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Forwarded from Tucker Carlson on X
Media is too big
Tucker Carlson

Uncensored: Election Fraud Exposed

Published Apr 26, 2024• 11 mins

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Watch the mental gymnastics Bill Maher does reflexively as he’s been trained to do by Pharma funded media & Pharma captured government, absolutely incredible, even his OWN audience laughs at him:

🚨💉Naomi Wolf: #Pfizer swapped the original formula of the approved COVID shots, for a more toxic formula
Pfizer swapped out the original formula of the Covid shots, approved under EUA, for a more toxic formula containing known carcinogenic substances.
The FDA Has Withheld 16,000+ Pages of Quality Control Documentation for Pfizer mRNA Vaccine, Citing ‘Trade Secrets

If you consider yourself an actual left wing person & support these elected Dems who support union busting Genocide Joe you are a sucker of the highest order.

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez & Bernie Sanders are there to make sure you DONT revolt against the Oligarchs & keep you invested in supporting the anti-worker pro-war Democrat party .

Can someone explain to me how letting politicians who support Genocide Joe make appearances at anti genocide protests help our movement?

How does Ilhan Omar for example showing up help? Honest question. She sold out her own people of Somalia and supports funding Nazis in Ukraine. She also is a strong supporter of the president we are protesting

I’ll make the argument that inviting these sellout politicians HURT the legitimacy of the movement but people are too caught up in celebrity worship to move in a tactical way

We don’t need politicians. They need us! That’s why they make these appearances at protests. Stop falling for it!


As someone who participated in years of protests against the Iraq War, here is my advice to the young heroes standing against the Gaza Genocide:

1) Do not let yourselves become infiltrated and co-opted by the Democratic Party. Slowly over time, our protests were infiltrated by Democratic politicians. The movement to End the War and prosecute the Bush regime ended up just becoming about winning the House & Senate in 2006, then electing Obama in 2008 — who all went on to adopt Bush’s foreign policy. They may say all the right things now in this moment; that’s the job of politicians. But look at the trend-line. Observe where things are going.

2) Document these protests. Remember them. Make them part of your generational story as the Vietnam protests were to Boomers. Do not let them be forgotten by forcefully-amnesic media narratives . Do not let it be erased from history.

3) More broadly, understand not just the horrors happening in Gaza, but also the domestic Zionist and military-industrial complex mechanisms seeking to control, infiltrate, co-opt, and disrupt you here — and turn you into the exact opposite of who you are right now. Understand that people are working to crush your protests on many levels — not just the police, but the media, the politicians, and people who may seem vaguely sympathetic.

4) Do not obsess over semantics and political labels. Do not obsess over “Am I a liberal? Am I a libertarian? Am I a socialist? Am I an anarchist?” These labels are irrelevant right now. You’re standing up against historic war crimes. That is what matters. And, also, we really can’t even have a meaningful discussion about political philosophy in a system that’s been captured by a mafia.

5) Stand up and speak up now. Right now. This moment in history will pass. You will wake up some day and 20 years will have passed. Do not miss your chance to stand up now, however you can, even if you’re a lone voice, even if it upsets people you know. This is the time, this is the place. Stand up for the children of Gaza.

6) Know that what you’re doing right now is truly important from a historical perspective. Even during the Iraq protests, the core focus never touched on Western support for Zionist occupation, and how that effectively controlled U.S. foreign policy. You’re doing something big and meaningful here. Be proud of yourself, and understand that you really are being brave and really are doing the right thing.
Forwarded from The Truth About Vaccines
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Watch Robert Kennedy Jr. Drop COVID Vaccine Truth Bombs on Bill Maher

• 25% of Americans believe they know someone who died because of the C19 shots

• 52% of Americans believe that the vaccines are causing injuries, including death.

• In Pfizer’s own trials, “people who got the vaccine had a 23% higher death rate from all causes at the end of that study.”

BILL MAHER: “But that [23% higher death rate] could not be the disease itself?”

KENNEDY: “If it is, then the vaccine doesn’t work, doesn’t it?”

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🚨🇮🇱🇺🇸 If you stand AGAINST GENOCIDE, this is how the American Government will treat you.

i enjoy people being publicly dumb for partisan purposes, you are a gold medalist in that endeavor.
Would love to see it, but Trump will never do this, he would be totally exposed as a swamp creature himself. He didn’t collude w/Russia, but did collude with Biden & Mike Johnson to keep the bullshit Ukraine war going, a war he promised to end in 24 hours if reelected.

When frightened men take to social media they risk descending into vitriol, which makes them sound unhinged. President Trump's rant against me is a barely coherent barrage of wild and inaccurate claims that should best be resolved in the American tradition of presidential debate. President Trump, who has proven himself the most adept debater in modern American political history, should not be panicked to meet me on that stage.

To preview my arguments, I will show how President Trump betrayed the hopes of his most sincere followers. He promised to end the Ukraine war and then colluded with Speaker Johnson and President Biden to fund it. He let Big Pharma and his corrupt bureaucrats run roughshod over him as President. He promised to cut the deficit and ran up the biggest debt in history. He promised to run the government like a business and then closed down our businesses. He promised to drain the swamp and then filled his administration with swamp creatures. He promised to protect our rights and then torpedoed the Constitution.

Instead of lobbing poisonous bombs from the safety of his bunker, let’s hear President Trump defend his record to me mano-a-mano by respectful, congenial debate.

EXCLUSIVE: Jimmy Dore Explains His Awakening, Unpacks Lies Of Past Decade!
Duration: 19:54

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Anybody who treats @AOC with anything but contempt is a dupe & a tool of establishment & empire.

🚨🇮🇱🇺🇸 AOC’s first MAJOR Foreign Policy decision was to allow the passage of $1 BILLION in US aid for ISRAEL’S IRON DONE & ZIONIST BOMBINGS on GAZA in 2021.

Columbia students SHOULD CONDEMN HER!

Media is too big
“Most moral army in the world”

An NBC News investigation into seven deadly airstrikes has found Palestinians were killed in areas of southern Gaza that the Israeli military had explicitly designated as safe zones.

@HalaGorani reports from Israel.

Media is too big
It’s hard to be even less funny than the current version of SNL, but he pulled it off.

This is the opposite of comedy. This is straight up propaganda masquerading as comedy. George Carlin just puked in his grave.

Colin Jost: "My grandpa voted for decency and decency is why we're all here tonight. Decency is how we're able to be here tonight. Decency is how we're able to make jokes about each other and one of us doesn't go to prison after..."

#WHCA #WHCD #nerdprom

“Mike You Suck!” Jeers Greet Speaker Johnson At Columbia!
Duration: 24:32

“I Was STABBED In The Eye!” – Lying Zionist Counterprotester
Duration: 0:18:04
