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WTF Is WEF Leader Klaus Schwab Talking About?
Duration: 0:12:37

Maybe we’ll get lucky & Russia will invade America and our government will start sending money to the United States. #FingersCrossed

From $61 billion will save the day to $61 billion is not enough — in just one week. Shameless.

Media is too big
Jimmy Dore Show LIVE
April 29, 2024
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As Joe Biden is trying to kill, literally kill the most decorated journalist of our generation Julian Assange, establishment tools like this pretend Joe Biden is some kind of defender of journalism, free speech, or is even friendly to the citizens of the United States, which he is not.

Horrible human beings like this is why I have a popular show, so I guess I’m grateful, but I’d rather have to invent a popular show without these kind of monsters propagandizing my neighbor

Nicole Wallace claiming that if Donald Trump wins, he will end the free press and take Nicole Wallace off the air:
"Depending on what happens in November, this time next year, I might not be sitting here. There might not be a White House Correspondents Dinner or a free press.
While our democracy wouldn't exactly fall apart immediately without it, the real threat looms larger: A candidate with outward disdain, not just for a free press but for all of our freedoms. And for the rule of law itself."
Don't threaten us with a good time, Nicole.
The only way Wallace would be taken off the air next year is if MSNBC pays attention to her low ratings.

While it is fun to watch Donald Trump piss off the donor class & stick his thumb in their eye from time to time, he is a swamp creature who is only occasionally America first. His most recent capitulation to the war machine, by joining w/Mike Johnson & Joe Biden via Ukraine Was disgusting.

He still wants credit for the disastrous Covid vaccine (which is not a vaccine at all), which boggles my mind, And of course there’s this:

Trump wants to make protesting Israel illegal

They serve the same master

Media is too big
February 02, 2021

Newsweek Caught Lying For Biden About $2000 checks
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If these were scenes in Russia, China, Iran or any Arab country, Western media would be calling the protesters heroes, and damning the government for mass arrests and brutal crackdowns, while calling for regime change.

Since these scenes take place in the headquarters of the empire, the compliant journalists in NATO countries dare not make the assessment that the US needs a regime change, despite the President arming and enabling a genocide, while the federal and state governments brutally repress America’s students.

If students are all privileged, why is there so much student debt? As if a degree guarantees an upper middle class to elite income?

“Students” are also divided by class, not everyone is a legacy Ivy Leaguer.
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Creepy Joe Biden and his Hairy Legs (cartoon).
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I was wrong, Biden really is bringing the country together:

Both sides protesting at the University of Alabama are chanting FUCK JOE BIDEN 😂🇺🇸

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Media is too big
The CIA doesn’t work for the President, we’ve know that for sure since Chuck Schumer affirmed it on MSNBC in 2016 when he said Trump was being dumb to criticize the Intelligence Agencies cuz “they have 6 ways to Sunday to get back at him”.

So who does the CIA work for exactly?

The answer is the Billionaire Oligarchs who actually run the country & the western world. That’s why it’s such a joke when people say “Democracy is on the ballot”.

We don’t live in a Democracy we live in a full blown authoritarian Oligarchy & a surveillance state. The Constitution & your rights were taken from you decades ago.

Forwarded from PowerfulJRE
Media is too big
Joe Rogan Experience #2143 - Tulsi Gabbard
Duration: 2:39:42

Media is too big
I have friends who still think the TV news is there to inform them & give them “news”. Americans are the most propagandized people on earth & they have no idea they are.

If the TV new actually did inform people about what is going on in the world & who actually runs things it would cause a revolution, which is why they never tell you the truth about anything important.

Their job is to manufacture consent for the agenda of Oligarchy & the handful of Billionaires who actually run things.

They’ve pushed EVERY war in my lifetime. EVERY WAR.

Can you imagine Anderson Cooper coming on TV and saying:

“The government is lying to you about this war, it’s complete bullshit just like Iraq & Vietnam, it’s built on lies to enrich a handful of people at the expense of everyone else, this is about money & power & stealing natural resources for western corporations & everyone should immediately oppose it”.

And STILL people turn to them for news & information as if they’ve turned over a new leaf & rejected their funding from weapons manufacturers, Wall st. & Oil companies.

We are living in a world that is a mixture of Orwell’s “1984” & Huxely’s “Brave New World” & it’s amazing how perfectly comfortable people are with that.

When Hannah Arendt spoke of the banality of evil, she was thinking of Dana Bash. As women and children are slaughtered by the thousands this pig does propaganda for the foreign government responsible, while fanning the flames of fascism at home.

Today: Destruction, violence and hate overtake college campuses across the country with Jewish students feeling unsafe at their own schools. It is unacceptable, and harkening back to the 1930s in Europe.

Image being a “Free Speech - America First” person and also a subscriber to the “Israel First” Daily Wire who censors & gags anyone who doesn’t agree with them or Israel.

That’s got to be the Gold Medal in cognitive dissonance.

The Daily Wire (
) Secretly Sought and Obtained a Gag Order Against Candace Owens (
) While It Publicly Negotiated a Debate between Her and Ben Shapiro (

NOTE: Journalist
writes, "Candace Owens publicly invited her former Daily Wire colleague Ben Shapiro to a debate about "Israel and the current definition of antisemitism." It was Owens' criticisms of U.S. financing of Israel, and her criticisms of Israel's war in Gaza, that caused her departure from the Daily Wire two weeks earlier.

"But the debate was never going to happen. That is because the Daily Wire -- in secret and unbeknownst to its readers -- sought a gag order to be placed on Owens after she had called for a debate. They did this under the cover of secrecy, before a private arbitrator, at exactly the same time that they were claiming in public that they wanted this debate and were even negotiating the terms with her. To this date, the Daily Wire has not informed its readers, seeking to understand why the much-anticipated debate had not yet happened, that they had sought and obtained a gag order against Owens."
