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Private Sale and TILEdrop

Over the last few weeks, LOOMIA has been blown away by the support and participation in our private pre-sale and registration for our token generation event (TGE). We are grateful to have the support of such an amazing community that is in it for the vision of what our products and TILE can bring.
We wanted to find a way to make sure everyone who is passionate about our vision has the opportunity to purchase or obtain TILE and advance the development of our data platform with their participation.

With the guidance of our great advisors and legal team, I'm excited to share the latest update on our token sale.

1) We are limiting our sale to US Accredited investors and International participants only. With an evolving regulatory landscape and many qualified participants who are eager to participate below the minimum, limiting the sale to US Accredited investors and international participants will allow LOOMIA's development to move forward in strong alignment with legal best practices.

2) In order to grow our TILE data community and ensure we develop a strong base of usage for our data platform, LOOMIA will be facilitating a TILEdrop. We are opening registration for participants who will be active early users of TILE’s platform as we develop it.


There will be NO LOCKUP for any participants in our private sale.

We've lowered the minimum investment to expand eligible US accredited investors and international participants who wish to secure an allocation. We are halfway through our private pre-sale.
Minimum investment: $5,000USD.

Begin the process here: https://loomia.com/preferred-investor-portal

*Whitelist and Waitlist registrants who qualify for private sale participation will also be emailed instructions for participation through our portal over the next week from LOOMIA, to ensure they receive this update.*

65% in connection with token sale including purchasers of SAFTs;
15% to development team;
8% to brand partners;
2% to advisors
5% airdrop
5%, after a one-year lock-up, to third parties, as determined by LOOMIA, to grow and expand the utilization of TILE Tokens

$5K-49K (NO BONUS, but secured allocation)
$50-100K 10% bonus
$100K-499K 15% bonus
$500K and up 20% bonus

Private sale close date: MONDAY APRIL 2, 2018

NOTE: We are processing first completed application, first serve.
We are oversubscribed and will not wait for incomplete applications. Complete your application and upload KYC requirements in 3 business days, after that, we cannot guarantee your spot.

We are excited to offer the TILEdrop campaign for our community of early supporters. Having an active community of TILE members will allow us to develop our data platform more meaningfully with their input.

This accomplishes several goals:
- Expands TILE participants for larger data sets and platform development
- Allows for the community to be a part of developing our platform
- Provides a native pool of users for brands that integrate TILE

Approximately 50,000,000 TILE tokens will be distributed in the TILEdrop (+/- 2MM tokens).


Participants who are not eligible for our closed sale and are interested in advancing the platform can reserve an allocation of TILE through our TILEdrop.

The TILEdrop registration will be ON OUR OFFICIAL WEBSITE, sent via email, POSTED in the ANNOUNCEMENT CHANNEL, and on THIS TELEGRAM.
Link to be shared in the coming days.

You'll be asked to fill out a simple form with your full name, email address, date of birth, among others.. You will need to upload one form of ID through our secure BOX upload window. US Citizens may upload a copy of a state-valid ID (front and back) or passport. International participants please upload a copy of your passport.

ANY QUESTIONS ABOUT LEGITIMACY of a Portal can be asked here! If you are unsure if something is from LOOMIA, connect with an admin in the channel, and they will connect you with a member of our team.

P Timeline

We will be running our TILEdrop campaign for a maximum 60 days, starting today. There is a hard limit of how many TILEdrop participants we can accept. TILE tokens for approved registered participants will be distributed on a first-come, first-serve basis. The TILEdrop distribution date will coincide with the date of distribution of TILE tokens for our private sale participants, which is slated for May 2018.

Thank you for supporting this process for a fair, compliant and community-building sale! We at LOOMIA are honored by your support, and motivated to deliver on our vision. As always, we are available to you should you have any questions!
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Hello Everyone,

As promised, please find two presentations below for our community.

To orient everyone around timing of token distribution, as you know, that needs to coincide with the launch of an alpha of our platform. We’ve been hard at work developing on both the hardware and software side of TILE, and thrilled to share the progress.

High level takeaways and quick hits:

Token distribution for all participants on SAFT or Tiledrop to happen after
1. KYC is complete (nearly)
2. After the alpha version of our app launches (this summer- more on specific timing in the presentation.)

Distributing after our alpha launches is a strict legal requirement. No getting around that one guys.

As our community knows, working with hardware and software development makes setting a firm date for distribution slightly tricky business.

That being said, we are presently strongly on track to have our alpha V1 of the platform ready in July, and the TileTag itself is just about to go into production.

What does “ready” mean?
Tiletag can upload data.
Data can be viewed
data can be purchased
Tiletag manufactured
-amongst other items that are covered in the presentation.

Exciting times.

Brand partnerships and traction:

Keep an eye out for WIRED (print) and a feature on LOOMIA. More press to come regarding our go to market! As much as it’d be lovely to spill all- you’ll find out soon enough. We will be improving the platform in tandem with these early brand partners.

Beyond that, we are in advanced talks with several domestic and international brands and manufacturers with our product demos to engage in larger scale runs.


In the first, we take you through:
-Our current progress and timelines
-first look at what the app is looking like.
-Detailed views of sprints remaining
-Code updates and smart contract updates
-General update on our other product development

In the second presentation, you’ll see:
-Actual results and data visualization from the tag itself
-hardware updates

To Come:
videos and demonstrations of the app and other progress.

That’s a lot to digest- but wanted to touch in with you all and give you a peek behind the curtain. I’ll be setting aside time early next week for a Q&A session, timing and date to come.

We cherish your support, and are thrilled to deliver.

Be sure to check out our expanded team, partners and advisors at THIS LINK: WWW.LOOMIA.COM/TOKEN


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Product development update .pdf
3.5 MB
Presentation 1
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Telegram hardware update pdf.pdf
2.1 MB
Presentation 2
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(Tiletag views in presentation- photos and videos to come shortly!)
TILE token distribution will occur first week of August
Media is too big
Hey Everyone. Excited to share a video of the LOOMIA app in progress. Showing the scan of a TILE tag (note this is the raw chip--not what it really looks like)
Hello everyone,
Our partners indicate we should be complete with the alpha within the month. Platform plays are difficult and things get delayed, but we are working very hard to deliver. From a legal standpoint we cannot distribute tokens until the alpha is ready, so they must be done in tandem. If we distribute now it puts your tokens in jeopardy so we ask you bear with us until the software is released. We will post further updates next week.
We are on track to distribute end of month. We’re very aware we’ve said dates that were missed so we’re being careful to not make hard promises. Not for lack of not trying, but development takes longer than expected esp when working with different teams across hardware and software
We are excited to announce that TILE Token distribution will take place on Monday Aug 27. All SAFT contributors and TILEdrop participants can expect their tokens then. Depending on Ethereum network load it can take up to a full day for all tokens to be distributed. We appreciate everyone’s patience and support throughout the whole development and token release process over the many months.

Our app will be submitted to the Google Play store next week. We look forward to further developing the platform, features with our amazing community and look forward to feedback. The first batch of TILEtags will be in production this fall.

We look forward to sharing with you further exciting announcements and news as we bring together electronic textiles, partners, data and blockchain technology.

A big thank you to everyone in our community from the LOOMIA team.

SAFT holders: Please note that we have been advised that upon release the TILE tokens to be delivered to you in accordance with your Simple Agreement for Future Tokens (or “SAFT”) are likely to be “restricted securities” within the meaning of U.S. federal securities laws. Restricted securities may be sold or exchanged after one year (in this case, measured from the date you purchased your SAFT) or sooner if sold or exchanged in accordance with an exemption from registration under U.S. federal securities laws. We refer you to Section 8 of the SAFT.
Dear, LOOMIA community

TILE tokens are distributed as of August 27, 2018.

The token address is: 0x25f735b108b4273fb0aceb87599ed8bba10065de
Etherscan link: https://etherscan.io/token/0x25f735b108b4273fb0aceb87599ed8bba10065de
Hi all,

We received several messages from those of you who signed up for TILEdrop saying you did not receive TILE. Not all TILEdrop whitelisted people/ applicants were approved for TILEdrop. There are three reasons in which you would not have received TILEdrop:
1. Your KYC/AML process turned up 1 or more hits
2. You did not enter a valid ETH address in your application
3. TILEdrop is first come, first serve (provided you pass KYC/AML and provided a valid eth address) and you may not have received tokens due to the TILEdrop token being completely allocated by the time yourapplication went through the process

We received tens of thousands of applicants for TILEdrop and greatly appreciate the turn out and enthusiasm! If you were unable to get TILE this time around, you will be able to get them when you purchase a TILE enabled product and sell your data for tokens on the app!

Thanks again for all the support and we look forward to making this product bigger and better!

-The LOOMIA Team
“You all look pretty sharp, but your clothes could be smarter"

Watch our CEO Janett Liriano SLAY the 60-second pitch in front of the judging panel at the WeWork Creator Awards in Nashville last week. We're honored to win 3rd place, but moreover humbled by the impressive work from the other company finalists - Queen of Raw, PROMMUS, The Peach Truck, Ground- News from the source, and Contract Canvas.

Most of all, thank you WeWork for the opportunity to share what we are building with the world (and of course, for the $72K + free WeWork membership)!

Hello, Community!
Can`t get enough of LOOMIA?
Check out the new article on Disruption Hub: A look at clothing technology with Lynne Guey of LOOMIA - what could be the potential for smart fabric for industry and consumers?
Hi everyone,

Happy fall! Popping in on behalf of the LOOMIA team with an update on the latest.

As a reminder, the previously open LOOMIA Telegram channel is no longer monitored. When token distribution ended on August 28, we converted to this new announcement-only channel so our team could focus on core product development. Please read our CEO Janett Liriano’s message from August 28: https://t.me/LOOMIA/35892

If you are a SAFT holder and have inquiries about the status of your tokens, please email a copy of your SAFT to token@loomia.com so that our team can look into the matter for you. We CANNOT make any statements regarding exchanges on this forum. This channel is dedicated solely to providing periodic updates on what the team is working on and keeping this community informed of key company announcements.

So, on to the updates! What are we up to these days?
- Our team is laser-focused on developing our core product, the LOOMIA Electronic Layer, for multiple applications with brands. Conversations are in place with various fashion, automotive, medical, and military companies.
- Janett is on the travel circuit, in the midst of an equity round that will be instrumental in helping us make the necessary hires to meet demand and deliver our product.
- Next week, Janett will be speaking at CUSP, a two-day conference for designers and innovators in Chicago. Following that, she will be back in San Francisco to participate in the prestigious Founder University in San Francisco for early-stage startups. She will then head to Los Angeles to participate in a blockchain & fashion panel at ReMode, a premier global fashion conference.
- This week, our founder Madison Maxey is speaking at Industrial Fabrics Association International Expo in Dallas this week, outlining a process & guidelines for developing scalable e-textiles based off the last five years of research at LOOMIA
- Old news but a goodie: In September, we traveled to Nashville for the WeWork Creator Awards as one of six finalist companies selected out of over 1,200 applicants. Janett delivered a winning pitch in front of the judging panel which included Ashton Kutcher, Dia Combs, and Brian Kelley & Taylor Hubbard of the Florida Georgia Line. We came home with a 3rd place win (along with $72,000), and were humbled to stand alongside other impressive finalists in the final tally.