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Holographic technology has come a long way, imagine how easy it is to deceive people nowadays.
(did he say 17?) 🤔
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Oh dear! It looks like they are all stuck! 🤦🏻‍♀️😱😂
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JUST IN - Zelensky asks parliament to extend martial law in #Ukraine for another 30 days.

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“We have completely crushed his (Putin) economy”

What a joke! 🤣And what arrogance!
There’s always money for war.
Forwarded from LauraAboli (Laura Aboli)
These are such beautiful and accurate words. Love, kindness and compassion have incredible transformative and healing powers.
Let’s always, above all, be kind to one another, it really has the potential to change the world.
Goodnight my much appreciated companions, tomorrow we will continue our journey to the light.
As I look around me, it saddens me to see how much humanity as a whole needs to learn and understand. We are like Hansel and Grettel, lost children trying to find their way back ‘home’ without the breadcrumb trail. So we look in all the wrong in places and in all the wrong ways, not realising that ‘home’ was always within.

I am reminded of my blog post: ‘Happiness vs Pleasure’, it speaks of our futile attempt to seek one through the other and how we are sabotaging our chances to feel truly happy.

I hope you enjoy reading it.
Good morning! 😊❤️
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There is a mass transfer of American armored vehicles from Germany to Poland.

They clearly want this conflict to drag on. 🤦🏻‍♀️
‼️9 in every 10 Covid deaths are amongst the vaccinated‼️
(Australian figures)

The mainstream media narrative in Australia has switched from non-stop lies and propaganda around Covid-19, to non-stop lies and propaganda around the Russia-Ukraine conflict, just as it has in the UK. Proving that Governments and their propaganda machines in the “Western World” are working in lockstep to tell the public what to think and when to think it.
But there may be another reason why the media in Australia have chosen to cover up a financial crash and cost of living crisis with lies that Vladimir Putin is solely to blame, instead of relentlessly pushing an experimental gene therapy that doesn’t prevent infection or transmission of the Covid-19 virus.
And that reason could have something to do with the latest official figures on Covid-19 deaths by vaccination status. Because those figures show that the fully vaccinated population in Australia now account for 9 in every 10 Covid-19 deaths, and some of those who have sadly lost their lives had received four doses of a Covid-19 vaccine.
Media is too big
‼️Edward Dowd, a former executive of Black Rock, along with a former Wall Street insurance data analyst, have analyzed the CDC’s official death data in the US.

They managed to calculate the excess deaths (ie the number of deaths higher than the normal average) of millennials, (those born between 1981 and 2000) and discovered that in the autumn of 2021, with vaccination mandates 61,000 more people than normal died in this age group.

This is an unprecedented event, to place it in perspective he compares it to the Vietnam War when 58,000 more young people than usual died.

This is what he refers to as a “DEMOCIDE” - the extermination of the people by its own government.

❗️ Considering what the Council of Europe has become, we part ways without regret. Our country’s withdrawal from this organisation will not affect the rights and freedoms of Russian citizens. The Constitution of the Russian Federation does not provide lesser guarantees of them than the European Convention on Human Rights. The provisions of the core CE treaties and legal acts are incorporated in Russian legislation.

Russia is a party to the key universal international human rights treaties concluded within the UN. This includes the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, the International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination, the Convention on the Rights of the Child and other treaties that guarantee a wider range of human rights and freedoms than regional CE documents.

Read in full
Media is too big
‼️Ukrainian journalist calls on Ukrainians to kill Russians including women and children

He even quotes Adolf Eichmann, one of the main organisers of the Holocaust.

He cleverly says that seeing as Putin calls them fascists, they will start acting as such. This young man seems to forget that they have been acting as such for 8 years! Nobody is calling them anything that they are not already!

It’s quite shocking to listen to the hatred in his speech, makes one wonder what kind of brainwashing this generation has been through to get to this state. Very sad indeed.

Wars are a terrible thing, and I understand the devastation and feelings of despair and pain they cause, but to want to kill children has no justification whatsoever.

He has totally given away his true nazi convictions.
300% increase in sales for
Huawei in Russia in the first two weeks of March.
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JUST IN - Russian Prosecutor General's Office asks court to recognize Meta (aka Facebook) as an "extremist organization" (RIA)

‼️The Armed Forces of the Russian Federation tool full control of the entire territory of Kherson region.

▪️ During the day, more than 500 tonnes of essential items, including medication and food, were handed over to the civilian population of the liberated areas.

▪️ In total, since the beginning of the operation , 156 UAVs, 1,306 tanks and other armored combat vehicles, 127 MLRS, 471 field artillery mounts, as well as 1,054 units of special military vehicles have been destroyed. Operational-tactical, army aviation and unmanned aircraft hit 136 military facilities of Ukraine.
Media is too big
Simply embarrassing...🤦🏻‍♀️
‼️Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov and Turkish Foreign Minister Mevlut Cavusoglu commence bilateral talks in Moscow
This should make many Americans battling to get to the end of the month really happy...

“President Biden is expected to announce a total of more than $1 billion in new military assistance to Ukraine’s government as early as Wednesday, according to U.S. officials, as Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky is expected to make a plea to Congress for more aid to defend his country against Russia’s invasion.
The $1.01 billion is expected to include more of the same kinds of military equipment the U.S. says the Ukrainians need the most: antiarmor and antiair systems, including portable air defenses such as Javelins and Stingers. The money would come from the roughly $13.6 billion allotted for Ukraine in the omnibus budget bill Mr. Biden signed Tuesday.”