103K subscribers
27 photos
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61 files
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据悉,EdXposed 管理器开发者(吴玉泽) @MlgmXyysd 公布了我们某位开发者的真实姓名,我们强烈谴责此行为。

The dev of EdXposed Manager (Yu Ze Wu) @MlgmXyysd has published one of our devs' real name. We strongly condemn this.
BTW, we are not stopping developing LSPosed. The repo was just made private for a while.

另外, 我们并没有打算停更 LSPosed,仓库只是设置私有一段时间而已。
2.2 MB
v1.1.0 published!!
v1.1.0 发布啦!!

- Drop support for API 26 (Android 8) (please at least use 8.1 because Android 8 is buggy)
- Fix YAHFA may fail on some system modules (like GravityBox and XPrivacyLua)
- Replace dexmaker in Java with dexbuilder in C++ to optimize speed with much faster hook speed (in the meantime YAHFA no longer uses caches)
- Add blur effect to the manager (depends on system support)
- Optimize modules and installed apps loading
- Optimize configuration toggle
- Fix app list cannot load on some devices
- Fix logic to wait for zygote when booting
- Deprecate SandHook (1/4): mark SandHook as deprecated when installing and in manager

- 移除对 API 26 (Android 8.0) 的支持 (请至少使用 8.1,8 太多 bug 了)
- 修复 YAHFA 有时无法作用于系统组件的问题 (如重力工具箱和 XPrivacyLua 等模块)
- 用 C++ 的 dexbuilder 替换掉 Java 的 dexmaker,带了来更快的 hook 速度(同时 YAHFA 无需再使用缓存)
- 在管理器中加入模糊效果(依赖于系统支持)
- 优化模块列表和作用域列表加载速度
- 优化配置修改速度
- 修复某些设备下加载应用列表失败
- 修复启动时等待 zygote 的逻辑
- 弃用 SandHook (1/4):在安装时与管理器中标明 SandHook 已被弃用
We have re-made our repo public while keeping all the stars (Thanks Github Support). We also have renewed our CI channel and please re-subscribe.

我们已经重新把仓库恢复成 public 的了,并且保留所有小星星(感谢 Github Support 的人)。我们重建了 CI 频道,烦请重新关注。

If you are having problem with joining our new CI channel (如果你加不了新的 CI 频道):
2.3 MB
v1.2.2 released!!
v1.2.2 发布啦!!

- Magisk zip now contains a manager
- Properly handle hidden apps
- Optimize core size
- Make hook functions' names more reasonable for debugging
- Fix DoH
- Swipe to refresh the app list
- Fix hooks on non-ASCII named methods
- Optimize logging on the release build
- Fix pending hook on Android S
- Deprecate SandHook (2/4): You cannot switch to SandHook in regular ways

- Magisk 模块 zip 现在自带一个管理器了
- 正确处理隐藏应用
- 优化 core 大小
- 使 hook 函数的名字在 debug 时候更加合理
- 修复 DoH
- 添加下拉刷新应用列表
- 修复非 ASCII 名字的函数的 hook
- 优化日志
- 修复 Android S 上的延迟 hook
- 弃用 SandHook (2/4):已经无法以通常方法切换到 SandHook

*Notes: manager will automatically upgrade after the first reboot. Please wait patiently until the new manager is installed.
Undoubtedly, LSPosed works perfectly on Android S DP2!

不出所料,LSPosed 在 Android S DP2 上完美运行!
2.1 MB
1.3.4 released!!
1.3.4 发布啦!!

- Enforce Riru v25 which provides better hide support. You can check with attached Riru Detector.
- Show warnings in the manager when SEPolicy isn't properly loaded (Please try updating Magisk to the latest canary and reinstalling LSPosed if you see the warnings)
- Change package name to org.lsposed.manager. Caution not to use old manager.
- Improve hook compatibility for Android R and S
- Continue reducing binary size
- Misc bug fixes
- Deprecate SandHook (4/4): Completely remove SandHook together with multi-variant support codes from the backend

- 强制要求 Riru v25 以上版本 以增强隐藏能力,你可以使用附件的 Riru 检测器检测。
- 在 SEPolicy 未被正确加载时显示警告(如果看到此警告,请尝试将 Magisk 升级至最新 canary 版本并重新安装 LSPosed)
- 将包名改为 `org.lsposed.manager`。请注意不要使用旧版管理器。
- 增强与 Android R 和 S 的兼容性
- 继续减小体积
- 其他问题修复
- 弃用 SandHook (4/4):完全从后端移除 SandHook 与多变体支持代码
112.6 KB
Riru Detector
Riru 检测器

It's not compulsory requirement by LSPosed. It's only for hide detection.
这不是 LSPosed 正常工作需要的。这只是用于检测 Riru 隐蔽性。

*Notes: If Riru modules are found by Riru Detector, it means you have outdated Riru modules installed. If nothing is found by Riru Detector, congratulations, Riru is hiding itself with its modules perfectly.
*注意:如果有 Riru 模块被 Riru 检测器检测到,证明你有使用旧版 Riru 模块。如果显示 "Riru not found",恭喜你,Riru 很完美地隐藏了自己和其模块。

Source codes (源码):
LSPosed pinned a file