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נייעס, פאליטיק, קרישקעלעך און אבזערוואציעס פון א סאטמארער פערספעקטיוו.


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BREAKING: Police investigates if a bullet shot into a Jewish car on a highway 2 weeks ago is in connection with the Jersey City shooters
From today on, illegal immigrants can get New York State Drivers licence. #AmigoAlert #LiberalNewYork #MoveOut
.@YossiGestetner has a long #Kol_Mevaser 118 analysis regarding the alarming rise of anti-semitism, he published an op-ed in @WSJ about it.
Former Trump campaign aide Rick Gates has been sentenced to 45 days in jail, $20,000 fine, in result of the Mueller #WitchHunt. #PardonGates
Now marks one week since the horrific #JerseyCityShooting that left 2 Yiden dead HY"D. #NeverForget
Paul Manafort, whose life was destroyed by Mueller's #WitchHunt, is in hospital after suffering a "cardiac event" in prison. #PardonManafort
Yoish.. The #Kol_Mevaser Yiddish24 website is DOWN for the last few hours.. I thought only the regular phone number can be down..!
Photo: Spinka, Bobov 45 and Shvantze Rebbe together Menachem Uvel rShulem Dautch
די ארוינים זוכן עמערדזשענסי עמיצן וואס האט א ניגון אויף די ווערטער פון רבי'ן ז"ל "די אבות הקדושים זענען דא".
VSchmeltzer interviews Drezdner on #KM 114 with a new 1.5 hour program where they're revealing details about the #JerseyCityShooting.
The House is expected to formally impeach tomorrow President Trump. #WhoCares