Julio Ariza
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LATEST VAERS DATA: Of the 7,674 U.S. deaths reported as of Oct. 8, 11% occurred within 24 hours of vaccination, 16% occurred within 48 hours of vaccination and 28% occurred in people who experienced an onset of symptoms within 48 hours of being vaccinated. https://bit.ly/3BM5QLX

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We must work together to reinstate the right to medical informed consent, ensuring that those to whom these novel ‘vaccines’ are being offered, have access to all the relevant information on both safety and benefit. https://bit.ly/3BLRtY5

#TheDefender: SIGN UP TODAY--> https://bit.ly/2Qi3Qc8
“Children have wonderful immune systems compared to the later phases of their life” and that “hindering” the “learning” of a child’s immune system, or the “cells that defend us our whole lives” — with a “completely inorganic structure” such as a vaccine — is not the right thing to do. — Jorge Alcocer, Mexico's Health Minister https://bit.ly/3nzOL3m

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Citing data from Denmark, Dr. Robert Malone told Joe Rogan there seems to be “negative efficacy in correlation with increased doses” meaning the more doses or boosters an individual receives, the higher chance they’ll be infected.


Citando datos de Dinamarca, el Dr. Robert Malone dijo a Joe Rogan que parece haber una "eficacia negativa en correlación con el aumento de las dosis", lo que significa que cuantas más dosis o refuerzos reciba un individuo, mayor será la probabilidad de que se infecte.
