, Impeachment Hoax #1, Impeachment Hoax #2, and now this. The Unselect Committee is composed of absolute political hacks who want to destroy the Republican Party and are decimating America itself...

"I am the only thing in their way. MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!" - President Donald J. Trump


President Donald J. Trump:

"Well, it’s finally happened. The late, great Thomas Jefferson, one of our most important Founding Fathers, and a principal writer of the Constitution of the United States, is being “evicted” from the magnificent New York City Council Chamber...

"Who would have thought this would ever be possible (I did, and called it long ago!). Next up, Benjamin Franklin, Abraham Lincoln and, of course, George Washington...

"The Radical Left has gone crazy, and it’s hurting our Country badly—But someday soon, sane people will be back, and our Country will be respected again!"

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If we don't relitigate 2020, we are going to relive it in 2022

And many will be so discouraged they'll sit it out because they think their vote doesn't count

We have to fix 2020 and our elections FIRST, and root out the fraud, or we won't have a Country left!


President Donald J. Trump:

"Isn’t it terrible that a Republican Congressman from Nebraska just got indicted for possibly telling some lies to investigators about campaign contributions, when half of the United States Congress lied about made up scams, and when...

"Mark Zuckerberg, in my opinion a criminal, is allowed to spend $500 million and therefore able to change the course of a Presidential Election, and nothing happens to them. Comey lied, Schiff lied, Crooked Hillary lied, McCabe lied, the two lovers, Peter and Lisa, lied.

"They all lied having to do with Russia, Russia, Russia, because they knew it was a SCAM, and they all lied having to do with Ukraine, Ukraine, Ukraine, because they knew it was a SCAM—and they made up fairy tales about me knowing how badly it would hurt the U.S.A.—

"and nothing happens to them. Is there no justice in our Country?"


President Donald J. Trump:

"Low-polling Liz Cheney (19%) is actually very bad news for the Democrats, people absolutely cannot stand her as she fights for the people that have decimated her and her father for many years. She is a smug fool, and the great State of Wyoming

"together with the Republican Party, fully understands her act. To look at her is to despise her. Hopefully she will continue down this unsustainable path and she will soon be gone!"

Cyber Ninjas releases supplemental report to correct the disinformation coming from the Maricopa County Board of Supervisors

"Maricopa County continues to purposely mislead Arizonans and the American public about the nature of audit findings"

Maricopa's claim about votes who moved is "extremely misleading"

Provides no documentation for the 12,772 (MORE than the margin!) who moved outside of the County - Illegal votes

No answer for how many of the 15,035 legally changed their address
