Joti Brar
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Scientific socialist.

Vice-chair of the Communists (CPGB-ML) in Britain. Spokesperson for the World Anti-imperialist Platform.

'Anyone who fears being covered with dust or muddying his boots, should not engage in social activity.’ – N Chernyshevsky
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Forwarded from red.
The Nuremberg Trials of Nazi war criminals are claimed as a US invention. But it was Soviet leader Joseph Stalin who for years pushed for an international war crimes tribunal which would be the first of its kind. Meanwhile US President Franklin D. Roosevelt and UK Prime Minister Winston Churchill preferred summary executions without trial. Here is the history.
Forwarded from NEWS: Ukraine, Russia, Donbass
Media is too big
The "Immortal Regiment" was also held in space.

It was attended by Russian cosmonauts on the ISS.
How is it that the militant French working class keep ending up with a technocratic 'little Napoleon' -- who the vast majority of them despise and would never vote for -- as president? Excellent analysis of the recent French election in this article.
Everything you need to know about our rulers' priorities right here.

On the same day that foreign secretary Liz Truss demanded we send MORE arms to Ukraine ... education minister Will Quince confirmed that the government will consult on whether to cut childcare ratios so that ONE adult can look after FIVE two-year-olds.

That's valuing the next generation alright.
Forwarded from Workers Party of Britain
Media is too big
On Sunday, the Government in Berlin issued an edict forbidding the carrying of any Soviet flags during the commemorations of the end of the Second World War.
27 million Russians lost their lives fighting the jackboot of German Nazism and Japanese fascism with British, US and Chinese allies.
What things could we do to address the cost of living crisis right now?

Nationalise ALL utilities and the food industry (and build/requisition social housing) so we can supply necessaries to our people securely, without worrying about what's happening on the world market, and at affordable prices.

Lift the minimum wage to the level required for a decent family existence.

Legislate for pay and benefit rises that keep pace with REAL inflation.

Stop devaluing the currency by endless money printing.

Stop throwing public money at private monopolies -- from private banks (too big to fail), privatised rail (too important to fail) and outsourced services (ditto) to private healthcare firms (Covid, catching up) and now the arms industry ("arms for Ukraine!"), the bungs to big business never seem to end (or get counted), while the poor are endlessly told never to ask for a pay rise "in case it causes inflation" (it won't).

Stop the drive to war against Russia and China.

Just a thought.
Forwarded from Workers Party of Britain
The Workers Party of Britain advocates an increase in the personal tax threshold for the poorest-paid.

Already before the economic crisis of 2020, there were 5.19 million people earning poverty pay – that is, pay below the living wage.
Wow. The punchlines just write themselves ...
Some surprisingly prophetic words in this editorial I wrote for the CP press back in 2004 as the 'Orange revolution' was kicking off in Ukraine.

"Anyone in the habit of following world affairs will have spotted a familiar pattern of propaganda and events. The Russophobic language and hostile portrayal of the millions of Ukrainians who support continuing close ties with Russia show clearly the real agenda behind the hypocritical concern for the people of Ukraine. Russia, that rival to imperialist hegemony in eastern Europe, must be weakened, and the Ukraine, situated on Russia’s borders and, coincidentally, on an important oil pipeline route, is the perfect vehicle.

"Evidence of US coup-plotting abounds ... What we don’t see so many pictures of are the newly confident fascist thugs reviving the traditions, and marching in the uniforms, of their collaborator grandfathers. They are just part of the coalition of businessmen and right-wingers supporting the US’s favourite ...

"So far, the USA was has not been able to get the result it paid for, and so it’s having another try. Even if Russia stands by and does nothing against such overtly hostile manoeuvring on its doorstep, the Ukrainian people are showing a justified unwillingness to allow the US to have its way. If the US is successful in its bid to install Yushchenko, this will very likely result in balkanisation of the country and increased US hegemony."

There are times it would be much nicer to be proved wrong.
Watch this masterful account from Harpal Brar of the factors that led to the Soviet victory in WW2.

Live this Friday at 9.00pm on Workers Party YouTube, Facebook, and Twitter accounts.
This is the truth about capitalism: inequality, extremes of rich and poor, are baked into the bones of this economic system. There is no escape while the free-market fundamentalists remain in charge.

Workers work so they can get poorer, at the same time fueling the growing wealth of a shrinking number of the super rich.

This is not news. It's all in Marx's Capital. Which is why they don't want you to read it!
This is the truth about post-Maidan Ukraine: Volodymr Zelensky is not the 'president' in any meaningful sense. He's an actor being paid (handsomely) to pose as a plausible/PR-friendly frontman for a CIA-controlled feifdom that is essentially policed by private fascist militia -- whose salaries and training all come from the west.

President Putin's government is right to act against this growing menace on its border, whose whole reason for being is to be a dagger pointed at Russia's land and people. The imperialists hate Russia's strength and independence and want to destroy them by any means necessary. What chaos, death and destruction are caused in the process are of no concern to these bloodsuckers.

I can't help wondering how British and American workers would feel if they really understood what their taxes were funding. If they knew that our governments are flooding not only Ukraine but all of Europe with uncounted weapons and Nazi thugs who know how to use them?

Do we imagine all this stops at the Ukrainian border?
This is big news. The author of this article is right: we need to be ready for a campaign of vilification by politicians and media — and to support the strikers achieve their goals.

If the first big struggle to defend wages against rampant inflation is successful it will give workers in other industries heart to take on their employers. Our rulers know this and will go all out to crush it.
The Russian army and government have made very clear their respect for life and for the internationally recognised rules of warfare. They are not perpetrating a Nazi or Nato-style blitzkrieg. If you hear of a school getting targeted it’s always a good idea to wonder why and look for further information.