Media is too big
Joe Rogan understands that January 6th was an inside job orchestrated by the FBI from within to destroy Trump supporters:
"Were they encouraging people to go inside?
That's where it gets weird.
Because if they were just there to make sure (people were safe) you would need to know if you were protecting and serving.
What if you're telling people to go in because you want to make arrests?
What if the thing was to make it look something it wasn't?
To encourage it to happen. Because you know that there's already going to be a bunch of people protesting.
Let them in and arrest them all.
Don't call it a guided tour, call it an insurrection.
Don't allow anybody to see the footage of the people just leading these folks around, pointing out what things are, letting them walk into the Senate floor.
Don't point that out. Get rid of that footage. And just have guys banging on the window."
Non Succede Mai Un CxxxO PODCAST - Puntata 1

Jeffrey Epstein Special

Benvenuti a NSMUC-Podcast, il luogo dove l'umorismo e il sarcasmo si uniscono per affrontare argomenti un po' più... 'speciali'.

Oggi, gettiamo uno sguardo sul mondo dei pazzi con il nostro 'Jeffrey Epstein Special'!
Chi l'avrebbe detto che un tema così serio potesse essere trattato con un tocco di ironia e un sorriso? Preparatevi per una puntata che promette risate, sarcasmo, e un po' di riflessione, perché qui niente è troppo sacro per il nostro approccio unico.

Iniziamo questo viaggio insieme, ma ricordatevi: prendiamo tutto con un pizzico di sarcasmo! Pronti? Via!

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